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Stuff Republicans say.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Bobby Jindal Predicts ‘Growing Rebellion’ Will Execute ‘Hostile Takeover’ of Washington D.C. | Americans Against the Tea Party
Speaking at the Faith and Freedom Coalition annual conference, Jindal explained to the crowd, “I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States where people are ready for a hostile takeover of Washington, D.C., to preserve the American Dream for our children and grandchildren.”


I predict more "Good guys with guns" grabbing their guns to go and kill more good guys with guns...!

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
This was on my FB feed.....

When Fox becomes Conspiracy Theory Central | MSNBC
“There have been reports that ISIS was trained by U.S. instructors at a secret base in Jordan to prepare them to fight President Assad as rebels,” Pirro says with a straight face. “Since the Benghazi massacre, reports are that the [Benghazi] annex was a front for a CIA operation shipping arms to the anti-Assad forces through Turkey.”

I know, I know...MSNBC right.....as some around here contend..

Well here she is in all her conspiracy theory "Glory"...but what else do you expect from a person who got all her information from WND (WorldNetDaily)....:rolleyes:

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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
"Compromise and reaching across the isle" is a bad idea.....well that's what sore loser Chris McDaniels thinks.

Chris McDaniel remains defiant, angrily questions 'the sanctity of the vote' for Cochran - The Week
"I guess they can take some consolation in the fact that they did something tonight — by once again compromising, by once again reaching across the aisle, by once again abandoning the conservative movement."


I guess that's why nothing gets done in Washington....people who want to compromise by reaching across the isle don't have a partner willing to meet them half way.....:kissbette

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
‘You’re being silly’: Fox’s Neil Cavuto mocks Michele Bachmann’s impeachment talk
Fox News host Neil Cavuto hammered outgoing Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) on Wednesday over House Republicans’ threat to sue President Barack Obama, accusing them of engaging in political theater that they know will not go anywhere in the courts.

“You’re conflating issues and you’re being silly,” Cavuto told Bachmann. “Where was your rage when Democrats were going after President Bush on the same use of executive orders? Because I think you knew then that that was a waste of time then and I think you know in your heart of hearts this is a waste of time now. There are far more important things that I think you guys have to be addressing than filing lawsuits past each other.”

“I’m not the one talking about that,” Bachmann countered. “What I am saying is that what’s very important is the president trying to establish lawlessness in the United States.”

“Democrats said George Bush did the same, congresswoman,” Cavuto said, before calling the suit a “waste of time.”

“What we need to do is defund the executive branch, number one, and then impeach executive branch officials who have broken the law,” she said, before Cavuto cut her off.

“Think about what you’re saying — defund the executive branch?” he said. “Congresswoman, if Democrats had said, ‘We’re gonna defund President Bush,’ you would have laughed at them, and I think Democrats would be in their right mind to laugh at you now.”


Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
John Boehner Plans To Sue Obama Over Executive Orders | Crooks and Liars
The speaker declined to provide details about which executive actions he intends to challenge in court.

"When I make that decision, I'll let you know," he said, adding that "when there is conflicts like this between the legislative and administrative branch, it's our responsibility to stand up."

Yes. Please let us know since you're about to spend millions of dollars of taxpayer money...Please make sure you're not wasting time and America's money like you and your cohorts did with your nonsensical "repeal and replace" votes of the ACA...or the $24 BILLION Dollars of taxpayer money you and Ted Cruz wasted by shutting down the government.....

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Fox's Keith Ablow 'a little suspicious' of World Cup | MSNBC
A photo made the rounds this afternoon of President Obama watching World Cup coverage from what appears to be Air Force One. Judd Legum responded on Twitter he “can’t believe Obama is doing this instead of answering questions about Benghazi.”

Judd, of course, was kidding. When Fox News’ Keith Ablow appeared on air this afternoon to address the subject, he wasn’t:

“I’m suspect. I am suspect. Because here’s the thing: why at a time when there’s so many national issues and international issues of such prominence, I am a little suspicious of yet another bread and circus routine. Let’s roll out the marijuana, pull back the laws, and get people even more crazy about yet another entertainment event.

