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Should the oneness of humanity be taught in all schools worldwide

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
The Baha’i World Community offered its experience as a global community to the United Nations in 1986 so it’s up to world leaders to decide for themselves if they wish look at using some or all of it. The Foundation is the oneness of mankind.

So how is Baha'i supposed to work?
The Baha'i community? I have been around Baha'is. The main thing they do is find ways to "teach" their religion to others. Lots of their laws are not enforced. So, what is the U.N. supposed to look at? Why not look at the "communities" in the other religions? Are Islamic communities working? When the various sects of Christianity have control over an area, did those communities work?

The probably worked just fine... as long as people followed the rules. But what happened when they didn't? As we are learning, if a Baha'i doesn't follow the approved leaders, they can get kicked out. If they don't follow all the rules, they can get sanctioned.

So, yes, the Baha'i model works. Join and believe in the proper succession of leadership. Obey the UHJ and teach the Faith, and all will be good. So, how does the U.N. apply that?

But there are more teachings that the Baha'is recommend. That all nations disarm... That they elect a world tribunal... There are so many. But the first and most basic teaching that, for some Baha'is, that must be taught now... is the "oneness" of humanity. What could it hurt to teach it to our children. Make them all world citizens. Get them on a path to following the teachings of the Baha'i Faith. What's wrong with that? Of course, Baha'is would deny that is the goal and ultimate plan.


Veteran Member
In a way, I agree with Baha'is and you... that all the major religions are equally true. But I don't necessarily believe like the Baha'is that some God sent a special manifestation to teach certain things to certain people in certain places at certain times.

I think it's possible that people made up their own Gods and religions that fit their culture. The Baha'i Faith comes into it in a slightly different way. They say that there's this one God that had his special messenger give people social and spiritual laws and teachings specific for that time. But then the people screwed up those teachings by adding things in and misinterpreting the original message.

But there is no "original" message in most all religions. All we have is what the people, the followers of the religion tell us. So, essentially, it is a message made up by the people. It is those messages written by the followers that tell us about their prophet and what he taught. And if there is a God in their beliefs, it is the people that tell us about that God and how he interacted with the people. For me, it's all way too easily made up.

But then what do we do with the Baha'i Faith? I disagree with too many of its teachings to believe it's true, so what is it? And if it is true, then it has the laws and moral rules that all the world is supposed to live by? Then, for me, the problem is... Who's going to enforce these supposed laws from God? A Diving Police Force?
Of course from my pov "equally true" is
actually "equally false".

The practice of religions is quite distinct from
any truth in the god- claims whuch imo, are all
equally false.

Many religions / practice of, are quite
harmless or benign.

Bahai is one i particularly distrust, for the
brain dead acceptance of these goofy
" messengers", the "everything will be
peachy ( only ) when everyone is like us",
and the" progressive revelation" so wide
open for unimagjned abuse.

My less- than wholehearted enthusiasm for govt
policy got me in some trouble but i am 110%
behind keeling that faith out of China.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Bahai is one i particularly distrust, for the
brain dead acceptance of these goofy
" messengers", the "everything will be
peachy ( only ) when everyone is like us",
and the" progressive revelation" so wide
open for unimagjned abuse.

My less- than wholehearted enthusiasm for govt
policy got me in some trouble but i am 110%
behind keeling that faith out of China.
It is fully expected there will be multitudes that have the same mindset you have offered.

"How great, how very great is the Cause! How very fierce the onslaught of all the peoples and kindreds of the earth. Ere long shall the clamor of the multitude throughout Africa, throughout America, the cry of the European and of the Turk, the groaning of India and China, be heard from far and near. One and all, they shall arise with all their power to resist His Cause. Then shall the knights of the Lord, assisted by His grace from on high, strengthened by faith, aided by the power of understanding, and reinforced by the legions of the Covenant, arise and make manifest the truth of the verse: `Behold the confusion that hath befallen the tribes of the defeated!'"

Stupendous as is the struggle which His words foreshadow, they also testify to the complete victory which the upholders of the Greatest Name are destined eventually to achieve. Peoples, nations, adherents of divers faiths, will jointly and successively arise to shatter its unity, to sap its force, and to degrade its holy name. They will assail not only the spirit which it inculcates, but the administration which is the channel, the instrument, the embodiment of that spirit. For as the authority with which Bahá'u'lláh has invested the future Bahá'í Commonwealth becomes more and more apparent, the fiercer shall be the challenge which from every quarter will be thrown at the verities it enshrines. Shoghi Effendi.

The oneness of humanity is the key, one world language also needed.

Regards Tony
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Veteran Member
It is fully expected there will be multitudes that have the same mindset you have offered.

"How great, how very great is the Cause! How very fierce the onslaught of all the peoples and kindreds of the earth. Ere long shall the clamor of the multitude throughout Africa, throughout America, the cry of the European and of the Turk, the groaning of India and China, be heard from far and near. One and all, they shall arise with all their power to resist His Cause. Then shall the knights of the Lord, assisted by His grace from on high, strengthened by faith, aided by the power of understanding, and reinforced by the legions of the Covenant, arise and make manifest the truth of the verse: `Behold the confusion that hath befallen the tribes of the defeated!'"

