But my point is that sometimes a violent ideology shines thru even when people are treated well.
There are more than a few violent ideologies we've had to contend with over the years. The underlying ideology which seems common to multiple factions is nationalism, in one form or another.
Over 500 times in the Quran, non-Muslims are vilified, demeaned, besmirched, denounced, condemned, insulted, pilloried, denigrated, or otherwise maligned. Do you think maybe that's just a bit of a problem?
Yes, it could be a problem, although I see multiple problems with religion in general. But I don't see what we can do about it. We can't ban religion. We can't ban the Quran. We can't control what people think and believe.
If people are causing violence, inciting violence, or planning violence - we can try to stop that, however we can. It seems to be a never-ending fight; it's been going on for longer than I've been alive.
However, when I was a kid, it was treated more as just another theater in the overall Cold War, with the Soviets backing the PLO and the Arab States, which made it natural for the U.S. to support Israel to defend against what was perceived as Soviet expansionism. Of course, now, the Palestinians can't be considered pro-Soviet anymore. On the other hand, Hamas is considered pro-Iranian, so they're still associated with some outside power.