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The bible and gays


Well-Known Member
Norman: Hi suncowiam, were you referring to me? By the way, sorry if I seemed rude in my post (s) to you.

Don't worry about that. I dont' care. Offending me requires action as opposed to words and thoughts.

Let's just say we agree to disagree and move on... Thanks


Veteran Member
Have you read the Bible to yourself? Jesus was never religious, a matter of fact he was anti religious ( that costs his life) He did not invent a new religion called Christianity as most people think without reading Bible.
Yes I agree, religion only gets in the way.


Veteran Member
Have you really read the Bible ? Jesus was a party man, when he attended the wedding at Cana you think he didn't have fun ? Supposedly he made lots of best tasting wine.
Jesus was a joyful person, continually urging his followers to be joyful. He explains to his disciples, "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete" (John 15:11).
Yes I agree, but most would not, that's my point.


Well-Known Member
No I did not put you in that group. I did notice that you do seem to be more defense toward them. You have not even once try to tell them what a good person I am. That does hurt
Ben, you have to stand on your own feet here. This is not like Nora's board. I know how good you are but here, that carries no weight. You have to stand on your own.


"You are so full of crap. That is all I got to say to you now."

Wow ! whether you agree with him or not , he is still made in the image of God and Jesus loves him died for him . Without love it`s all for nothing !

Peace :)


The only way it seems to me , for God to allow people to freely love Him without coercion or control was to give us all free will . With that free will , we can freely choose or reject Him or love Him.

We can create or destroy , we can love or hate, everything is " permitted " but not everything is right and there is judgement day which we all face eventually.

We as humans like to let our pets run free in the garden or the park, but danger lurks if these pets disregard our guidance.



Well-Known Member
The only way it seems to me , for God to allow people to freely love Him without coercion or control was to give us all free will . With that free will , we can freely choose or reject Him or love Him.

We can create or destroy , we can love or hate, everything is " permitted " but not everything is right and there is judgement day which we all face eventually.

We as humans like to let our pets run free in the garden or the park, but danger lurks if these pets disregard our guidance.

Please speak for yourself. Not everyone here believes that 'there is a judgment day which we all face eventually". That is your opinion and one that I do not hold. I respect and appreciate that you believe that but when you state we all, you include me.


Sorry JoStories, that`s why I said " it seems to me " ,

However if you believe there is no God or no Judgement, then why does my opinion upset you ?
Conversely if you have faith in God then judgement will be a positive blessing.

Anyone being negatively judged doesn`t fill me with enthusiasm either ,but according to the Bible God hates sin as much as we would hate having manure in our living room, to Him sin is a stench .

Jesus paid the price so we don`t have to be condemned in this world or the next ( assuming there is one , which I do believe there is ).
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According to what I see in the Bible .

Sin in a sense is a collective expression for rejection of God . The God we can all see in the astounding world around and above us , we are uniquely made for freely expressed fellowship with Him achievable through the work of Christ.



Well-Known Member
Sorry JoStories, that`s why I said " it seems to me " ,

However if you believe there is no God or no Judgement, then why does my opinion upset you ?
Conversely if you have faith in God then judgement will be a positive blessing.

Anyone being negatively judged doesn`t fill me with enthusiasm either ,but according to the Bible God hates sin as much as we would hate having manure in our living room, to Him sin is a stench .

Jesus paid the price so we don`t have to be condemned in this world or the next ( assuming there is one , which I do believe there is ).
I saw that Chess player. I do believe in God. But not the one you adhere to. I am Buddhist and while many Buddhists don't believe in God, some do, including me. And I was in no way upset Chess, I was just pointing out that making a blanket statement about 'we all' is erroneous insofar as it doesn't pertain to all. It can in your opinion which is fine. But again, I don't believe in judgment or any of that. IMO, no one has the right to judge others based on faith. Faith is just that, faith without facts to back it up. but besides all that, welcome to the board.


Active Member
Ben, you have to stand on your own feet here. This is not like Nora's board. I know how good you are but here, that carries no weight. You have to stand on your own.
Other words you'll stand up for section of friends but not the other. The only diffferences is new people. Nothing else has change Jo. I guess i expect more from my friends. mostly those who think of me as a grandson. I stand up for my friends no matter where i am at. That is how i was raised to do. I guess i just expected more. i should of known better
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Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
One problem becoming apparent in this thread, is that some want to impose their beliefs on the rest of the world. What sin implies to one doesn't imply the same thing to another. The implications for one are different for another. Homosexuality may be wrong for one, but not for another. We used to live in a world here where everybody was Christian and everybody went to church on Sunday, and the only real tiff was with "those dirty Catholics." Our world has become increasingly pluralistic. We have to share world views with lots of diverse people. Perhaps, using terms like "I believe," and "When I sin," or "When I die..." thus-and-such happens, or "God says to me..." instead of "us." My position is that you don't get to come on here and make blanket statements, according to your world view, that are hurtful to others. You don't get to say, "The bible says that homosexuals are sinners and are all going to hell." You could say, "I think the bible says that it's wrong for me to be homosexual, and that I will go to hell if I engage in such." You can't say, "There simply is no such thing as homosexual marriage." You could say, "I don't believe that homosexual marriage is right for me." Because not all of us share the same world view, and to assume that they do, and to assume that yours is the only correct one, is wrong.

