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Stuff Republicans say.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Sorry esmith, but you are once again wrong. You are what con-artists like Limbaugh, Hannity, and Murdoch, etc...kindly call a patsy. :yes: :sorry1: :facepalm:
Military Records Debunk 'Swift Boat' Kerry Attacker
Welcome to Swiftvets.eRiposte.Com!
NYT: We vigorously debunked the Swift Boaters in 2004. (Sure you did) - AMERICAblog News
Limbaugh joins other media in whitewashing Swift Boat Vets' falsehoods, claims "nobody has disproven anything they claimed" | Research | Media Matters for America

You have swallowed their lines, hooks, and sinkers.
Also, what in blue blazes would my (or your) age have to do with recognizing the truth? The swiftboaters lied. period.
Are you suggesting that you were on Kerry's boat? That you were personally there, on the day in question?
Yes or no?

Apparently Hillary is taking the advice not to let dishonest Republicans do much the same to her as they learned their lesson with Kerry. Funny that the Republicans decades ago used to refer to themselves as the "party of law & order" because they certainly ain't that today. The biggest problem is, however, that they have so many gullible followers that are so willing to swallow any lie or distortion that Fox "News" barfs out.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Well, the facts are not all in as of this date on the Bergdahl story.

Irrelevant. His freedom is separate from the investigation the military needs to do.

So, many of you think that Obama did the right thing for the right reasons.

He did. So much so that Republicans said as much a couple weeks ago..as well as McCain saying so back in February. The EXACT thing Obama did is what they said he should have done.

However, the facts are:
1. Bergdahl was not captured on the field of battle as Susan Rice again makes an error. Bergdahl at the minimum went AWOL and what is reasoning was he still open. I for one tend to believe the others within his command.

Again...it's irrelevant to his freedom and the hypocrisy I cited. Additionally....it could be both of what you and Rice said as far as AWOL and him being captured but that's what the military court process is for.

2. It has been reported that a plan was to pay a ransom for Bergdahl in Dec of 2013 (see listed link) but the Administration wanted to do a prisoner exchange. (I guess Obama figured since he can't close Gitmo he will just release all the prisoners...no need for Gitmo and Obama has done it his way (even if it isn't legal)

The negotiations to swap the 5 prisoners for Bergdahl was in the works as far back as the end of 2011. Various major news papers reported this. Congress knew as well that negotiations were in the works. When Anderson Cooper was talking to John McCain in February he in fact said he would be in favor of such a deal. So it's not like this was a suprise to those on the right given the fact that they admonished the administration to do whatever they could to get Bergdahl back.


She's not the President. But in all reality she seems to be fine with the decision the President made......

Hillary Clinton defends Bowe Bergdahl exchange - POLITICO.com
“You don’t want to see these five prisoners go back to combat,” she said, according to the Associated Press. “There’s a lot that you don’t want to have happen. On the other hand you also don’t want an American citizen, if you can avoid it, especially a solider, to die in captivity. I think we have a long way to go before we really know how this is going to play out.”

So, let's not rush to praise Obama's move or Bergdahl's motives until all the facts are in.

How about you take your own advice then......:rolleyes:

You were so quick to jump in and spout the usual talking points but then turn and say we shouldn't rush to praise anyone until the facts are in denotes a level of hypocrisy of your own here.....considering you're quoting sources who they themselves don't have all the facts.

My original post on the matter wasn't even about praising Obama or Bergdahl nor did it address the motives of Obama or Bergdahl but "you" took it there. My OP focused on the blatant hypocrisy by those on the right over this situation. Where's your condemnation for those who for years, months and weeks advocated the release of this man....who originally backed the prisoner swap...who wanted to see this man returned home to his family and where's your condemnation of those on the right who tweeted their support but deleted their "praise" for him...seemingly because it's now viewed as politically incorrect in an election year?.......:sad:
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aged ecumenical anthropologist
It was interesting that many Republicans, including some in Congress, praised the release of Bergdahl on social media, but then deleted them once the likes of Limbaugh and Hannity got into action. Why does the word "lemmings" come into mind? Hmmmmmmmmmm?


