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Should the oneness of humanity be taught in all schools worldwide

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
The original natives of many countries should have equal rights to everyone else is what I believe. White people have often oppressed and or invaded the natives and treated them very badly. One example is the stolen generations of aborigines in Australia. Injustices done need to be remedied as much as is possible.

What do Baha'is recommend?

To preserve their culture.
That's what's recommended by the Baha'i Faith to remedy the injustices?
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CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Was it foretold in the Torah? Like right now Christians are celebrating the birth of Jesus. Was it really foretold? Here's some of the things said in Isaiah 7.

6 “Let us invade Judah; let us tear it apart and divide it among ourselves, and make the son of Tabeel king over it.” 7 Yet this is what the Sovereign Lord says:“‘It will not take place,
it will not happen...10 Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz, 11 “Ask the Lord your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.”12 But Ahaz said, “I will not ask; I will not put the Lord to the test.”13 Then Isaiah said, “Hear now, you house of David! Is it not enough to try the patience of humans? Will you try the patience of my God also? 14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you[c] a sign: The virgin[d] (Or young woman) will conceive and give birth to a son, and[e] will call him Immanuel.[f] 15 He will be eating curds and honey when he knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, 16 for before the boy knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, the land of the two kings you dread will be laid waste. 17 The Lord will bring on you and on your people and on the house of your father a time unlike any since Ephraim broke away from Judah—he will bring the king of Assyria.”

To myself it was very easy to see Christ as the Promised Messiah just by His spiritual greatness.
Yes, but the question was about Jews accepting Jesus. If you were a Jew and read in the gospel of Matthew about the fulfillment of a prophecy about a child being born to a virgin, and you read the verses in Isaiah that were supposedly that prophecy, would you be okay with it? You read that one verse, 7:14, and be satisfied that indeed, that was talking about the coming Messiah. Yet, all the rest of the verses had nothing to do with the Messiah?

Sorry, but that is way too cherry-picked for me. But you say his "spiritual greatness" is enough for you? What exactly? Since all we know about him was written by his followers. And Baha'is don't believe everything that they wrote about him.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Yes, but the question was about Jews accepting Jesus. If you were a Jew and read in the gospel of Matthew about the fulfillment of a prophecy about a child being born to a virgin, and you read the verses in Isaiah that were supposedly that prophecy, would you be okay with it? You read that one verse, 7:14, and be satisfied that indeed, that was talking about the coming Messiah. Yet, all the rest of the verses had nothing to do with the Messiah?
Good point.

1. There is no verse about a virgin giving birth. Isaiah 7:14 is about a young woman, and in the verse she is already pregnant -- it is not a prophecy.
2. We believe this verse to be about King Hezekiah, not the messiah. So... no relationship to Jesus whatsoever.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Practical steps please.
I’m not sure what you mean by practical steps because this will be an initiative implemented by the governments and their people and it is up to them to formulate the steps to a peaceful world society. All we believe is that the world situation will become so unbearable that the governments of the world will call for a world gathering to try and thrash out a solution to stop wars. But this has nothing to do with Baha’is.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Yes, but the question was about Jews accepting Jesus. If you were a Jew and read in the gospel of Matthew about the fulfillment of a prophecy about a child being born to a virgin, and you read the verses in Isaiah that were supposedly that prophecy, would you be okay with it? You read that one verse, 7:14, and be satisfied that indeed, that was talking about the coming Messiah. Yet, all the rest of the verses had nothing to do with the Messiah?

Sorry, but that is way too cherry-picked for me. But you say his "spiritual greatness" is enough for you? What exactly? Since all we know about him was written by his followers. And Baha'is don't believe everything that they wrote about him.
We can’t say that the Jews won’t accept Christ and other later Manifestations in the future and I believe they will. I can only speak for myself and after investigating the Manifestations of God and that I found their claims to be true.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
That's what's recommended by the Baha'i Faith to remedy the injustices?
It’s a complex issue with many aspects and issues and will involve in depth consultation with their communities. If I already posted I apologise.



Well-Known Member
I’m not sure what you mean by practical steps because this will be an initiative implemented by the governments and their people and it is up to them to formulate the steps to a peaceful world society. All we believe is that the world situation will become so unbearable that the governments of the world will call for a world gathering to try and thrash out a solution to stop wars. But this has nothing to do with Baha’is.
You realize that you are offering nothing that is either new or substantive?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
You realize that you are offering nothing that is either new or substantive?
A world commonwealth is not new? An end to war not substantive? A world auxiliary language, world citizenship and a world society governed by cooperation not confrontation. It’s the next stage in humanity’s evolution and is inevitable.


