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Suppression of Free Speech on Covid


Veteran Member
I am not using the term Nazi loosly ... I told you specifically what I am calling "Nazi" tactics and Nazi actions ..
I think you are. I've asked you for examples of these "Nazi tactics" and haven't received any. Just more of vagueness ... (see below)
such as Forced medical treatment
Who was forced to take medical treatment?
- and use of propaganda .. "The Big Lie" that you have clearly bought into
What's "the big lie?"
.. and now crying out "You have said nothing" .. when it is you who has nothing to say .. other than strawman fallacy as above ... mischaracterization of my argument and falsehood that you know is false .. but have nothing else to say.
Oh boy, another one who just claims fallacies without any explanation. Oh and then calling me a liar on top of it without showing how or why.
Boring. I'd rather talk substance.
What is also absurd and ridiculous is your feigned inability to understand how the Boss telling your daughter that sex with the Boss is part of the Job Description and threatening her Job for non compliance .. is not force/coersion .. and perfectly OK on this basis .. because she has the right to walk away.
What are you talking about? More veiled insults. More allusions to who knows what. You're all over the place.
Did you hear the news mate ... whistleblower say - 6 of 7 CIA analysts given "significant monetary compensation" to change their assessment of the Lab Leak .. that the Nature Journal article that came out in the beginning was hocus pocus.. and beloved Fauci Lied and should be tried .. as the Nazi collaborator that he is.
And more Gish Galloping.
Now Fauci is a Nazi collaborator? For trying to save lives? What a ridiculous statement. Get serious.

Thanks for helping me demonstrate that you throw around the term "Nazi" far too loosely.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
There are many things I have difficulty understanding .. why someone would think themselves smart for knowing silly made up acronym -- I do not know .. nor do I understand why silly people run around crying falsly that they have refutted some point .. and then to add to the ridiculous nonsense .. don't tell the audience what point it is they have refuted.

So if you could explain this behavior to me it would be appreciated .. thus far however you have been a very poor teacher so am not holding breath and no worries if you fail again to address the topic .. managing only personal invective fallacy and false nonsense.
I see, you are still practicing at being wrong. You are getting quite good at it. Give me a shout when you have a serious post to make.


Well-Known Member
Preventable by wearing masks and social distancing.
Preventable by being vaccinated.

I have no idea why you wrote this post, unless it was just some attempt to mock the dead. :shrug:

Who is mocking the dead but you ? Masks and Social distancing did not prevent the spread of Covid .. nor did the vaccine ? Where did you hear this false nonsense ?

The director for the CDC publicly acknowledged in a CNN interview that the COVID-19 vaccine is not effective at preventing transmission of the virus. CDC Director: Covid vaccines can't prevent transmission anymore

Even the Gov't propaganda mouthpiece admits the vax does not prevent transmission -- so where are you getting the idea that it does ? ... that is some seriously spiked kool-aid you have been gulping down friend .. way down at the bottom of the food chain conspiracy touting sources.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Who is mocking the dead but you ? Masks and Social distancing did not prevent the spread of Covid .. nor did the vaccine ? Where did you hear this false nonsense ?

The director for the CDC publicly acknowledged in a CNN interview that the COVID-19 vaccine is not effective at preventing transmission of the virus. CDC Director: Covid vaccines can't prevent transmission anymore

Even the Gov't propaganda mouthpiece admits the vax does not prevent transmission -- so where are you getting the idea that it does ? ... that is some seriously spiked kool-aid you have been gulping down friend .. way down at the bottom of the food chain conspiracy touting sources.
You ignored the part of that article where she tells them that the vaccines work and save lives. Seriously did you not read this:

'“Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue to work well for Delta with regard to sever illness and death. They prevent it," Walensky said.'

You have probably already been told this numerous times, no vaccine is perfect. What they do is to slow the rate of transmission. As do masks. Even more important is that if one ends up getting the disease the symptoms are far less severe. That is why most of the dead until a huge percentage of the population was vaccinated were from the unvaccinated.


Well-Known Member
I think you are. I've asked you for examples of these "Nazi tactics" and haven't received any. Just more of vagueness ... (see below)

Who was forced to take medical treatment?

What's "the big lie?"

"Who was forced to take medical Treatment" you ask .. pretending not to have been told already in some silly joke behavoir.

My son was Forced to take medical treatment .. should he want to remain in University for starters .. millions of people who were forced to Jab or lose Job.

"Whats the big lie" --- The big lie is that the Vax is safe and effective -- at preventing transmission for example .. a lie you believed .. running around crying that vaxing prevents transmission.. Which is different than saying "you lied" silly .. so can quit that false woke victim complaint .. I am saying that the sources you believed lied to you .. that the Gov't lied to you .. that is the big lie you were sucked into .

The Big Lie is that the Gov't wasn't lying to you mate :) har har


Well-Known Member
You ignored the part of that article where she tells them that the vaccines work and save lives. Seriously did you not read this:

'“Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue to work well for Delta with regard to sever illness and death. They prevent it," Walensky said.'