Stupendous as is the struggle which His words foreshadow, they also testify to the complete victory which the upholders of the Greatest Name are destined eventually to achieve. Peoples, nations, adherents of divers faiths, will jointly and successively arise to shatter its unity, to sap its force, and to degrade its holy name. They will assail not only the spirit which it inculcates, but the administration which is the channel, the instrument, the embodiment of that spirit. For as the authority with which Bahá'u'lláh has invested the future Bahá'í Commonwealth becomes more and more apparent, the fiercer shall be the challenge which from every quarter will be thrown at the verities it enshrines. Shoghi Effendi.

The oneness of humanity is the key, one world language also needed.

Regards Tony
They all say that there will be scoffers.
As well there should be.

The more you chant gibberish the worse you look.

And there wont ever be enough with your " mindset"
to even make a fizzle, let alone do anything " stupendous".

You can all learn cantonese if you like.

But " oneness" with you, ha. As if.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The thing non Baha’is don’t know is that nowhere throughout all the courses is there any conversion attempt or element.
What need is there for a conversion element? The Ruhi classes indoctrinate people in Baha'i belief then all Baha'i have to do is ask them if they want to sign a card when they hang around in my view.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
"How great, how very great is the Cause! How very fierce the onslaught of all the peoples and kindreds of the earth. Ere long shall the clamor of the multitude throughout Africa, throughout America, the cry of the European and of the Turk, the groaning of India and China, be heard from far and near. One and all, they shall arise with all their power to resist His Cause. Then shall the knights of the Lord, assisted by His grace from on high, strengthened by faith, aided by the power of understanding, and reinforced by the legions of the Covenant, arise and make manifest the truth of the verse: `Behold the confusion that hath befallen the tribes of the defeated!'"

Stupendous as is the struggle which His words foreshadow, they also testify to the complete victory which the upholders of the Greatest Name are destined eventually to achieve. Peoples, nations, adherents of divers faiths, will jointly and successively arise to shatter its unity, to sap its force, and to degrade its holy name. They will assail not only the spirit which it inculcates, but the administration which is the channel, the instrument, the embodiment of that spirit. For as the authority with which Bahá'u'lláh has invested the future Bahá'í Commonwealth becomes more and more apparent, the fiercer shall be the challenge which from every quarter will be thrown at the verities it enshrines. Shoghi Effendi.
Yeah, sounds great... if you're a Baha'i. Your "cause" is destined to prevail. Not much different than some of the other religions say. But if "scoffers" are wrong and against what you believe to be God's truth, then there is no "oneness". Not everybody is equal and free to do and think as they please. There is only one way for peace and unity to succeed, and that is when all people agree and believe in what the Baha'i Faith teaches. Anything less will not get us to peace and unity.

So, for the good of the world, at some point is it going to be necessary to eradicate "scoffers"? Won't they be poisoning the world with their disbelief and unwillingness to obey what you believe to be God's laws? Just like Baha'is say that any leader and nation that rises up to cause trouble should be put down by all the other "good" leaders and nations?

If the Baha'i Faith had the majority and had the means to enforce "God's" laws, why wouldn't they? Of course, for the good of mankind.


Veteran Member
It is fully expected there will be multitudes that have the same mindset you have offered.
Yes, it is expected, but it will not do them any good. It never did.
The opposition only helps the Cause of God move forward! :)

“From the beginning of the world until the present time each ‘Manifestation’ 1 sent from God has been opposed by an embodiment of the ‘Powers of Darkness’.

This dark power has always endeavoured to extinguish the light. Tyranny has ever sought to overcome justice. Ignorance has persistently tried to trample knowledge underfoot. This has, from the earliest ages, been the method of the material world.

In the time of Moses, Pharaoh set himself to prevent the Mosaic Light being spread abroad.

In the day of Christ, Annas and Caiaphas inflamed the Jewish people against Him and the learned doctors of Israel joined together to resist His Power. All sorts of calumnies were circulated against Him. The Scribes and Pharisees conspired to make the people believe Him to be a liar, an apostate, and a blasphemer. They spread these slanders throughout the whole Eastern world against Christ, and caused Him to be condemned to a shameful death!

In the case of Muhammad also, the learned doctors of His day determined to extinguish the light of His influence. They tried by the power of the sword to prevent the spread of His teaching.

In spite of all their efforts the Sun of Truth shone forth from the horizon. In every case the army of light vanquished the powers of darkness on the battlefield of the world, and the radiance of the Divine Teaching illumined the earth. Those who accepted the Teaching and worked for the Cause of God became luminous stars in the sky of humanity.

