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Stuff Republicans say.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Fox News’ Gretchen Carlson calls JeffCo student protesters ‘punks’ | FOX31 Denver
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for freedom of speech, and the ability to gather and state your claim,” Carlson said. “But quite frankly, if you don’t like it here, and you have a problem with promoting the basic freedoms that men and women have died for protesting for the rest of us and protecting us, then get out.”

Yeah...she totally missed the point as to why the kids are upset with the republican controlled board making changes to a curriculum that affects their learning....
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sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member

The proverbial 1000 word picture.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Is she actually able to speak the "truth?" Or even form a rational thought for that matter?

I guess it doesn't matter since many of the people she's pandering to aren't rational thinkers (imo). Personally I believe she only speaks to try and remain relevant.
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sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
What, did I strike a nerve or something.....:shrug:
Heh. Everyone says something stupid from time-to-time whether on the left or right. Consistently and aggressively ignoring facts and chanting "no no no" but not offering any real alternatives is the hallmark of today's right.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Or this kind of craven attempt to sling mud. Republicans Turn the Birth of Her Granddaughter Into an Attack on Hillary Clinton

There was a time, in 2008, when I flirted with the Republican party, specifically Huntsman. I've learned my lesson over and over since then. Every time the Republicans have had power since Eisenhower, it's been a disaster for the US. And now their policies are even much worse than before. We'd see reverse Robin Hood rob from the poor and give to the rich, the destruction of the environment, ballooning deficits and so forth.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Oh why quit now just when I found one that really gets my blood pressure up - voter suppression. If the Republican party had its way, they would remove the right to vote from minorities and women because too many vote democratic. Think that's excessive?

Too Much Voting Going On in GA, Says Republican Bibb County, GA Election Board Member

Remember that Republican state Senator from Georgia who recently objected to early voting on the Sunday before the election in DeKalb County because, as he was caught saying in email, it was an area "dominated by African American shoppers and it is near several large African American mega churches"?
Well, now the same type of vote suppression jackassery has spread over to Bibb County, Georgia, where, as in the rest of the state, changing demographics continue to squeeze white Republicans and their longtime political hold. Can't have that. So now, Republican members of the county election board have knocked down a proposal for Sunday voting, because, as Zaid Jilani described it at Alternet, it "would mean more...voting".


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Oh why quit now just when I found one that really gets my blood pressure up - voter suppression. If the Republican party had its way, they would remove the right to vote from minorities and women because too many vote democratic. Think that's excessive?

I have come to feel that the Republican Party has become pretty much anti-American and pro-selfish. The things they propose, when added to the things that they fight against, suggests that the accumulation of money in their coffers is far more important than the well being of this country and the others who live in it.

And I grew up in a Republican family and voted that way more often than not when young.


Not Religious
One more post - it's trivially easy to find this kind of stuff every day. Another two seconds, another bizarre statement Top Republican Presidential Candidate Says Anarchy May Force Cancellation Of 2016 Election Top Republican Presidential Candidate Says Anarchy May Force Cancellation Of 2016 Election | ThinkProgress
Ya, I saw that. I feel the same way mentioning stuff in this thread, there's just too much stuff on a daily basis to :facepalm: at. You'll notice that fox is trying to convince their audience to not consider Ben Carson. They want Rmoney again. I always say that it's the RW media that decides who they want to run and who they don't. I still think Walker will be the nominee, but the RW establishment (RWmedia) may feel he has too much baggage at this point. Still up in the air about it.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Ya, I saw that. I feel the same way mentioning stuff in this thread, there's just too much stuff on a daily basis to :facepalm: at. You'll notice that fox is trying to convince their audience to not consider Ben Carson. They want Rmoney again. I always say that it's the RW media that decides who they want to run and who they don't. I still think Walker will be the nominee, but the RW establishment (RWmedia) may feel he has too much baggage at this point. Still up in the air about it.

Walker is just as crooked a they come but the sheeple don't care. They just want a pub in there they call their own. Makes me think of Scott Brown....He couldn't win in his own state so he's off in another state trying to convince the sheep he's one of them.....or how the sheeple gave Mark Sanforfd a pass after he admittedly cheated on his wife, lied and was spending time with his mistress in another country...all on the taxpayer dime....then turned around and married the mistress and in turn asked his ex-wife to run his re-election campaign. Yeah the shepple love him so much that they totally ignored all of that and put him back in government. Oh, and before you know who jumps in and says dems do it too....No one is denying that (eh.. emm...Marion Barry)....caugh...caugh!!!!!
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sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Conservative writer, gun shop owner bans Muslims from business, cites safety - National Policy & Issues | Examiner.com

WOW...Some people around here believe others are playing the race card..but when it's clear that it is what is there to say. Not only that but isn't this a clear descrimination.......
When I was growing up, we were discriminated against on religious grounds. Hence I'm very sensitive when others face the same kind of thing.

Martin Luther King said it well and the only thing I can do is to extend what he said a wee bit:
I have a dream that little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin (or religion) but by the content of their character.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Michael Savage: Obama Wants To Bring Ebola Epidemic To America, Should Resign | Right Wing Watch
“That’s the way to make things fair and equitable. You can’t have a nation with such good health in a world where there’s such sickness. Obama wants equality and he wants fairness and it’s only fair that America have a nice epidemic or two or three or four in order to really feel what it’s like to be in the Third World. You have to look at it from the point of view of a leftist.” - See more at: Michael Savage: Obama Wants To Bring Ebola Epidemic To America, Should Resign | Right Wing Watch