You have probably already been told this numerous times, no vaccine is perfect. What they do is to slow the rate of transmission. As do masks. Even more important is that if one ends up getting the disease the symptoms are far less severe. That is why most of the dead until a huge percentage of the population was vaccinated were from the unvaccinated.

Why are you talking about things you no nothing about .. as if you do .. crying out the nonsensical "they slow the rate of transmission" -

by how much .. and is this rate significant = prevents the spread of the disease = has a value lower than 1.

Absolutely no clue what you are saying .. "Effective" - "Working at all" = has a value lower than 1

So .. the folks telling you "Working exceptionally well" were telling you a huge lie

and no .. most of the dead did not come prior to a huge percentage of the population vaxed -- on a relative basis .. and nor would this lend any merit to the claim that the Vax was working even if it was true.

and obviously everyone who died from covid prior to the vax being introduced .. was "unvaccinated" ?? Seriously ? .... need to think a little about what you are saying.

and last your claim about less severe symptoms also spoon fed propaganda nonsense .. as while there is some evidence that this may hold true .. it is only true for a very small segment of the population (severly immune compromized and near to death bed) .. Not true for the rest of the population .. and for most of these people ... and especially ones who have had covid (natural immunity - which is far better and longer lasting that anything the Vax might confer) the risk if harm from the vax is far higher than risk of harm from Covid .. never mind the excess risk of harm from covid unvaxed. Orders of magnitude higher Brother SubD


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Purely anecdotal of course but I know someone who was vaxed and boosted (four shots total), who was a Republican, but who died of COVID. Oh, she also wasn't overweight.


Veteran Member
Who is mocking the dead but you ? Masks and Social distancing did not prevent the spread of Covid .. nor did the vaccine ? Where did you hear this false nonsense ?
Not me. You:

"Sounds like you the one shouting fire in theatre friend -- "Preventable How" ? How were these Covid deaths preventable Doc .. other than eathing less donuts throughout one's life ..."

The director for the CDC publicly acknowledged in a CNN interview that the COVID-19 vaccine is not effective at preventing transmission of the virus. CDC Director: Covid vaccines can't prevent transmission anymore

Even the Gov't propaganda mouthpiece admits the vax does not prevent transmission -- so where are you getting the idea that it does ? ... that is some seriously spiked kool-aid you have been gulping down friend .. way down at the bottom of the food chain conspiracy touting sources.
Dude, I said DEATHS were preventable by being vaccinated. Read more carefully.

You don't seem to know how vaccines work. That's your failing, not mine, nor the CDC's.

The only one touting conspiracy nonsense here is you. Stop projecting your failings onto me.


Veteran Member
"Who was forced to take medical Treatment" you ask .. pretending not to have been told already in some silly joke behavoir.

My son was Forced to take medical treatment .. should he want to remain in University for starters .. millions of people who were forced to Jab or lose Job.
That's not forcing anything. Your son had a choice in the matter. Unless someone held him down and forced the vaccine onto him? Did that happen?

The University has a responsibility to protect its students.
Workplaces have a responsibility to protect their employees.
"Whats the big lie" --- The big lie is that the Vax is safe and effective
It is safe and effective.
-- at preventing transmission for example
Nobody who understands how vaccines work should believe that.
Being vaccinated however, can lower the rate of transmission.
.. a lie you believed .
Nope. Not me. Nobody lied to me about that.
. running around crying that vaxing prevents transmission.. Which is different than saying "you lied" silly .. so can quit that false woke victim complaint .. I am saying that the sources you believed lied to you .. that the Gov't lied to you .. that is the big lie you were sucked into .

The Big Lie is that the Gov't wasn't lying to you mate :) har har
The rest of this is nonsensical.

Perhaps you're just projecting.


Veteran Member
Why are you talking about things you no nothing about .. as if you do .. crying out the nonsensical "they slow the rate of transmission" -

by how much .. and is this rate significant = prevents the spread of the disease = has a value lower than 1.

Absolutely no clue what you are saying .. "Effective" - "Working at all" = has a value lower than 1

So .. the folks telling you "Working exceptionally well" were telling you a huge lie

and no .. most of the dead did not come prior to a huge percentage of the population vaxed -- on a relative basis .. and nor would this lend any merit to the claim that the Vax was working even if it was true.

and obviously everyone who died from covid prior to the vax being introduced .. was "unvaccinated" ?? Seriously ? .... need to think a little about what you are saying.

and last your claim about less severe symptoms also spoon fed propaganda nonsense .. as while there is some evidence that this may hold true .. it is only true for a very small segment of the population (severly immune compromized and near to death bed) .. Not true for the rest of the population .. and for most of these people ... and especially ones who have had covid (natural immunity - which is far better and longer lasting that anything the Vax might confer) the risk if harm from the vax is far higher than risk of harm from Covid .. never mind the excess risk of harm from covid unvaxed. Orders of magnitude higher Brother SubD
I don't see anything worthy of a response here. It's all just a bunch of YouTube nonsense that's been debunked like, two years ago.
Give it up, dude.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
I agree totally,... likewise we should feel the same about President Biden as we pray for both of them.
I do not spout nor accept false equivalencies. You said you voted for Trump twice, and that alone tells me a lot.

