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Should the oneness of humanity be taught in all schools worldwide

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
A world commonwealth is not new? An end to war not substantive? A world auxiliary language, world citizenship and a world society governed by cooperation not confrontation. It’s the next stage in humanity’s evolution and is inevitable.
Why don't Baha'is here on the forum discuss the Peace Statement?

But about "practical" steps, it's a big giant step to get to a world commonwealth and to get all the nations to disarm. What are the baby steps to get there?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The ‘good logical point’ is the elimination of prejudices which are the cause of wars. People demonise each others race, religion and countries and the media as well and this only fuels conflicts and hatreds. I believe education is the only effective way to stop wars and establish peace.
Witewashing religions blinds people to inevitable impending conflicts in my view, and is just as dishonest as demonising them. Beware the whitewashers!


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I believe that the ideas that our race, religion or nation is superior needs to be done away with
Okay so one group proposes human sacrifice, another proposes killing non-believers, another treating people according to human rights where possible. You just declared all these groups equal in my view, what now?


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Why don't Baha'is here on the forum discuss the Peace Statement?

But about "practical" steps, it's a big giant step to get to a world commonwealth and to get all the nations to disarm. What are the baby steps to get there?
I would like to guess that it has been quoted hundreds of times over the years, maybe e en to you numerous times, so why has no one paid attention to it to date, would be the more applicable question.

Regards Tony

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
I would like to guess that it has been quoted hundreds of times over the years, maybe e en to you numerous times, so why has no one paid attention to it to date, would be the more applicable question.

Regards Tony
Let me guess... the baby steps are first go to a Baha'i meeting and hear what the Baha'i Faith is all about. Then read some books about the Baha'i Faith. After learning about it, then a person should sign a declaration card and join the Baha'i Faith. Then, after learning more, tell others about the Baha'i Faith. Even hold meetings yourself.

At some point the world is going to realize, "Hey, these Baha'is have some good ideas. Why don't we incorporate some of them into our society." All people would believe that all people are one. That all races are one. That all religions are one. Then the people of the world would think, "Hey, why don't we elect a world tribunal that acts as arbitrators between nation that have disagreement. And we will have a world police force to make sure that the nations abide by the rulings. Also, as the Baha'i Faith teaches, if one nation tries to cause trouble, all the other nations should rise up and put down that nation. Of course, all nations will follow the Baha'i recommendation to disarm, except for just a few weapons to maintain order within its borders."

After some time, it becomes apparent that something more is needed. The last step in the plan is for all the world to live in peace and happiness under one religion. All people will be living by and being obedient to the laws of God as taught by the Baha'i Faith. It will be the "most" great peace.

I doubt if you'll like the way I summarized the Baha'i plan, but if you don't... why aren't Baha'is telling us the complete plan that Baha'is have for the world? Instead of just trying to get bits and pieces of their plan, like the "oneness" of humanity taught in schools. Let me add more... The Baha'i Faith believes it is the only way for the world to get to a place where it can live in peace. Jesus is not coming. Krishna, as the Kalki Avatar, is not coming. The Messiah is not coming. Baha'is believe he has already come, and their prophet, Baha'u'llah is the one. He, Baha'is believe, is the one promised to come by all religions. He is the one that has the truth from God for this day and age. No one else, can fix the problems of the world.
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Admiral Obvious
I would like to guess that it has been quoted hundreds of times over the years, maybe e en to you numerous times, so why has no one paid attention to it to date, would be the more applicable question.

Regards Tony
Seems to me you just "explained" why.
It has already been delivered, right?
We are all just to (insert adjective here) to hear it.

Of course, if that is all you have to offer up, then it is still just as though it was never delivered, right?


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
Seems to me you just "explained" why.
It has already been delivered, right?
We are all just to (insert adjective here) to hear it.

Of course, if that is all you have to offer up, then it is still just as though it was never delivered, right?
Stop complaining about it, it is still 100% available, easy to access, my guess is most are just not interested in pursuing it, as yet, but one day they will.

Here is your copy.

The Promise of World Peace.

You have been served.

Regards Tony
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One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
why aren't Baha'is telling us the complete plan that Baha'is have for the world?
That is because CG the lesser peace will take a global effort by all Nations of the earth based on the Councels God has given us. It will not be the Baha'i in control of this. What the Baha'i have is a model of world administrative order that can guide the establishment of the elected world legislative body that will initiate the Lesser Peace.

Nothing else we can do now CG, the horse has bolted nearing the edge of the cliff on a very dark night.

Regards Tony


Well-Known Member
Stop complaining about it, it is still 100% available, easy to access, my guess is most are just not interested in pursuing it, as yet, but one day they will.

Here is your copy.

The Promise of World Peace.

You have been served.

Regards Tony
Already read it. There are no practical steps in there. Just generalities. The closest that the whole text comes to practically is with the bloodthirsty line, "The fundamental principle underlying this solemn Pact should be so fixed that if any government later violate any one of its provisions, all the governments on earth should arise to reduce it to utter submission, nay the human race as a whole should resolve, with every power at its disposal, to destroy that government."

