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Should the oneness of humanity be taught in all schools worldwide

CG Didymus

Veteran Member
Let’s take religious prejudice as an example as it is the most powerful force in our world. Let me at the outset state that I believe that all the major religions are true and were revealed progressively to meet the spiritual and social needs of people at the time they were revealed. They all teach virtues and the golden rule. But over time religious leaders seeking power and control have desynchronised the religions which are all part of one unfolding process and turned them into opposing factions. “This is the changeless faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future” (Baha’u’llah) But now as a result of indoctrination, religionists reject the subsequent Teacher leading to a desynchronisation of the unfolding process of progressive revelation and evolutionary nature of religion and prejudices against the new faith.
Should this be taught in schools also? That all the previous religions were true, but power-hungry religious leaders have "desynchronised" them? That all these old religions have become corrupt and indoctrinate their people to dislike anyone from another religion. But those people in the other religions are doing the same thing? Is that part of what we should teach our children? Not to listen to or believe these "religionists"? That are causing people to reject and to be prejudiced against this new faith?

Of course, when you and your religion does it... it is not indoctrination. And I know, I know, the Baha'i principles are good and true.... abolishing prejudices of all kinds. Especially those religious prejudices. It's just not right to talk bad about some other religion.


Veteran Member
Perhaps isms and religious dogmas would hold less power if everyone followed more universal - rather than groupthink - principles.

Teach kids/everyone to reject leaders who claim to be prophets/chosen/blessed/special - "by the people", not by the pope, not by dictator, not by prophet - by eve

ryone working together.
Working together on what? Probably not diversity. :D


Well-Known Member
Humanity currently is plagued with so many prejudices. We see some as racial, national and religious causing never ending wars. It seems that treaties and pacts cannot stem the tide of global conflicts and humanity seems lost as to how to solve this age old dilemma and finally establish lasting peace. But since there is no temporary solution what if there is a permanent one? However a slow fix not a quick one. There is I believe a way - through education or rather reeducation.

Let’s take religious prejudice as an example as it is the most powerful force in our world. Let me at the outset state that I believe that all the major religions are true and were revealed progressively to meet the spiritual and social needs of people at the time they were revealed. They all teach virtues and the golden rule. But over time religious leaders seeking power and control have desynchronised the religions which are all part of one unfolding process and turned them into opposing factions. “This is the changeless faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future” (Baha’u’llah) But now as a result of indoctrination, religionists reject the subsequent Teacher leading to a desynchronisation of the unfolding process of progressive revelation and evolutionary nature of religion and prejudices against the new faith.

However, now in this modern age most can investigate truth for themselves unlike past times when there was a need for clergy due to illiteracy and lack of literature, and verify that all religions are from the same source and are connected to each other not separate entities and equal, thus ending centuries of misinformation leading to prejudice, hatreds and wars.

This huge step requires courage. For us to step out of the comfort zone that only our religion is true. That all are sinners or infidels and that only our way leads to salvation. Instead, to be replaced with the mature notion that all of us belong to one human family and are of the same human DNA and that all these divisions were due to our immaturity. Otherwise it’s far better to do away with religion completely if it only causes bloodshed and war, division and prejudice. Isn’t this what is needed today to put aside our differences and put our common humanity first and teach the oneness and equality of all humankind in all the schools of the world? Would not this pave the way for a generation of well wishers of all? Although theoretically we could try and get rid of religion, eliminating racial and national prejudices would require reeducation towards oneness and equality.

So I believe all schools in the world from infancy should have included in their course the subject of the oneness and equality of all humanity and that we all belong to one human family there being NO superior race, religion, nationality or group of people. Thank you. If you agree please try and teach this concept in your school.
Your religion stands in staunch and belligerent opposition to marriage equality. Baha'i stand for one human family except where you don't.


Well-Known Member
My country, Britain, built the first mosque on British soil in 1889. Queen Victoria and her favourite, Abdul, a Muslim, were quite the scandal.