C Dean

New Member
Why is the bible homophobic
Homophobic??? A phobia means fear of something. The Bible is not afraid of homosexuality; it simply teaches against it. It is strongly denounced in both old & new testaments. Some people incorrectly say that the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah weren't destroyed for homosexuality but when you read the passage of Scripture where the 2 angels went there to rescue Lot & his family, you'll note that the men of the city desired sexual contact with the angels, who had manifested themselves to look like men. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul has much to say about it Romans chapter 1. Again, the writer in Jude, the book right before Revelation, says in it's 7th verse, " Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire." Folks can say all they want to about how unfair God is, how harsh He is, how outdated the Bible it, but the bottom line is; God created it all..He created man..and in the end, He will judge man.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
The Bible is not afraid of homosexuality; it simply teaches against it.
No it doesn't. It teaches against what it perceives as unnatural contact between men of the same sex.
Some people incorrectly say that the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah weren't destroyed for homosexuality but when you read the passage of Scripture where the 2 angels went there to rescue Lot & his family, you'll note that the men of the city desired sexual contact with the angels, who had manifested themselves to look like men.
This is simply irresponsible and bad exegesis of that text.
Folks can say all they want to about how unfair God is, how harsh He is, how outdated the Bible it, but the bottom line is; God created it all..He created man..and in the end, He will judge man.
You patently didn't bother to read my post above, did you? You can say all you want to about "the bottom line," but the bottom line is that your belief has no bearing on the reality of the world.


Well-Known Member
One problem becoming apparent in this thread, is that some want to impose their beliefs on the rest of the world. What sin implies to one doesn't imply the same thing to another. The implications for one are different for another. Homosexuality may be wrong for one, but not for another. We used to live in a world here where everybody was Christian and everybody went to church on Sunday, and the only real tiff was with "those dirty Catholics." Our world has become increasingly pluralistic. We have to share world views with lots of diverse people. Perhaps, using terms like "I believe," and "When I sin," or "When I die..." thus-and-such happens, or "God says to me..." instead of "us." My position is that you don't get to come on here and make blanket statements, according to your world view, that are hurtful to others. You don't get to say, "The bible says that homosexuals are sinners and are all going to hell." You could say, "I think the bible says that it's wrong for me to be homosexual, and that I will go to hell if I engage in such." You can't say, "There simply is no such thing as homosexual marriage." You could say, "I don't believe that homosexual marriage is right for me." Because not all of us share the same world view, and to assume that they do, and to assume that yours is the only correct one, is wrong.
I guess it is time you get a regular speaks for me card Sojourner. I think it best I am done with this thread as it has caused a lot of hard feelings and I don't want that. You're the best Sojourner. You really are a good poster here.


Well-Known Member
Homophobic??? A phobia means fear of something. The Bible is not afraid of homosexuality; it simply teaches against it. It is strongly denounced in both old & new testaments. Some people incorrectly say that the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah weren't destroyed for homosexuality but when you read the passage of Scripture where the 2 angels went there to rescue Lot & his family, you'll note that the men of the city desired sexual contact with the angels, who had manifested themselves to look like men. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul has much to say about it Romans chapter 1. Again, the writer in Jude, the book right before Revelation, says in it's 7th verse, " Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire." Folks can say all they want to about how unfair God is, how harsh He is, how outdated the Bible it, but the bottom line is; God created it all..He created man..and in the end, He will judge man.
Ah..no, the Bible does not teach about homosexuality. It speaks about the one act of male to male sex and nothing more. And that is only found in the Tanach/OT and in Paulian Dogma. Christ doesn't address it at all. And pointing to Lot does not lend a lot of credence here as he was a pedophile or at the least incestuous.

C Dean

New Member
Ah..no, the Bible does not teach about homosexuality. It speaks about the one act of male to male sex and nothing more. And that is only found in the Tanach/OT and in Paulian Dogma. Christ doesn't address it at all. And pointing to Lot does not lend a lot of credence here as he was a pedophile or at the least incestuous.

Wow, I've wasted my time on here...Hollywood & the rest of the media have got most of America brainwashed into thinking all this is ok. No amount of debate or persuasion will help you "progressive" thinkers. It's your lives..live and think how you want but the consequences are soon to follow


Well-Known Member
Wow, I've wasted my time on here...Hollywood & the rest of the media have got most of America brainwashed into thinking all this is ok. No amount of debate or persuasion will help you "progressive" thinkers. It's your lives..live and think how you want but the consequences are soon to follow
Apparently it has also "brainwashed" non-American people who don't care much for media and not at all for Hollywood.