Holy Gangland Governments, Batman!


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Hmmm. the word 'acquired' implies that the prejudices were gotten from somewhere else. Whereas, it is clear that our prejudices are produced by our own thinking.

Too broad a statement. Treaties and ceasefires are often temporary. But you are ignoring the ceasefires and treaties that have given lasting results so that you can make that wild overreach.

This was turning into a run-on sentence, so I am putting a period here. Again, while that is one of the problems that we have, that is not "the" problem. It is one of the problems. Moreover it is not one of our problems today. It has been one of our problems throughout the extent of human history. It is not new to now. And it not worse now. It is much safer for me to travel the US today than it would have been for my parents when I was born back in the 60's.


You need to do some more research into what this means, and how it applies. When Lewis and Clark took their expedition across the US almost every group they encountered were literally tribal. The expedition, known as the Lewis and Clark Expedition, took place from 1804 to 1806 and was a peaceful mission for the most part. Their interactions with Native American tribes were primarily diplomatic and trade-oriented.

Being tribal does not mean that you have a hostile or prejudicial nature. In fact, I would take pains to highlight that it was the nationals who introduced the amped-up prejudices, broken treaties and genocide over two continents.

History is replete with examples of entities—be it nations, leaders, or organizations—claiming a desire to unite humanity or bring about peace, but whose real intentions or actions led to conquest and domination. This pattern is seen across different eras and civilizations and is a critical aspect of understanding historical narratives.

The proclaimed intention of uniting or bringing peace can sometimes be a facade for more self-serving or aggressive goals. It's a reminder of the importance of critically examining historical and current events, looking beyond official rhetoric to understand the true motives and consequences of actions taken by groups espousing such philosophies.

Is the Baha'i slogan ‘we are all one humanity’ or 'oneness of humanity' a facade for more self-serving or aggressive goals? What have you done to earn my trust?
The proof that it is not a facade is the existence of a world community comprised of a cross section of the human race from every religion, race and nation who are united working together under world governance now for over 60 years. So it’s not just empty words but an actual world community functioning on the principle of the oneness of humanity. If we can do it then it’s proof it can be done and is no pipe dream. Now is the time that humanity, matured through two great wars can come together and put aside its differences and unite as we have done.


Well-Known Member
The proof that it is not a facade is the existence of a world community comprised of a cross section of the human race from every religion, race and nation who are united working together under world governance now for over 60 years.
Cool. Can we toss out the Baha'i faith and its conceptions of the oneness of humanity and just go with our current course?

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Already read it. There are no practical steps in there. Just generalities. The closest that the whole text comes to practically is with the bloodthirsty line, "The fundamental principle underlying this solemn Pact should be so fixed that if any government later violate any one of its provisions, all the governments on earth should arise to reduce it to utter submission, nay the human race as a whole should resolve, with every power at its disposal, to destroy that government."

Holy Gangland Governments, Batman!
Generalities... As if we are looking at one nation being the problem. What do the Baha'is recommend when it's several nations? All the other "good" and "peaceful" nations rise up against them? That's still war and not peace. But what about when it's some people within several nations. Attack those nations and kill the good people too? By accident of course.

Same with the Baha'i disarmament plan. All nations disarm? I've asked the Baha'is before, what if some of the nations hide some weapons? I could even see some of the "good" nations doing that, because they don't trust that all of the other nations will completely disarm. Then what?

But the Baha'is plan allows for some weapons to maintain security within their borders? What? They need weapons to keep their own people under control but don't need weapons to maintain security from other nations attacking them?

The biggest problem for Baha'is, though, is that they "claim" or "believe" this information came from one, all-knowing God. But what kind of track record does this God have? No one has ever been able to follow his plans and laws perfectly. Yet, Baha'is are confident, that this time things will be different.

As if there haven't already been problems following the Baha'i rules. Including their "oneness" of humanity belief. There will always be some people that think they are better than the others. And some people will be better. They'll be smarter, stronger, and a very important characteristic when it comes to religion, more charismatic and able to persuade others to follow them.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
The proof that it is not a facade is the existence of a world community comprised of a cross section of the human race from every religion, race and nation who are united working together under world governance now for over 60 years.
I was there when the Dialogue Magazine incident happened. The magazine was shut down and some of the people involved got kicked out of the Baha'i Faith. Then, just recently in another thread, there were people that believed in Baha'u'llah but not Abdul Baha' and Shoghi Effendi.

The Baha'i Faith is not perfect. People need to follow and obey those in control of the Baha'i Faith. If they do, then there will be "unity". Unity in believing certain things in a certain way. Believe different and the person will run into trouble. If they don't submit and fall in line, then they might get kicked out.

Dialogue Magazines article, "A Modest Proposal"


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The proof that it is not a facade is the existence of a world community comprised of a cross section of the human race from every religion, race and nation who are united working together under world governance now for over 60 years.
It is not comprised of a cross section of humanity because to truly be comprised of a cross section of humanity it would need to be comprised of those who disagree militantly since these types exist in real life in my view.