Black people do not face racism in the UK. We have strong laws about this and we are not noted for being a racist country. We have integrated Indians, various Africans, Pakistanis, and others. Our PM is Indian descended and a Hindu; the London Mayor is a Muslim of Pakistani descent. We are very sensitive to religious issues and have had Muslim and Jewish populations since around the 17th c. We are not a racist or religious supremacist country. Our King defines himself as 'defender of faiths' not 'faith' anymore. I strongly object to our being called out for crimes we do not practice and have been trying to eliminate since the 19th c.
I went Edinburgh in 2012 and in one encounter was told that black people are car thieves and was assumed to not know my father and in another was assumed to have been brought up by my single unmarried mother with a string of wannabe inadequate father figures. All knowing nothing about me. That's all the racism to fit into a 6-hour period. Y'all are aren't as bad as we are in the states, but black people don't face racism in the UK... Please.

PS I had a great time otherwise
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Well-Known Member
Can we also add that we need to implement and teach a world axillary language, to be taught in all of the schools of the world!

Yahoo to that, a sign of the maturity of humanity.

Regards Tony
Well I don't agree with your religious reasons, it would be good to start globalizing the languages that are closer to being globalized... as a start


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Yes at school we were taught that Jews were evil and never to befriend them. We were told aboriginals were drunkards and lesser people. Nothing about Muslims until later though. I was a Catholic then. I consider it wrong to have taught me those things. Christ taught to love all. In school assembly hundreds of children. “Jews are evil”. No need for it.
Sounds like a good reason to send your children to a public school in my view.
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Sounds like a good reason to send your children to a public school in my view.
I can't speak to the state of public schools in Australia, but I can tell you they are failing in my state of California. We used to have great schools. Now more than half the kids are not at grade level for reading and math. Anyone who has the money sends their kids to private schools or home schools them.

And Catholic schools here have outstanding reputation for academics. They have non-Catholics lined up around the block to enroll their kids.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a good reason to send your children to a public school in my view.
There is a lot of effort, both direct and sleazy, to make the public school system as bad as possible. Followed by blaming the proponents and supporters of the public school system for doing only what is possible under reduced funding and resources.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I can't speak to the state of public schools in Australia, but I can tell you they are failing in my state of California. We used to have great schools. Now more than half the kids are not at grade level for reading and math. Anyone who has the money sends their kids to private schools or home schools them.

And Catholic schools here have outstanding reputation for academics. They have non-Catholics lined up around the block to enroll their kids.
Good reason to vote for an authentically left wing party that puts equity into practice in my view.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
No shade. But what is an authentically left-wing party?
I'm not too sure in US politics, but they seem to do a better job of equity in Australia (although there is always room for improvement) in my view.


Question Everything
Working together on what? Probably not diversity. :D

Working on healthy diversity ;)

Not "my group is best/ my beliefs are the only truth" - but instead my group is "good" as are others. Healthy community for all, not possessive/reactive community.

Groups can be compared to family/marriage. There are healthy marriages - and unhealthy possessive/jealous/codependent marriages/groups lol. Diversity/groups/marriages are great if not defensive/insecure etc.

No popes/dictators/crazy power-hungry controlling leaders - groups that are "by the people" with internal checks/balances, and understand other groups - interact respectfully/understand others too.
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Good reason to vote for an authentically left wing party that puts equity into practice in my view.
It's the left wing that has ruined our schools. They are the ones who favor promoting kids who are not proficient at grade level, among a great many other idiotic notions.


Well-Known Member
I'm not too sure in US politics, but they seem to do a better job of equity in Australia (although there is always room for improvement) in my view.
There is not a lot of difference. They are both authoritarian with many of the same goals and priorities. Though the right wing is definitely leaning hard into classical fascism. Fascism being where threats come from anything non-normative, and the value of an individual is only a function of their utility and service to the state. And threats are met with violence under the cloak of false empathy and the greater good.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
It's the left wing that has ruined our schools.
Bull manure in my view, it is the right that wants to cut as much funding to public schools as it can get away with so that kids have inadequate teachers, inadequate equipment etc that's ruined public schools in the US.
They are the ones who favor promoting kids who are not proficient at grade level, among a great many other idiotic notions.
Can you explain the benefit of making kids repeat given that;
'Repeating a grade―also known as "grade retention" ―has not been shown to help children learn. Children won't outgrow learning and attention issues by repeating a grade. In fact, repeating a grade may contribute to long-term issues with low self-esteem, as well as emotional or social difficulties.'

Source: Should My Child Repeat a Grade?.


One Planet, One People, Please!
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