Well-Known Member
A world commonwealth is not new?
It is not. History is full of proposals for one. Dating back to the Greek stoics and (I am told) the Mahabharata .

Or for something more modern read Kant's Perpetual Peace from 1795

An end to war not substantive?
It is not. Substance requires practical steps to accomplishing the stated goal. The bahai don't have that. Y'all have a title and an empty page.

A world auxiliary language, world citizenship and a world society governed by cooperation not confrontation. It’s the next stage in humanity’s evolution and is inevitable.
For someone who claims
But this has nothing to do with Baha’is.
You are always pushing the Baha'i marketing.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
It is not. History is full of proposals for one. Dating back to the Greek stoics and (I am told) the Mahabharata .

Or for something more modern read Kant's Perpetual Peace from 1795

It is not. Substance requires practical steps to accomplishing the stated goal. The bahai don't have that. Y'all have a title and an empty page.

For someone who claims

You are always pushing the Baha'i marketing.
The difference between the past and now is that it is practically possible with world intercommunications. The internet is one example of the world being virtually united. It matters to me that oppression and wars end. as I’ve stated before. The world will decide on these things not Baha’is. We are very insignificant and so things like peace cannot be established by us. It is up to the world.


Veteran Member
I’m not sure what you mean by practical steps because this will be an initiative implemented by the governments and their people and it is up to them to formulate the steps to a peaceful world society.
You don't think that society in the USA is doing well to push back against the KKK and neonazis? What more do you suggest? Teaching kids about the KKK and the Nazis, and even the 9-11 terrorist attack and Jan 6 agaist the USA?
All we believe is that the world situation will become so unbearable that the governments of the world will call for a world gathering to try and thrash out a solution to stop wars. But this has nothing to do with Baha’is.
Already done with the United Nations. Of course this doesn't stop dictators and those hungry for power. Have you offered any templates to prevent this happening in the future? None I've seen. If you advocate for teaching more humanities in school so kids understand how people function, and have even fought, then that might be a good thing. And how about expanded mental health care so young kids don't end up with negative behavioral patterns? Have you suggested that?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
You don't think that society in the USA is doing well to push back against the KKK and neonazis? What more do you suggest? Teaching kids about the KKK and the Nazis, and even the 9-11 terrorist attack and Jan 6 agaist the USA?

Already done with the United Nations. Of course this doesn't stop dictators and those hungry for power. Have you offered any templates to prevent this happening in the future? None I've seen. If you advocate for teaching more humanities in school so kids understand how people function, and have even fought, then that might be a good thing. And how about expanded mental health care so young kids don't end up with negative behavioral patterns? Have you suggested that?
A world divided of course cannot solve these problems but when they unite then they will easily take care of dictators. Currently justice is being hijacked by the veto system which ends up supporting dictators. In a politically united world, war criminals and oppressors will have no ‘allies’ to turn to for refuge. It has never been achieved yet, world unity, but there was a time in human history when nationhood was just a pipe dream also yet we progressed to this stage and WILL unite and eventually establish peace.


Well-Known Member
The difference between the past and now is that it is practically possible with world intercommunications. The internet is one example of the world being virtually united. It matters to me that oppression and wars end. as I’ve stated before. The world will decide on these things not Baha’is. We are very insignificant and so things like peace cannot be established by us. It is up to the world.
I don't know what you think you are adding that better educated, dedicated, and harder working people are not already pursuing.

World governments may not be a part of the answer. A world government may not be part of the answer.


Veteran Member
A world divided of course cannot solve these problems but when they unite then they will easily take care of dictators.
Easily via war, which is what is typical. Do you offer an alternative? Of course not, as usual. So why should we take you seriously?
Currently justice is being hijacked by the veto system which ends up supporting dictators.

In a politically united world, war criminals and oppressors will have no ‘allies’ to turn to for refuge.
That’s why we have the UN.

It has never been achieved yet, world unity, but there was a time in human history when nationhood was just a pipe dream also yet we progressed to this stage and WILL unite and eventually establish peace.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I don't know what you think you are adding that better educated, dedicated, and harder working people are not already pursuing.