Those who would have men believe that religion is their own private property once more bring their efforts to bear against the Sun of Truth: they resist the Command of God; they invent calumnies, not having arguments against it, neither proofs. They attack with masked faces, not daring to come forth into the light of day.

No one casts stones at a tree without fruit. No one tries to extinguish a lamp without light!

Regard the former times. Had the calumnies of Pharaoh any effect? He affirmed that Moses was a murderer, that he had slain a man and deserved to be executed! He also declared that Moses and Aaron were fomenters of discord, that they tried to destroy the religion of Egypt and therefore must be put to death. These words of Pharaoh were vainly spoken. The light of Moses shone. The radiance of the Law of God has encircled the world!

When the Pharisees said of Christ that He had broken the Sabbath Day, that He had defied the Law of Moses, that He had threatened to destroy the Temple and the Holy City of Jerusalem, and that He deserved to be crucified—We know that all these slanderous attacks had no result in hindering the spread of the Gospel!

The Sun of Christ shone brilliantly in the sky, and the breath of the Holy Spirit wafted over the whole earth!

And I say unto you that no calumny is able to prevail against the Light of God; it can only result in causing it to be more universally recognized. If a cause were of no significance, who would take the trouble to work against it!.”

Abdul-Baha, Paris Talks

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Are we still talking about "oneness"? Or is it now "us vs. them"? And the "us" being the Baha'i Faith against all the evil people trying to stop it.

Don't Baha'is think it is odd that religions like Christianity and Islam spread by fighting and conquering and forcing people to convert?

And, as with the Christianity, what was the "truth" that got spread? That Jesus was God? That if people didn't accept Jesus they would die in their sins and burn in hell? Baha'is do just as much as Atheists in debunking all those types of Christian claims and beliefs.
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One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Are we still talking about "oneness"? Or is it now "us vs. them"? And the "us" being the Baha'i Faith against all the evil people trying to stop it.

Don't Baha'is think it is odd that religions like Christianity and Islam spread for fighting and conquering and forcing people to convert?

And, as with the Christianity, what was the "truth" that got spread? That Jesus was God? That if people didn't accept Jesus they would die in their sins and burn in hell? Baha'is do just as much as Atheists in debunking all those types of Christian claims and beliefs.
Was other people that changed the discussion from the OP.

Question is, is the Oneness of Humanity a key to future peace, should it be taught in schools?

The Baha'i say yes, so when such a good logical point is made, the heckling will bring other tangents, God forbid that the Baha'i have something useful to offer.

Regards Tony


Well-Known Member
Was other people that changed the discussion from the OP.

Question is, is the Oneness of Humanity a key to future peace, should it be taught in schools?

The Baha'i say yes, so when such a good logical point is made, the heckling will bring other tangents, God forbid that the Baha'i have something useful to offer.

Regards Tony
Do the Bahai'i have something useful to offer? Useful means practical ability to achieve specific goals. The Baha'i have yet to propose or commit t any specific goals. No practical initiatives, tactics, or tasks.

The Baha'i have done nothing to engender trust. You don't get trust simply by saying that you deserve it. The fact that the Baha'i do not seem to understand that ability or competence must be demonstrated is even more damning. It is almost like they are going out of their way to appear incompetent to the task, simply to have an excused to be offended when they are scoffed at..


Veteran Member
The Baha'i have yet to propose or commit t any specific goals. No practical initiatives, tactics, or tasks.

The Baha'i have done nothing to engender trust. You don't get trust simply by saying that you deserve it. The fact that the Baha'i do not seem to understand that ability or competence must be demonstrated is even more damning. It is almost like they are going out of their way to appear incompetent to the task, simply to have an excused to be offended when they are scoffed at..
How do you know any of this as a fact?


Veteran Member
Was other people that changed the discussion from the OP.

Question is, is the Oneness of Humanity a key to future peace, should it be taught in schools?
How? It is an abstract phrase that is vague. Most everyone already knows what peace means and wants it. What is the Baha'i policy if you are attacked? Just stand there and get beat up?
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Was other people that changed the discussion from the OP.
For very valid reasons in my view Tony, being a member of an organisation that shuns covenant breakers and opposes gay marriage whilst talking about oneness of humanity is just talking out both sides of one's mouth as I see it.
Question is, is the Oneness of Humanity a key to future peace, should it be taught in schools?
It was taught in my school, I dont see any problem with it.
The Baha'i say yes, so when such a good logical point is made, the heckling will bring other tangents, God forbid that the Baha'i have something useful to offer.

Regards Tony
It is more than mere heckling to call on the Baha'i organisation to practice what it preaches in my view.


Admiral Obvious
Question is, is the Oneness of Humanity a key to future peace, should it be taught in schools?
That is two questions.
The first is still being heavily debated, the second is no since one specific religions beliefs should not be required teaching in all schools world wide.

The Baha'i say yes, so when such a good logical point is made, the heckling will bring other tangents, God forbid that the Baha'i have something useful to offer.
Please present the "good logical point" that was made for Baha'i teachings to made required learning in all schools worldwide.