Veteran Member
Sorry esmith, but you are once again wrong. You are what con-artists like Limbaugh, Hannity, and Murdoch, etc...kindly call a patsy. :yes: :sorry1: :facepalm:
Military Records Debunk 'Swift Boat' Kerry Attacker
Welcome to Swiftvets.eRiposte.Com!
NYT: We vigorously debunked the Swift Boaters in 2004. (Sure you did) - AMERICAblog News
Limbaugh joins other media in whitewashing Swift Boat Vets' falsehoods, claims "nobody has disproven anything they claimed" | Research | Media Matters for America

You have swallowed their lines, hooks, and sinkers.
Also, what in blue blazes would my (or your) age have to do with recognizing the truth? The swiftboaters lied. period.
Are you suggesting that you were on Kerry's boat? That you were personally there, on the day in question?
Yes or no?

You are entitled to your opinion just as everyone else is. However, I have no use for anyone that assumes that they are right and uses personal attacks to attempt to discredit anyone else's views.
No, I was not a member of the "Brown Water Navy". However there are those that dispute Kerry's account.

snopes.com: John Kerry's Service Record
snopes.com: John Kerry Swift Boats

As a Vietnam veteran I have no use for John Kerry'. His obvious political motivation for his anti-war speech removes any and all credibility from anything he says. I would like to further point out that I did and still disagree with the overall micro-management of the Vietnam war by politicians just as I disagree with how the military was and is being used in Afghanistan. In addition the blunders by the Pentagon, State Department, and the Administration in Iraq cost lives and was in simple terms indefensible.
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Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
You are entitled to your opinion just as everyone else is. However, I have no use for anyone that assumes that they are right and uses personal attacks to attempt to discredit anyone else's views.
No, I was not a member of the "Brown Water Navy". However there are those that dispute Kerry's account.

snopes.com: John Kerry's Service Record
snopes.com: John Kerry Swift Boats

As a Vietnam veteran I have no use for John Kerry'. His obvious political motivation for his anti-war speech removes any and all credibility from anything he says. I would like to further point out that I did and still disagree with the overall micro-management of the Vietnam war by politicians just as I disagree with how the military was and is being used in Afghanistan. In addition the blunders by the Pentagon, State Department, and the Administration in Iraq cost lives and was in simple terms indefensible.
First. Thank you for your service sir.

Second. Your cited articles basically show how Kerry served honorably, amd the swiftboater campaign was a mass of baseless slander, devoid of facts; but thick with political malice only.

Third. I fully agree with your dislike of the political (and societal) handling of the Vietnam war. As well as the flagrant, even treasonous misuse/abuse of the military by Bush/Cheney (along with their knowing amping up of the executive branch's powers (progressives warned of that more than a decade ago, and now the conservatives are whining about their own creation)).

...and Last. I am always loathe to insult someone directly, for it serves no purpose, particularly in a discussion. I strive only to bring the facts to light. As you say, everyone is entiltled to their own opinion, :yes:.......but they are only allowed to have one reality; one set of facts. Kerry served honorably. He acted bravely and he saved men's lives. He then spoke out against the war in Vietnam, like thousands of other former service men and women. These are facts. Whether you hate him for it, or respect him for it is up to you. The swiftboaters said he never did good things for his crew. Said that he was never injured in combat. These are lies. Lies that swayed hundreds of thousands or even millions of voters to vote against him and for the likes of the drug abusing draft dodging Bush Jr., and the duplicitous totalitarian Cheney.
The right wing media, and their wholly owned Republican party are cons. This is proven over and over and over again.
Although it may not be nice to point out....a victim of a con artist is called a 'patsy',....swayed to vote or donate or rally or think the way the con has twisted them. Over the last 30 years, and particularly in the past 15 years, the Republican party has drifted from conservatism and into blind plutocratic zealotry (ie. fascism). Their media has lost all credibility, and is now a willful and shrill propoganda machine.
I do not mean to insult you by calling you a patsy, just as you weren't insulting me by claiming that my age somehow negated my ability to have any facts what-so-ever in my corner. Ignorance is neither something to be ashamed of, nor used as a weapon. It should be sought out and cured, as it is most definitely dangerous. Once we have the factual information (and we can set aside the propoganda), then acting on it in the right way is usually (but not always) child's-play.

PS - I don't know if you care to hear it, but this is Kerry's 1971 senate testimony regarding the Vietnam war.
Vietnam War Hearing: John Kerry Testimony - Vietnam Veterans Against the War (1971) - YouTube

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
Back to the thread topic....
Most of these brainless twits are just pathetic. But the first guy the host turns to is particularly offensive. The topic itself is just Dr. Tyson joking around with some reporter to begin with, and these dweebs think this is news worthy. And lastly. Isn't the guy with the big mustache Mr. Bolton? The former US representative to the United Nations?
I thought one had to have a few functional neurons to hold that post. :eek: :confused: I guess not. :shrug:


aged ecumenical anthropologist
This is just priceless.

