Foolish actions do lead to sad consequences.
If I choose a particular course, knowing the risks involved, I share the responsibility.
For example...
If I get in a motor car, and put pedal to the metal, and wind up badly burnt, and damaged, I share the responsibility,
even if the car malfunctioned.
If I choose a course that involves life or death - for example, I join a political party,
knowing that the opposition are violent, i accept some of the responsibility, if I am harmed.
There are many more I can mention. It's not one rule applies to every situation, but as you are accustomed doing, you like to cherry pick scenarios, which make things appear to be in your favor, but they do not apply. They are black and white, imo.
i can raise an equally foolish argument, like if I go into my garden, and a bee stings me, do I share responsibility for being stung.
That has nothing at all to do with what I said, and what I am relating to. If however,
I saw a bee hive in my garden, and I went into the garden, and got stung, I deserve it, because I acted stupidly - as stupid as the most stupid arguments,
You nay think your point is a good one and it may be, but applied to another conversation. Perhaps you can save it for such..
I think your argument would more apply, if it went this way - in line with my earlier post... If you are aware that the Nazis are rounding up Jews, to execute them, and you choose, as a Jew, to put yourself in their hands, do you accept any responsibility for your death?
Perhaps you can ask the martyrs when they return to life. as for me, I accept they are consequences for my choices, and Jesus did say, that if you follow him, be prepared to drink the cup that he drank.
No one is saying the person killed themselves, as no one is saying the victim raped themselves, but we saw the danger, and we either went to it, or hid from it.
Proverbs 22:3 (CEV)
When you see trouble coming,
don’t be stupid
and walk right into it -
be smart and hide.
@TagliatelliMonster and this is what happens when you have limmited time, but you are trying to respond so that you can get to the other things you are doing, you miss thoughts, or the thoughts are not always complete. So mistakes can be made.
Consider too... No one is saying that all women that are raped share the responsibility, so if a Jew is caught, even though he did all he could to concealed himself, or if some unsuspecting Jew is caught, these are circumstances that exist, beyond the control of the person - like being in your living room, and a stalker breaks in and rapes or murders the occupants - women and children.
This is the point being made.
Sorry if you do not grasp it.