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Should the oneness of humanity be taught in all schools worldwide

What about that thing about us holding these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and have equal rights life and liberty and such?
No two men are "equal". It's not a "truth", and equal rights across the globe do not exist either - there are varying degrees of liberty.


Well-Known Member
No two men are "equal". It's not a "truth", and equal rights across the globe do not exist either - there are varying degrees of liberty.
Setting aside the face that Jefferson didn't fully believe his own words, in the usage of "equal" that he was employing he was declaring equality of value of a human being as a fundamental principle. He was not speaking to equality of ability, character, or circumstance. But an a priori baseline of value and owed respect.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
The original natives of many countries should have equal rights to everyone else is what I believe. White people have often oppressed and or invaded the natives and treated them very badly. One example is the stolen generations of aborigines in Australia. Injustices done need to be remedied as much as is possible.

What do Baha'is recommend?


Veteran Member
I think you missed the point. Was speaking in another post about those who try and turn Baha’is against one another trying to form another Baha’i sect not gays.
Any dogmatic system will have members that disagree about elelments. Baha'i seems to be a rigid system that is intolerant of disagreement, and willing to outcast those who disagree. No wonder it is a small religion, they can't appeal to many who want freedom of choice. How does the hierarchy think they can appeal to more people. Most people already think peace is a good thing, but also think gays should have freedom, so your dogma offers nothing.
Gays are free to live their life and no Bahai interferes with them.
Only because your religion has no authoritative influence like bigger religions do. And the more popular religions have evolved to accept gays, and even allow marriage in church ceremonies.
But if they wish to have same sex marriage then they must find it elsewhere because we only provide marriage between a man and a woman.
Because your religion has an obsolete and immoral attitude against gays. And your hierarchy is unwilling to adjust to modern times.
We have our beliefs and do not force anyone to accept them and if they do not agree then they don’t become Baha’is.
That's one reason your religion is so small and lacks influence. Catholicism learned a long time ago that they need to adjust their doctrine to appeal to believers.
We all have freedom of belief and neither we nor others have the right to force their beliefs on each other.
Baha'i is a weak theology and has obsolete ideas. Where is it going? No where. Your appeals for global peace is something most everyone holds already, so you are just another group that agrees, not a leader. The UN can't bring peace to countries with violent disputes and they have the majority of the planet behind them. What do you think a fringe religion that most never heard of can do?
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
What do Baha'is recommend?
They seem to recommend that minorities should remain divided by accepting minority aboriginal rights but not minority gay marriage rights in my view. Its a shame that they haven't awoken to what i see as a fact - that minorities have to stand together in order to have sufficient sway to be counted against the majority in an elected system.

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
They seem to recommend that minorities should remain divided by accepting minority aboriginal rights but not minority gay marriage rights in my view. Its a shame that they haven't awoken to what i see as a fact - that minorities have to stand together in order to have sufficient sway to be counted against the majority in an elected system.
Yes, I think what Baha'is expect is that minorities join them, and work with them to build a new world order... meaning go to Baha'i meetings and teach the Faith.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Was it foretold in the Torah? Like right now Christians are celebrating the birth of Jesus. Was it really foretold? Here's some of the things said in Isaiah 7.

6 “Let us invade Judah; let us tear it apart and divide it among ourselves, and make the son of Tabeel king over it.” 7 Yet this is what the Sovereign Lord says:​
“‘It will not take place,​
it will not happen...​
10 Again the Lord spoke to Ahaz, 11 “Ask the Lord your God for a sign, whether in the deepest depths or in the highest heights.”​
12 But Ahaz said, “I will not ask; I will not put the Lord to the test.”​
13 Then Isaiah said, “Hear now, you house of David! Is it not enough to try the patience of humans? Will you try the patience of my God also? 14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you[c] a sign: The virgin[d] (Or young woman) will conceive and give birth to a son, and[e] will call him Immanuel.[f] 15 He will be eating curds and honey when he knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, 16 for before the boy knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right, the land of the two kings you dread will be laid waste. 17 The Lord will bring on you and on your people and on the house of your father a time unlike any since Ephraim broke away from Judah—he will bring the king of Assyria.”​
Other than the one verse that translates the Hebrew word to mean "virgin", what else in this "sign" applies to Jesus? I don't think any of it does. Is it okay to snatch one verse out of context and make it a prophecy? Not for me.