Allen West bashes Obama for doing something about Sgt. Bergdahl.
Conservatives Are Starting To Fundraise Off Bergdahl Release | Blog | Media Matters for America

Allen West bashing Obama for NOT doing something about Sgt. Bergdahl.
The men Obama has abandoned | Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com

But it's not only West that's doing this. I listened to McCain this morning on CNN, and he keeps tripping over himself finding excuses for what he said earlier and what he feels should have been done.

BTW, McCain said that the five Taliban released were the "worst of the worst", and yet the former chief prosecuting attorney for Gitmo said Friday that of the most dangerous 77 classified as such by the CIA, not one of the five made the list when he was there.

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
Oklahoma GOP candidate: Stoning gays the 'right' thing to do | MSNBC

At a minumum this man should never aquire more political power than say.....a janitor.
At a maximum, the clear and present danger that this man would become, if granted power by witless republicans, warrants (without provision) his immediate death. I say this as a calm, pacifistic, academic, heterosexual man.

Personally, I think he should be caned in the crotch till there is blood loss, then he and his like-minded ilk can be exported to some ignorant and hate-filled nation where they would get along better with more of their kind.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Oklahoma GOP candidate: Stoning gays the 'right' thing to do | MSNBC

At a minumum this man should never aquire more political power than say.....a janitor.
At a maximum, the clear and present danger that this man would become, if granted power by witless republicans, warrants (without provision) his immediate death. I say this as a calm, pacifistic, academic, heterosexual man.

Personally, I think he should be caned in the crotch till there is blood loss, then he and his like-minded ilk can be exported to some ignorant and hate-filled nation where they would get along better with more of their kind.
I'd never hire him even as a janitor.
From the article...
“I think we would be totally in the right to do it,“ Scott Esk replies. “That goes against some parts of libertarianism, I realize, and I’m largely libertarian, but ignoring as a nation things that are worthy of death is very remiss.”
To stone people for religious reasons when they've harmed no one is the opposite of "libertarian".
He might want to look into the label, "theocratic fascism".


Libertarian Egalitarian
Oklahoma GOP candidate: Stoning gays the 'right' thing to do | MSNBC

At a minumum this man should never aquire more political power than say.....a janitor.
At a maximum, the clear and present danger that this man would become, if granted power by witless republicans, warrants (without provision) his immediate death. I say this as a calm, pacifistic, academic, heterosexual man.

Personally, I think he should be caned in the crotch till there is blood loss, then he and his like-minded ilk can be exported to some ignorant and hate-filled nation where they would get along better with more of their kind.

This is actually very sad. I wonder if he would be willing to support this if it was his son or daughter up there asking why daddy let this happen to them?

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Texas Republican Party Platform Calls For Repeal Of Voting Rights Act Of 1965
"We urge that the Voter Rights Act of 1965 codified and updated in 1973 be repealed and not reauthorized," the platform reads.

No, I'm not playing the "race card" as is often the charge but this is what many in that party believe. This is why SCOTUS got it wrong in their decision.

WTF Friday: The Texas Republican Party Platform
Socialism breeds mediocrity. America is exceptional. Therefore,
the Republican Party of Texas opposes socialism, in all of its

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I don't believe many in that party know what socialism is. This country was in fact built on socialistic principals and currently has multiple socialistic aspects, state and federal organizations, departments and fraternal orders that are socialistic.


Not Religious
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I don't believe many in that party know what socialism is. This country was in fact built on socialistic principals and currently has multiple socialistic aspects, state and federal organizations, departments and fraternal orders that are socialistic.
They are trained well to think evil with specific words. The right won't give them an honest definition on purpose.


Forum Relic
Premium Member
Found this gem on my Facebook feed. I wish I could say it's just one person I know that buys into this garbage, but unfortunately it's not. There are so many colorful words I'd like to express regarding the sheer dishonesty and stupidity of propaganda at the expense of dead children.

Remarkably, we now have confirmation from an unexpected source. Paul Preston had obtained information from officials in the U.S. Department of Education of the Barack Obama administration, who confirmed to him on the basis of their own personal knowledge that:
1) it had been a drill;
(2) no children had been killed; and,
(3) it had been done to promote an anti-gun agenda.