“I think this is to distract people. This is like Rome. This is like Rome. I can see why Obama would love the World Cup…. I think it’s interesting that at time when there’s so much to pay attention to of such great import people are playing games – more than ever.”

The Republican party is that gift that keeps on giving...even if you don't want it....

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
The Republican party is eating itself alive. I'm sure everyone has seen Fox (Cavuto v. Bachmann).

In other news, not that I care for Russell Brand much, but he dissects Judge Jeanine Pirro and fox's actions well.


Fox News Host Gets Herself Into The 'Unhinged Rant' Hall Of Fame

See..he gets it. Some around here simply think we're being partisan and republican bashing but these people sit down in front of the Fox camera and tell us what the really thing and how they really feel. Don't think what she said doesn't go unnoticed. There's a base of fanatics hanging on to every hateful and divisive utterance...and they they go out and parrot her talking points. I see it around here constantly....


I have no respect for the Republican Party, because of my religious affiliation. I'm very open about that, and people think its weird. All of these religious quotes you can find with Republicans are said for votes, and only for votes. Jesus is very clear about this place called Hell, and according the Sermon on the Mount it is a lake of fire.

Well who gets thrown into this lake of fire? Hypocrites, those that judge others, those that hurt others, etc.

Jesus is very clear about what happens to the hypocrites that pray and are religious to be seen by men.

And when you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Truly I say to you, They have their reward. - Matthew 6:5



Not Religious
All of these religious quotes you can find with Republicans are said for votes, and only for votes.
Now you got it. I've pointed out before that the only party that runs on religion (politics) is the republican party. They like catch phrases as well. Patriot, Freedom, Liberty, Faith, etc etc.
No shame in their game. The top 1% can't win elections on their own, so they target the most vulnerable in America.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Yep, and the way they typically try and justify this is to stereotype the poor as being lazy, greedy, and/or stupid.

And a problem is that so many who consider themselves to be religious have bought into this. One of them posting at a different website said that if Jesus was here today in the States that he would be a Tea Party Republican.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Kentucky GOP lawmaker defends coal: ‘We all agree’ Mars is the same temperature as Earth
“I won’t get into the debate about climate change,” Smith said. “But I’ll simply point out that I think in academia we all agree that the temperature on Mars is exactly as it is here. Nobody will dispute that. Yet there are no coal mines on Mars. There’s no factories on Mars that I’m aware of.”

Really...??....Really dude...??


Climate of Mars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Differing values have been reported for the average temperature on Mars,[15] with a common value being −55 °C (218 K; −67 °F).[16] Surface temperatures may reach a high of about 20 °C (293 K; 68 °F) at noon, at the equator, and a low of about −153 °C (120 K; −243 °F) at the poles.[17] Actual temperature measurements at the Viking landers' site range from −17.2 °C (256.0 K; 1.0 °F) to −107 °C (166 K; −161 °F). The warmest soil temperature on the Mars surface estimated by the Viking Orbiter was 27 °C (300 K; 81 °F).[18] The Spirit rover recorded a maximum daytime air temperature in the shade of 35 °C (308 K; 95 °F), and regularly recorded temperatures well above 0 °C (273 K; 32 °F), except in winter.[19]

It has been reported that "On the basis of the nightime air temperature data, every northern spring and early northern summer yet observed were identical to within the level of experimental error (to within ±1 °C)" but that the "daytime data, however, suggest a somewhat different story, with temperatures varying from year-to-year by up to 6 °C in this season. This day-night discrepancy is unexpected and not understood". In southern spring and summer, variance is dominated by dust storms which increase the value of the night low temperature and decrease the daytime peak temperature. This results in a small (20 °C) decrease in average surface temperature, and a moderate (30 °C) increase in upper atmosphere temperature.



De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
In all fairness to the dude, it's nearly impossible these days to be both a conservative and well-educated.


Argumentative Curmudgeon
Premium Member
I'm still waiting for someone to explain how two men (or women) getting married somehow negatively affects or "diminishes" my marriage.