Yes, Christianity became a great religion. But what made it great? Believing that people were hopeless sinners that could never pay the price for their sins. But a perfect unblemished lamb, the Lamb of God, could pay the price. Jesus become the perfect sacrifice.

Something that Christian believe was foretold in the Bible is the resurrection of Jesus. Do Baha'is believe that? No, Baha'is don't believe the physical resurrection of Jesus at all. But the early Christians did. And they also believed in Satan and hell. Then eventually that Jesus was God. The Law of Moses? Gone. Even the fourth Commandment about the Sabbath, gone. Although some Jews believed, why would all the Jews believe any of that? Baha'is don't even believe all of it.
To myself it was very easy to see Christ as the Promised Messiah just by His spiritual greatness.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Acceptance of the principle of the oneness of humanity is a precursor to the establishment of a world commonwealth and world citizenship which will give birth to a new world civilisation. It will signal an end of war and the beginning of universal peace. This is inevitable as technology has already been invented which can unite mankind virtually. But to move beyond our warring ways we need to abandon our prejudices and see all with the eyes of oneness. Then we can have peace.


Well-Known Member
Acceptance of the principle of the oneness of humanity is a precursor to the establishment of a world commonwealth and world citizenship which will give birth to a new world civilisation. It will signal an end of war and the beginning of universal peace. This is inevitable as technology has already been invented which can unite mankind virtually. But to move beyond our warring ways we need to abandon our prejudices and see all with the eyes of oneness. Then we can have peace.
This is preaching. This is Baha'i proselytizing about your doctrine of oneness.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
This is preaching. This is Baha'i proselytizing about your doctrine of oneness.
No it’s not. It’s why the oneness of mankind needs to be taught in all schools to create a peaceful world. If you can’t see that then look at what Hamas teach their children and the results. It’s not about any religion but accepting all humanity as equals. Prejudice is a worldwide problem that cannot be defeated by guns or wars. If you have a better way than to educate oneness then instead of just criticising please put it forward.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member

**Crickets Chirping**​
The ‘good logical point’ is the elimination of prejudices which are the cause of wars. People demonise each others race, religion and countries and the media as well and this only fuels conflicts and hatreds. I believe education is the only effective way to stop wars and establish peace.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Yes, I think what Baha'is expect is that minorities join them, and work with them to build a new world order... meaning go to Baha'i meetings and teach the Faith.
Accepting the oneness of humanity has nothing to do with being a Baha’i because it is inclusive of all atheists as well.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Any dogmatic system will have members that disagree about elelments. Baha'i seems to be a rigid system that is intolerant of disagreement, and willing to outcast those who disagree. No wonder it is a small religion, they can't appeal to many who want freedom of choice. How does the hierarchy think they can appeal to more people. Most people already think peace is a good thing, but also think gays should have freedom, so your dogma offers nothing.

Only because your religion has no authoritative influence like bigger religions do. And the more popular religions have evolved to accept gays, and even allow marriage in church ceremonies.

Because your religion has an obsolete and immoral attitude against gays. And your hierarchy is unwilling to adjust to modern times.

That's one reason your religion is so small and lacks influence. Catholicism learned a long time ago that they need to adjust their doctrine to appeal to believers.

Baha'i is a weak theology and has obsolete ideas. Where is it going? No where. Your appeals for global peace is something most everyone holds already, so you are just another group that agrees, not a leader. The UN can't bring peace to countries with violent disputes and they have the majority of the planet behind them. What do you think a fringe religion that most never heard of can do?
How many followers initially did any major religion have yet they all have numbers in the billions now? The world will eventually come to the realisation that prejudices need to be dealt with by promoting humanity’s oneness. Do you have a better way to tackle prejudice?


