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Suppression of Free Speech on Covid

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
the "authorities" are not a source of facts.
Vetted experts are a much more reliable source of facts than "ordinary people." People pay them for their expertise.
facts are verifiable by ordinary people
Many are incapable of evaluating evidence properly as we saw during the pandemic, where the deaths clustered among the unvaccinated, and as we see on these threads.
I'm aware that there is a good case to make that the election was rigged.
Here's a nice counterexample to your claim. "Ordinary people" say what you said, and the facts contradict them. The authorities in this case say otherwise, and the data, which includes multiple recounts and the absence of evidence for widespread fraud in that election, supports them.
The placebo effect is well known to science, a point which the mask advocates and their "gold standard" science have yet to acknowledge.
The benefit of wearing masks to prevent the transmission of respiratory viruses is a scientific fact. The "authorities" have demonstrated so, but many "ordinary people" don't understand that, because they're ill equipped and unprepared to do so.
Matters of fact belong to the people.
Not all of them. Facts are known to those who can properly evaluate evidence. The rest must guess, like whether or not to wear a mask or take a vaccine, or how the 2020 election turned out, or whether climate change is a real thing. Some of those people who guessed wrong are now dead of COVID or in prison for believing Trump's lies, and many will lose their homes (uninsured) for failing to understand that where they live is becoming uninhabitable and waiting too long to try to sell and relocate.
Ordinary persons have prejudice against the recognition of the actions of the divine
Critical thinkers have a defense against accumulating false and unfalsifiable beliefs, which include claims about gods.
Not my job.
Your self-appointed job here is to make provocative, indefensible comments and follow them up with words like "Not my job" and these:

"Special pleading. You fail."
"I'm not buying into your strawman. You fail."
"Seem to be? Boring."

You haven't made an evidenced argument yet nor attempted to field rebuttals. Boring. Instead, you dismiss them with a wave of the hand and name of an irrelevant fallacy. That's a non sequitur and a fail.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I'm aware that there is a good case to make that the election was rigged. It doesn't affect my point though, since US voters endorsed the rigged system through the act of voting.
There is evidence of attempts to rig the election.
But they're all by Republicans.
Here in MI, we had them falsely posing as electors
to try to overturn our vote for Biden. We have
Trump threatening a GA official with prosecution
if he doesn't "find" the votes needed to win.
We have Giuliani, Trump's right hand minion,
admitting that he lied about a stolen election.
The list goes on.

In this election we have demonstrable examples
of Pubs using threats, violence, & fraud to
attempt a coup. Many have been prosecuted
& convicted.


Veteran Member
Same reasons and mainly so that individual states don't get bowled over
How does the EC system prevent states getting "bowled over" in 2023? How does it make things fairer for states in a way that offsets individual popular votes being made irrelevant? As it is now there presidential elections are decided by just 4-5 swing states, because all other states are established red or blue. A democrat's vote for a democrat in Missouri is irrelevant since more will vote republican. At least some states will assign proportional electors which is moving towrds fairness.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Same reasons and mainly so that individual states don't get bowled over
But they don't. You do not seem to understand that the Presidential election is a national one. Where they get "bowled over" is in Congress.

Than you for admitting that you do not have a good reason. Even you should be able to see how you admitted defeat.


Well-Known Member
You don't? Really? Over one million American citizens died from COVID. Many of those were preventable.
Actually, that sounds much worse than yelling fire in a movie theatre.

Sounds like you the one shouting fire in theatre friend -- "Preventable How" ? How were these Covid deaths preventable Doc .. other than eathing less donuts throughout one's life ...


Well-Known Member
You use the word "Nazi" far too loosely, which makes it difficult to take you seriously.
You've said basically nothing here.

I am not using the term Nazi loosly ... I told you specifically what I am calling "Nazi" tactics and Nazi actions .. such as Forced medical treatment - and use of propaganda .. "The Big Lie" that you have clearly bought into .. and now crying out "You have said nothing" .. when it is you who has nothing to say .. other than strawman fallacy as above ... mischaracterization of my argument and falsehood that you know is false .. but have nothing else to say.

What is also absurd and ridiculous is your feigned inability to understand how the Boss telling your daughter that sex with the Boss is part of the Job Description and threatening her Job for non compliance .. is not force/coersion .. and perfectly OK on this basis .. because she has the right to walk away.

Did you hear the news mate ... whistleblower say - 6 of 7 CIA analysts given "significant monetary compensation" to change their assessment of the Lab Leak .. that the Nature Journal article that came out in the beginning was hocus pocus.. and beloved Fauci Lied and should be tried .. as the Nazi collaborator that he is.


Well-Known Member
I see that you know nothing of the pandemic. Are you willing to learn?

I know far more than you friend ... by miles and miles .. and so can contribute much to your learning efforts .. hopefully you have something other than spoon fed propaganda to contribut as well .

What have you found out that you think I have yet to learn .. ? :)

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I know far more than you friend ... by miles and miles .. and so can contribute much to your learning efforts .. hopefully you have something other than spoon fed propaganda to contribut as well .

What have you found out that you think I have yet to learn .. ? :)
You don't. You have only repeated PRATT's. You only "know" conspiracy theories at best.


Well-Known Member
You don't. You have only repeated PRATT's. You only "know" conspiracy theories at best.

You keep crying out these unsupported accusations crying out "conspiracy theory" -- but not telling us what it is you think is conspiracy .. and I have no idea what "PRATTs" is.

What is PRATTS and where did I repeat this ?

and what is it we have all yet to learn about the Pandemic that you wanted to tell us.


Veteran Member
I would assume that additional pressure was placed on sites that did not have a medical background to determine what was true and false and their only plumb-line was whether or not it fit the narrative given by the government
Disinformation has been spread by many. Our politicians were the main source spreading and instigating in Holland, sadly
For us in the US, it was this very reason why our forefathers wanted a Constitution that required a very small non-intrusive national government with more power to the individual States. We are really moved away from the original intent
Those forefathers seemed to have had good plans. Indeed we moved away from their plan, sadly.

Luckily, it's God who designed all of the Creation, even these temporary hickups (IMO), you and I trust Him enough to believe all is meant to happen as it happens, according to His Master Plan, right?!

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You keep crying out these unsupported accusations crying out "conspiracy theory" -- but not telling us what it is you think is conspiracy .. and I have no idea what "PRATTs" is.

What is PRATTS and where did I repeat this ?

and what is it we have all yet to learn about the Pandemic that you wanted to tell us.
You have to be kidding me. A PRATT is a Point Refuted A Thousand Times.

What are you having such a hard time understanding?


Well-Known Member
You have to be kidding me. A PRATT is a Point Refuted A Thousand Times.

What are you having such a hard time understanding?

There are many things I have difficulty understanding .. why someone would think themselves smart for knowing silly made up acronym -- I do not know .. nor do I understand why silly people run around crying falsly that they have refutted some point .. and then to add to the ridiculous nonsense .. don't tell the audience what point it is they have refuted.

So if you could explain this behavior to me it would be appreciated .. thus far however you have been a very poor teacher so am not holding breath and no worries if you fail again to address the topic .. managing only personal invective fallacy and false nonsense.


Veteran Member
That's a fallacy (appeal to authority), not a fact. Facts are verifiable by ordinary people.
The organization that declares pandemics, declared COVID to be a pandemic. Pretty much every country in the world treated it as such. I just verified it for you. You can even verify it for yourself.

I don't know what else to tell you, if you're determined to ignore reality.