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So, who died for our sins before Jesus? JW.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
In the Jewish tradition, it was livestock a lot of the time: sheep, goats, fatted calves, that sort of thing. If you look through the Old Testament, especially Leviticus, it spells out what sacrifice or other method of atonement was required for each type of sin.

Hence the term "Lamb of God" as a name for Jesus Christ: the idea is that as a perfect sacrifice, He is infinitely more satisfactory to God than a regular mortal lamb would be, and hence is enough sacrifice to answer for all of humanity's sins ever.
Well put for an someone who is an atheist, I really mean that.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
That would be like me telling you that the people who settled Spain had nothing to do with Spain. The Christian faith is built upon Judaism, so it is fair to say that a Christian, before Christ, was a Jew.

Not if he was a gentile, how can you be a Jew if your a gentile.

They may accept the Jewish God and obey and follow after him ,but that does'nt make them Jewish, they are a gentile believer.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
You don't "go" to hell, if you hate God you are in a hellish situation after you die, because God's presence is much more intense and inescapable. If you love God then everything is hunky dory.

Back that theology up with scripture ,not opinion, tradition,that would be hunky dory to!!


Born Again,Spirit Filled
I prefer not to believe in a god that would torture anyone for eternity for the way they believe.

If you were swimming and about to go over Niagra Falls, without knowing it and or believing it, regardless of what attempts I made to convince you,and I reached out to give you a hand, would I be wrong for assuming your going to die and offering you a hand or would you be wrong for being ignorant of your surroundings and the effects thereof for refusing to consider your lot.

Iguess you would'nt find out until you went over if you were closed minded and insistent, but by then it's too late to think about it, but accept it.

Your misunderstanding or wilful ignorance of God's Holiness and justice regarding law does nothing for your position.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
If you were swimming and about to go over Niagra Falls, without knowing it and or believing it, regardless of what attempts I made to convince you,and I reached out to give you a hand, would I be wrong for assuming your going to die and offering you a hand or would you be wrong for being ignorant of your surroundings and the effects thereof for refusing to consider your lot.

Iguess you would'nt find out until you went over if you were closed minded and insistent, but by then it's too late to think about it, but accept it.

Your misunderstanding or wilful ignorance of God's Holiness and justice regarding law does nothing for your position.
Didn't Christ sort of get rid of the falls? Haven't the mountains been made low, the plains raised up, and the rouch places been made smooth? hasn't Christ sent the rich away hungry and filled the hungry with good things?


Through the Looking Glass
Before Christ, we died for our sins. According to biblical precedent.

Same thing "after Christ," unless you so completely become absorbed into the "body of Christ" that you actually cease to recognize your distinct being. Newsflash - if you still think you are "you," then "you" are going to die quite regardless of whether you believe in Christ.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
doppelgänger;1032028 said:
Same thing "after Christ," unless you so completely become absorbed into the "body of Christ" that you actually cease to recognize your distinct being. Newsflash - if you still think you are "you," then "you" are going to die quite regardless of whether you believe in Christ.
I'm not sure I can agree 100% with that. I'm not so sure that "dying to self" includes wiping away all vestiges of self-perception and sentience.


Through the Looking Glass
I'm not sure I can agree 100% with that. I'm not so sure that "dying to self" includes wiping away all vestiges of self-perception and sentience.

You missed the point. So long as there is a "vestige of self-perception and sentience" there's a "you" that is going to die, regardless of whether you imagine yourself to be "in Christ."


Sounds like some sort of blood covenant cult to me. Or at least the very religion founded by the Nation who tried to kill Jesus in the first place. Rome. What was Jesus' religion? Is it not the Way? The Truth, and the Light? Was his example not good enough? And was not his religion the religion of his forefathers. Did he not come not but to the lost sheep of the house of Isra-EL with a message that was universal as with all prophets. Would people not be wearing a noose around their necks if the attempt on his life was in another era? Or an electric chair maybe a syringe for that matter. Signs and symbols are for men and women of under/overstanding.....


Well-Known Member
Sounds like some sort of blood covenant cult to me. Or at least the very religion founded by the Nation who tried to kill Jesus in the first place. Rome.

Pagan Rome was quite successful in killing Jesus, but they merely stood in for all of us sinners, who necessitated Jesus to die in the first place.


Born Again,Spirit Filled
Didn't Christ sort of get rid of the falls? Haven't the mountains been made low, the plains raised up, and the rouch places been made smooth? hasn't Christ sent the rich away hungry and filled the hungry with good things?

What are you trying to say, I was responding to this post
Originally Posted by crystalonyx
I prefer not to believe in a god that would torture anyone for eternity for the way they believe.

That verse and every other pormise is only to those who reach out and take the hand of God it is not made for those who disbelieve and reject God.
The bible is book of promises among other things and they all have conditions to them.

The bible says 1Pe 4:18 And "If the righteous are barely saved, what chance will the godless and sinners have?"

1Pe 4:17For the time has come for judgment, and it must begin first among God's own children. And if even we Christians must be judged, what terrible fate awaits those who have never believed God's Good News?


Born Again,Spirit Filled
Pagan Rome was quite successful in killing Jesus, but they merely stood in for all of us sinners, who necessitated Jesus to die in the first place.

Jesus did not primarily die to free sinners , but to satisfy the demands of a Holy God
Jesus died to appease the wrath of God which no man could ever do, God had to come in sinless flesh to appease his own Holy justice to redeem mankind


Well-Known Member
Jesus died to appease the wrath of God which no man could ever do, God had to come in sinless flesh to appease his own Holy justice to redeem mankind

The necessary cause for that redemption was the sin of all mankind (and womankind), including my own sin.


That just pushes the problem back to Abraham. What happened to all the people in China who never even heard of Abraham or his God?

In the history of the OT, we see a certain family lineage as the highlighted "people of God." Adam-Noah-Abraham-David-Jesus to skip most in between. This lineage would preserve the message and plan of God for redemption of all mankind in pure form due to the writing/copying practices of great diligence that the Jew's adhered to. The nation of Israel became rather renown (in the known world of that time) after leaving Egypt and conquering a large area of occupied land against all odds and was an open invitation for any and all foreigners to come and investigate. However, we see God was at work in other nations and individuals as well. Melchesideck and Balaam are prime examples from Genesis/Numbers.

This might also explain the commonality of religious practice among the peoples of antiquity. Just think... if Cain could be tempted to add/modify to God's requested offering, wouldn't it make sense that many after him would do likewise?


Well-Known Member
Pagan Rome was quite successful in killing Jesus, but they merely stood in for all of us sinners, who necessitated Jesus to die in the first place.

If the supposed Jesus existed(which he didn't), as a god, dying was his choice, not ours.


Prophet Jesus never died on the cross. He survived. He showed the possibilities of man. In that he conquered his own demons which is simply the desires of the flesh. And let me be the first to admit that is no easy task. He was the first to beat out his lower self and become a god-man. He said what he has done all men shall do and greater things. surely he wasnt speaking about the cross. Or any blood covenant cult. No Jesus restored the power of the true self, the higher self. That all men might become apart of the resurrection. I ask again. If this had been another era of time would you wear a noose or electric chair around your necks? Sering maybe?


It says in the bible and many may have heard that Jesus died for our sins. Being crucified on a cross for his beliefs in order to keep Gods people safe, from sin... So what was going on before Jesus, before the bible was even written? I'm just a curious soul looking for the truth.

This is a biblical debate forum can you please show and explain the verses in context?