Veteran Member
How many followers initially did any major religion have yet they all have numbers in the billions now?
Well, the ones that came before Baha'i, Mormonism, The Urantia folks, JW's, etc. There aren't many customers for Baha'i to appeal to. And as noted, Baha'i doesn't offer anything that other religions do. Most people already want peace, and those who are extremists never will. And those who are bigotted against gays already have their options. And as Baha'i admit, you aren't supposed to preach about your religion, so you are at a marketing disadvantage to all other religions. IMO you skirt this rule by using this forum to "share" ideas about Baha'i, but do so in a sort of marketing way. And on top of that it's been a bit of a disaster for the reputation of Baha'i and it's members.
The world will eventually come to the realisation that prejudices need to be dealt with by promoting humanity’s oneness.
That might come after a massive die off of humanity, via war or disease, or both. Humans seem more cooperative when there is a crisis, and get complacent in peace and stability. That falls back on the evolutionary history of human tribalism. There are significant anxiety problems inherent in human psychology, and even with therapy many humans never get passed their natural traits. You have this idealistic notion that humans are like machines that function like robots. No Baha'i I have asked have any answers that address the real properties of the human brain.
Do you have a better way to tackle prejudice?
I think more access to healthcare, including mental health. But a great deal of prejudice is cultural and social. These are part of the traditions that individuals learn, and then pass on. Religions, including yours, are inherently prejudicial because they claim an ideology that will be at odds with other religions. Humanism is vastly better as it is neutral.

No it’s not. It’s why the oneness of mankind needs to be taught in all schools to create a peaceful world.
Science teaches that humans are a species, but many major religions teach that humans are special, and even divided by certain traits. So religion is a major contributor to division, including yours.
If you can’t see that then look at what Hamas teach their children and the results. It’s not about any religion but accepting all humanity as equals.
Yet you can't answer question as to making Hamas change their ways. It's extremists that stand in your way, and you have no answer to reach them. They won't go away.
Prejudice is a worldwide problem that cannot be defeated by guns or wars.
Nor by religion, which is one of the major reasons there is war.
If you have a better way than to educate oneness then instead of just criticising please put it forward.
The UN, and many NGO's, have the best approach. Humanitarian groups are the answer. If Baha'i would go out and do charitable work in strife ridden places instead of hiding out in small communities then perhaps Baha'i would be part of the solution.
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We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Well, the ones that came before Baha'i, Mormonism, The Urantia folks, JW's, etc. There aren't many customers for Baha'i to appeal to. And as noted, Baha'i doesn't offer anything that other religions do. Most people already want peace, and those who are extremists never will. And those who are bigotted against gays already have their options. And as Baha'i admit, you aren't supposed to preach about your religion, so you are at a marketing disadvantage to all other religions. IMO you skirt this rule by using this forum to "share" ideas about Baha'i, but do so in a sort of marketing way. And on top of that it's been a bit of a disaster for the reputation of Baha'i and it's members.

That might come after a massive die off of humanity, via war or disease, or both. Humans seem more cooperative when there is a crisis, and get complacent in peace and stability. That falls back on the evolutionary history of human tribalism. There are significant anxiety problems inherent in human psychology, and even with therapy many humans never get passed their natural traits. You have this idealistic notion that humans are like machines that function like robots. No Baha'i I have asked have any answers that address the real properties of the human brain.

I think more access to healthcare, including mental health. But a great deal of prejudice is cultural and social. These are part of the traditions that individuals learn, and then pass on. Religions, including yours, are inherently prejudicial because they claim an ideology that will be at odds with other religions. Humanism is vastly better as it is neutral.

Science teaches that humans are a species, but many major religions teach that humans are special, and even divided by certain traits. So religion is a major contributor to division, including yours.

Yet you can't answer question as to making Hamas change their ways. It's extremists that stand in your way, and you have no answer to reach them. They won't go away.

Nor by religion, which is one of the major reasons there is war.

The UN, and many NGO's, have the best approach. Humanitarian groups are the answer. If Baha'i would go out and do charitable work in strife ridden places instead of hiding out in small communities then perhaps Baha'i would be part of the solution.
Humanism I believe may play a crucial role in world unity as we do not believe that Baha’is will establish peace but that things like the principle of oneness will do that and humanism may be the one to trigger such a peace.