World governments may not be a part of the answer. A world government may not be part of the answer.
Somehow people all over the world have acquired prejudices which I believe are fuelling conflicts. Treaties and ceasefires don’t give lasting results. The problem today is relationships have broken down on all levels of society - race, religion, nations people and their own governments so I believe we need to look into why it’s an ‘us vs them’ mentality as opposed to acceptance of all as one human family. It largely comes I believe from tribalism but in an interconnected world we need to learn to get along and I believe that the ideas that our race, religion or nation is superior needs to be done away with and replaced with ‘we are all one humanity’ but through education. It will take generations for this to be achieved. Many people already accept oneness but it’s those who don’t that are causing wars and conflicts. So the way to go I believe is we must be clever and fight darkness with light. The light of knowledge that we are one and for that to become international law in the form of world citizenship.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Somehow people all over the world have acquired prejudices which I believe are fuelling conflicts.
It is biologically ingrained into human DNA to divide people into US and THEM. If we didn't divide over religion or nationality or race or tribe, we would divide by which end of the egg is cracked.


Well-Known Member
Somehow people all over the world have acquired prejudices which I believe are fuelling conflicts.
Hmmm. the word 'acquired' implies that the prejudices were gotten from somewhere else. Whereas, it is clear that our prejudices are produced by our own thinking.

Treaties and ceasefires don’t give lasting results.
Too broad a statement. Treaties and ceasefires are often temporary. But you are ignoring the ceasefires and treaties that have given lasting results so that you can make that wild overreach.

The problem today is relationships have broken down on all levels of society - race, religion, nations people and their own governments.
This was turning into a run-on sentence, so I am putting a period here. Again, while that is one of the problems that we have, that is not "the" problem. It is one of the problems. Moreover it is not one of our problems today. It has been one of our problems throughout the extent of human history. It is not new to now. And it not worse now. It is much safer for me to travel the US today than it would have been for my parents when I was born back in the 60's.

so I believe we need to look into why it’s an ‘us vs them’ mentality as opposed to acceptance of all as one human family.
It largely comes I believe from tribalism
You need to do some more research into what this means, and how it applies. When Lewis and Clark took their expedition across the US almost every group they encountered were literally tribal. The expedition, known as the Lewis and Clark Expedition, took place from 1804 to 1806 and was a peaceful mission for the most part. Their interactions with Native American tribes were primarily diplomatic and trade-oriented.

Being tribal does not mean that you have a hostile or prejudicial nature. In fact, I would take pains to highlight that it was the nationals who introduced the amped-up prejudices, broken treaties and genocide over two continents.

but in an interconnected world we need to learn to get along and I believe that the ideas that our race, religion or nation is superior needs to be done away with and replaced with ‘we are all one humanity’ but through education.
History is replete with examples of entities—be it nations, leaders, or organizations—claiming a desire to unite humanity or bring about peace, but whose real intentions or actions led to conquest and domination. This pattern is seen across different eras and civilizations and is a critical aspect of understanding historical narratives.

The proclaimed intention of uniting or bringing peace can sometimes be a facade for more self-serving or aggressive goals. It's a reminder of the importance of critically examining historical and current events, looking beyond official rhetoric to understand the true motives and consequences of actions taken by groups espousing such philosophies.

Is the Baha'i slogan ‘we are all one humanity’ or 'oneness of humanity' a facade for more self-serving or aggressive goals? What have you done to earn my trust?


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
It is biologically ingrained into human DNA to divide people into US and THEM. If we didn't divide over religion or nationality or race or tribe, we would divide by which end of the egg is cracked.
Luckily we can educate ourselves to rise above baser instincts. Luckily, in the same way, using higher morals and judgements, we can use that knowledge for the good of all humanity, not just the well to do 1%.

Regards Tony

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Good point.

1. There is no verse about a virgin giving birth. Isaiah 7:14 is about a young woman, and in the verse she is already pregnant -- it is not a prophecy.
2. We believe this verse to be about King Hezekiah, not the messiah. So... no relationship to Jesus whatsoever.
Yes, I agree with you. The context is clearly about a boy in Isaiah's time... That when that boy reaches a certain age, the two enemies kings will be dead.

What I'm wondering is why Baha'is accept the virgin birth as true. I understand why Christians do, but Baha'is are told to investigate truth for themselves and verify what's true and what's man-made traditions. I find it hard to believe that they can honestly look at the verses in Isaiah chapter 7 and say that those verses are about Jesus.

And I don't know if they have researched it but are just going along with what their religion tells them. But what can they do? The Baha'i writings say Jesus was born of a virgin, the Christian New Testament says Jesus was born of a virgin, so to deny the virgin birth, and to deny that Isaiah 7:14 predicted it, they are going against both their religion and Christianity. So, I got the answer I expected... no answer.