Yes, I also pray for politicians with the hope they'll act morally and effectively, and that without any doubt whatsoever leaves out Trump and numerous others, such as Bill Clinton for just one example.

BTW, Lindsey Graham said the Biden was the most moral man in the Senate, and John McCain also praised him as did his daughter Meghan.
I am an independent but had to chose one party because otherwise we have no say-so in the primaries.
I have no problem with that. Here in Michigan, where the men are men and the women look like men, we don't sign up for a party but must vote on only which party we want to at the time of a primary.

BTW, in the general elections, it's not at all unusual to split my vote, and numerous times I've not voted for anyone in a given category or have voted third party as a protest vote.


Well-Known Member
Not me. You:

"Sounds like you the one shouting fire in theatre friend -- "Preventable How" ? How were these Covid deaths preventable Doc .. other than eathing less donuts throughout one's life ..."

Dude, I said DEATHS were preventable by being vaccinated. Read more carefully.

You don't seem to know how vaccines work. That's your failing, not mine, nor the CDC's.

The only one touting conspiracy nonsense here is you. Stop projecting your failings onto me.

You the one shouting fire .. mocking the dead by telling falsehoods .. claiming these deaths were preventable by masking and lockdown and/or taking the vax .. which is pure falsehood .. for anyone but the severedly immune compromized and nearly dead.

They you cry about me not knowing how vaccines work .. but not stating what it is that I said that you think was incorrect showing you have no idea what a valid argument is .. then cry about some conspiracy theory .again not stating this crazy conspiracy theory is ... proving once again that you do not know what an argument is.. and then claiming I am the one projecting...

What is this failing being projected onto you that you wish stopped. again proving once again you have no idea what an argument is..

This is fallaciously nonsensical behavior .. What deaths were prevented by the Vaccine .. "read more carefully" you cry .. when I asked you this previously .. then told you which deaths were prevented.

Your claim that that masks and lockdown prevented transmission is simply false and according to the CDC the vax does not prevent transmission either. Masking and Lockdowns did not prevent the spread of Covid .. what kind of silly nonsense is this .. did you not notice that Covid spread like wildfire .. when people were masked and in lockdown mode ... further ... there was no significant slowdown of the spread .. which we all know because covid spread like wildfire .

IF we would have implemented lockdowns like in Australia and New Zealand .. we could have "Prevented" transmission to significant degree .. but we didn't .. and running around in cloth masks didn't do squat to prevent transmission .. nor would it be realistically expected to.

Sorry mate .. people been lying to you .. and you been eating it up .. especially the Gov't lies.

Here is a good video about some of those Gov't lies .. by the fellow who was charged with investigation of the Lab Leak

Government Lies: Covid Lab Leak And Ukraine | A Conversation With Jeffrey Sachs


Well-Known Member
That's not forcing anything. Your son had a choice in the matter. Unless someone held him down and forced the vaccine onto him? Did that happen?

What a joke -- " Vax or lose Job" - is coercion .. which is a form of forced compliance. Your claim that "Unless someone holds the person down" it is not force -- "Coercion" is pure Authoritarianism .. and patent nonsense..

That you think there is nothing wrong with a boss telling an employee to have sex with them or lose job .. that such coercion is not force and so if he didn't actually hold her down its perfectly OK .. is another example of some twisted woke joke thinking. \

My body my choice no more I guess aye "Skeptic" ? If the Gov't threatens abortion providers with "FORCE" -- laws banning the procedure and stiff penalties for providers .. Thats OK according to you because the woman was not held down and forced to give birth naturally .. or forced not to have an abortion .. She could have left the country after all .. she had a choice. Your Facist Logic .. not mine. What a joke.
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
What a joke -- " Vax or lose Job" - is coercion .. which is a form of forced compliance. Your claim that "Unless someone holds the person down" it is not force -- "Coercion" is pure Authoritarianism .. and patent nonsense..

That you think there is nothing wrong with a boss telling an employee to have sex with them or lose job .. that such coercion is not force and so if he didn't actually hold her down its perfectly OK .. is another example of some twisted woke joke thinking. \

My body my choice no more I guess aye "Skeptic" ? If the Gov't threatens abortion providers with "FORCE" -- laws banning the procedure and stiff penalties for providers .. Thats OK according to you because the woman was not held down and forced to give birth naturally .. or forced not to have an abortion .. She could have left the country after all .. she had a choice. Your Facist Logic .. not mine. What a joke.
It is perfectly legal. There are many jobs where one has to be vaccinated or one can lose one's job. People in the health care businesses that deal with people at risk very often have to get a yearly flu vaccine. Why would it be any different for covid?

It is part of what a person has to be aware of when taking certain jobs. It is not coercion. It is not authoritarianism. Now there may be some jobs where no vaccinations were required before and they changed their policy due to the pandemic. That may be overstepping one's bounds, but it depends upon the job and who one deals with.