Otherwise many religions can claim to be comprised of people who were formerly of other religions in my view.


Well-Known Member
That is what will happen anyway. There are less than a million people on this planet that think Baha'i has any relevance whatsoever. It's a group of dreamers, all talk, no action.
Some of them put passive-aggressive sunflowers :sunflower: on posts that annoy them. I suppose that is an action of sorts.

@CG Didymus posted an interesting article from Dialogue Magazines article, "A Modest Proposal". Seems some members back in the early 70's suggested helping people in alignment with Baha'i statements of how people should be helped...and promptly got shunned.


Premium Member
Some of them put passive-aggressive sunflowers :sunflower: on posts that annoy them. I suppose that is an action of sorts.

@CG Didymus posted an interesting article from Dialogue Magazines article, "A Modest Proposal". Seems some members back in the early 70's suggested helping people in alignment with Baha'i statements of how people should be helped...and promptly got shunned.
I get the 'funny' sarcastic ones on mine. It's against the rules, but who cares. If that's the best you got, well, what can I say? Yes, as with any organization of this ilk, it would be incredibly difficult to get any changes. Its the same people or clones of the same people in charge. UHJ members are always elected from the ITC, and the ITC (maybe I got this lettering wrong) is appointed by the UHJ. So you want a cushy appointment ... just agree, agree, and agree some more. If you want out, disagree. Simple.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Some of them put passive-aggressive sunflowers :sunflower: on posts that annoy them. I suppose that is an action of sorts.

@CG Didymus posted an interesting article from Dialogue Magazines article, "A Modest Proposal". Seems some members back in the early 70's suggested helping people in alignment with Baha'i statements of how people should be helped...and promptly got shunned.
Some Baha'is are very loving, kind, humble people that are very accepting of people with different beliefs. But then there are the ones that have to maintain order and keep people from straying too far from what a "good" "obedient" Baha'i should do. I took the Dialogue Magazine incident hard. Those were my kind of Baha'is.

But I can understand the problem that Baha'i leaders have. They need to keep the chain of command intact. After all, they believe the nine leaders in the UHJ, Universal House of Justice, that when they meet and come to a decision, it is as if it came from God.

That's what made the thread the Religion section about the Baha'i covenant so interesting. There were believers in the Baha'i prophet, Baha'u'llah, that didn't believe that the way the leadership was passed down was legitimate. Those that questioned it at the time got kicked out and shunned, including members of the prophet's own family.

So yeah, peace and love and unity sound great. It did back then, and it still does now. But for the Baha'i Faith to bring peace, love and unity to the world, it depends on people believing in the religion and obeying its rules.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
That is what will happen anyway. There are less than a million people on this planet that think Baha'i has any relevance whatsoever. It's a group of dreamers, all talk, no action.
The concept of oneness does matter very much in light of the current day situation where relationships between races, religions and nations have broken down in many cases into wars. Russia vs Ukraine = human beings killing equal human beings in real terms. The national terms are delusional. It’s the same with races and religions. Our common humanity needs to come first not our race, religion or nationality.

So why doesn’t the world put our common humanity first? Because it is taught from childhood that its loyalty is first to country, race or religion not the common good. In many cases, this seemingly harmless education breeds and fosters prejudices which are the main cause of wars because those fighting are told to see the other side as the ‘enemy’ not ‘fellow human beings’ which the concept of oneness teaches.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
The concept of oneness does matter very much in light of the current day situation where relationships between races, religions and nations have broken down in many cases into wars. Russia vs Ukraine = human beings killing equal human beings in real terms. The national terms are delusional. It’s the same with races and religions. Our common humanity needs to come first not our race, religion or nationality.

So why doesn’t the world put our common humanity first? Because it is taught from childhood that its loyalty is first to country, race or religion not the common good. In many cases, this seemingly harmless education breeds and fosters prejudices which are the main cause of wars because those fighting are told to see the other side as the ‘enemy’ not ‘fellow human beings’ which the concept of oneness teaches.
In the U.S. in my lifetime, the barriers between people of different skin color broke down in many ways. But besides skin color, it's their cultural differences too. There's lots of reason for the dominant group, the white anglo protestant or catholic or whatever, but mainly white, to be worried about these other "people" and their different "ways". I'm going to talk mainly about the Black and White relationships, but with all people of all colors, things are getting better.

In the 60's, all of us young people got our education. We saw how minorities were being treated. And we weren't buying into the fears. We tried the food. We listened to their music. And we started hanging out with people that were different than us. Out of all of those things it was music, and it still is music that is bringing people together.

From songs being covered by white singers to finally letting Blacks be allowed to sing their songs on major radio stations. To learn that our favorite English and American rock groups listened and learned their style from Black blues guitarists and singers. Anyway, Soul, Rhythm and Blues, and now Rap and Hip Hop, it's still the music that is bringing people together in big ways. Oh, and sports too. From banning Blacks from sports to now having Blacks as our major sports heroes. All within my lifetime. Now that was an education.