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Stuff Republicans say.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
It's odd how they keep mentioning it will be harder for the younger workers, even though younger workers have been pushed aside, even for those "high schooler" "get experience" jobs, because of economic turmoil for over a decade now. And places that have a higher minimum wage than America don't seem to have the problems Republicans are scared will happen if we get a higher minimum wage.
And this is all happening as the "job creators" in general are making out like bandits-- and some of them probably are.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
You're mixing 2 different things.
1) There are real incidents of racism.
2) There are false accusations of racism.
The first item does not defeat the 2nd item.

Never said there wasn't and never said it didn't. Just saying more often than not the accusation of one playing the race card or being a race baiter is in itself false. I'm not talking about the casual outburst of someone calling another person a racist. I'm talking about the bigger picture. The NY situation is a prime example. These false accusations were thrown around but we know and have known that cops in NY harass and arrests black and brown proportionately higher than others. But when people on the ground in these communities yell out their frustration over a culture of racism and bigotry within law enforcement or the system they get dismissed as exaggerating. We now know and are finding out more and more that this is from the case.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Never said there wasn't and never said it didn't. Just saying more often than not the accusation of one playing the race card or being a race baiter is in itself false.
We can agree on that. I only add that there are also false accusations, either thru error or political utility.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
No, I'd say quite a bit more often.

Faking mental illness for attention?
Is that even a thing?
Yes, some people actually do this. It is not at all like hypochondriasis or an auto-somatic disorder, in which there is no clear physiological cause of symptoms but real symptoms are being experienced, but people fully fake it for the attention. However it is rare for this to happen, about as rare as the others. Even though a few do hold to the idea that many people are just faking it and exaggerating for the attention, socially you're an ******* if you deny the claims of the mentally ill. However, you're rather quite normal and have to fear no repercussions if you want to go about how illegal immigrants milk the system and get a bunch of lucrative benefits, such as swaying elections, even though this is not really the case. Women are still expected to be held accountable for men's behavior, so of course she really just wanted it and she is saying rape for attention. It's perfectly ok to talk down on the poor, call them lazy, expect them to prove their innocence of not using drugs, because there are so many claims of welfare abuse from the poor, but these claims are largely unfound as there is very little abuse going on. "Playing the race card" is no different. Sure, some people do use it as a means of unfair advantage and attention, but how many do you suppose that mention racial issues are just saying it with malicious intentions and how many do you suppose say it because such issues are a regular part of their lives? It's kinda like how feminism gets blamed for men's problems, even though feminists very often stand for gender equality and the problems men face very frequently are problems that are a consequence of the world that men created.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Or it's like that thread from not too long ago with the video of that guy who dressed up as a Jew in Paris, and several members held the mentality that he "only" had three really bad experiences in about a 10 hour time frame.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Yes, some people actually do this. It is not at all like hypochondriasis or an auto-somatic disorder, in which there is no clear physiological cause of symptoms but real symptoms are being experienced, but people fully fake it for the attention. However it is rare for this to happen, about as rare as the others.
I've never run across anyone faking mental illness, so I'd say it's much rarer than false accusations of racism, eg, Holder & Obama complaining that racism drives criticism of them.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
It's odd how they keep mentioning it will be harder for the younger workers, even though younger workers have been pushed aside, even for those "high schooler" "get experience" jobs, because of economic turmoil for over a decade now. And places that have a higher minimum wage than America don't seem to have the problems Republicans are scared will happen if we get a higher minimum wage.

He's beating the same drum other conservatives and libertarians have for a long time now. Personally I see the elimination of the minimum wage as a race to the bottom. Their idea (conservatives...not sure about libertarians) is to leave minimum wage to the states to deal with but I find this as a cop-out and an attempt to abolish it at the state level as well because many at the state level have expressed their desire to abolish the minimum wage.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
He's beating the same drum other conservatives and libertarians have for a long time now. Personally I see the elimination of the minimum wage as a race to the bottom. Their idea (conservatives...not sure about libertarians) is to leave minimum wage to the states to deal with but I find this as a cop-out and an attempt to abolish it at the state level as well because many at the state level have expressed their desire to abolish the minimum wage.
Aside from the economic arguments about the minimum wage, the fed has no constitutional authority to impose it. I'm quite leery of allowing the fed to impose more law than is authorized by the Constitution.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It's kinda like how feminism gets blamed for men's problems, even though feminists very often stand for gender equality and the problems men face very frequently are problems that are a consequence of the world that men created.
It's kinda like how men get blamed for all of women's problems even though women wield great power (when they aren't failing to wield the power they have). It's easier to place blame than take responsibility.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
I've never run across anyone faking mental illness, so I'd say it's much rarer than false accusations of racism, eg, Holder & Obama complaining that racism drives criticism of them.

I wouldn't say ("drives criticism of them") but certainly is fact that they are disliked because they are black.

Twitter Racists React to 'That ******' Getting Reelected

Charlie Sheen launches racist Twitter tirade against President Obama | Culture | The Guardian

floatingsheep: Mapping Racist Tweets in Response to President Obama's Re-election

'Take That N*gger Off TV': Racist Tweets Unleashed During President Obama's Sandy Hook Vigil Speech

Geographers Map Racist Anti-Obama Tweets | TIME.com


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I wouldn't say ("drives criticism of them") but certainly is fact that they are disliked because they are black.

