Sgt. Pepper
All you need is love.
You all restored a little of my faith in humanity.
(And yes, I voted, but I live in a solidly blue state)
I also contributed a few bucks to a few critical senate races. But honestly, the Dems have to take a hard look at themselves, given that they barely beat 2022's collection of GOP a##hats.
I voted Democratic, just as I said I would after enduring more than two years of bullying and harassment from Trump supporters. I vowed that I would never support the Republican Party politically or financially again as long as Trump and his sycophantic followers have control of it. I also donated some of the money that I had set aside years ago to financially support the Republican Party to help support the Democratic Party. I wish that I had the stimulus check money like I had to send to Joe Biden's 2020 presidential campaign, but I didn't have any this time, or I would have sent a lot of that money to financially support the Democratic Party. I'm pleased that the Democrats maintained control in the Senate. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for them concerning the House of Representatives.