Twitter Racists React to 'That ******' Getting Reelected

Charlie Sheen launches racist Twitter tirade against President Obama | Culture | The Guardian

floatingsheep: Mapping Racist Tweets in Response to President Obama's Re-election

'Take That N*gger Off TV': Racist Tweets Unleashed During President Obama's Sandy Hook Vigil Speech

Geographers Map Racist Anti-Obama Tweets | TIME.com
There certainly are racists who dislike Obama for that reason.
But when he claims racism as a general motive, this is false.
There are many valid political reasons to disagree with him & dislike him.
I could post examples of people supporting Obama for racist reasons.
Does that make his supporters generally racist?
Holder is even worse...desperately hiding accusations of racism in order to deflect legitimate criticism of his many misdeeds.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Aside from the economic arguments about the minimum wage, the fed has no constitutional authority to impose it. I'm quite leery of allowing the fed to impose more law than is authorized by the Constitution.

I say it's fine the way it is as far as constitutionality. This was decided a long time ago. The repeal the minimum wage mantra by opponents fall on def ears by those on the left, right and even many in the center.

Is the Federal Minimum Wage Unconstitutional? | The National Law Review
Nearly 70 years ago, the United States Supreme Court unanimously rejected this same Tenth Amendment argument and upheld the constitutionality of the federal minimum wage. In United States v. Darby, 312 U.S. 100 (1940), the Supreme Court found that, although the Constitution does not expressly give Congress authority to mandate a federal minimum wage, the Tenth Amendment does not deprive Congress of “authority to resort to all means for the exercise of a granted power which are appropriate and plainly adapted to the permitted end.” Id. at 124. The Court found that based on Congress’s power to regulate interstate commerce, Congress could enact reasonable legislation in furtherance of its policy of excluding from interstate commerce any goods produced under substandard labor conditions. Thus, the Court held that the federal minimum wage is not unconstitutional


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I say it's fine the way it is as far as constitutionality. This was decided a long time ago. The repeal the minimum wage mantra by opponents fall on def ears by those on the left, right and even many in the center.

Is the Federal Minimum Wage Unconstitutional? | The National Law Review
Oh, I know the USSC ruled that it's constitutional.
But of course, they were wrong.
This happens.....
- The Petty Offense Doctrine gutting the 6th Amendment
- Kelo v City Of New London gutting the 5th Amendment's taking clause.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I say it's fine the way it is as far as constitutionality. This was decided a long time ago. The repeal the minimum wage mantra by opponents fall on def ears by those on the left, right and even many in the center.

Is the Federal Minimum Wage Unconstitutional? | The National Law Review
The current right wing Court has no problem overturning precedents in spite of all the protestations about "stare decisis" before they were confirmed. And increasingly they're becoming fundamentalist fanatics who only care about what they read as the literal words of the Constitution just like the religious fanatics that are running around the world today.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Oh, I know the USSC ruled that it's constitutional.
But of course, they were wrong.
This happens.....
- The Petty Offense Doctrine gutting the 6th Amendment
- Kelo v City Of New London gutting the 5th Amendment's taking clause.
We agree that they can be wrong and I'll cite "Citizens United" and other decisions which give corporations the rights of people. I'll agree with that when the days comes that they put corporations in prison and start executing them.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The current right wing Court has no problem overturning precedents in spite of all the protestations about "stare decisis" before they were confirmed. And increasingly they're becoming fundamentalist fanatics who only care about what they read as the literal words of the Constitution just like the religious fanatics that are running around the world today.
Stare decisis is always a tricky thing. Sure, we want stability in the law so that we can confidently make decisions with legal consequences. But sometimes prior decisions have onerous consequences. Who would want Plessy v Ferguson to never be overturned by Brown v Board Of Education?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
We agree that they can be wrong and I'll cite "Citizens United" and other decisions which give corporations the rights of people. I'll agree with that when the days comes that they put corporations in prison and start executing them.
That decision didn't give corporations "the rights of people". Corporations already had some of the rights of people (because they're owned & run by people), eg, suing in court. This has been law for centuries, so it's nothing new.
Corporate personhood - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The decision was about the right to speech.

- Corporations are organizations of people.
- Corporations are started by & owned by people.
- Corporations are a form of assembly (typically by more than one person).
As an assemblage, there are some things they cannot do because such rights are reserved for individuals:
- Marry
- Vote
But some things are appropriate for groups of people:
- Suing in court
- Being sued in court
- Speaking, advocating, lobbying
- Running a business

Many news sources will say the decision said "corporations are people", eg, NPR, MSNBC.
But this sound bite is a simplistic deception.....a lie.
Last edited:

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
There certainly are racists who dislike Obama for that reason.
But when he claims racism as a general motive, this is false.

I've never heard him express that it's a general motive. He acknowledges that there are people who are that way to him but I never heard him say that's the overall reason people dislike him. Maybe you can share some evidence of this.

There are many valid political reasons to disagree with him & dislike him.

I agree...

Holder is even worse...desperately hiding accusations of racism in order to deflect legitimate criticism of his many misdeeds.

Is it not racist when some come right out and make racist epithets or is he playing the race card too...


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I've never heard him express that it's a general motive. He acknowledges that there are people who are that way to him but I never heard him say that's the overall reason people dislike him. Maybe you can share some evidence of this.
I suspect that your & my inferences will differ.
I bet we'd even differ about the Sharpton & Tawana Brawley episode.
Is it not racist when some come right out and make racist epithets or is he playing the race card too...
Well, of course! Duh!
But that isn't really in dispute, is it?
A discussion about falsely playing the race card is about cases of falsely playing the race card.