DBD if I may answer your post.
I agree we shouldn`t dictate to our children what to think . However surely society exists within certain perameters and boundaries . We are built that way, we have them in our laws, in sport , natural laws like danger of water, fire, heights etc.
If we transgress these laws we pay the price .
I`m not BTW referring to the threat of Hell , only the principle of showing our kids there are consequences for our actions, n`est pas ?
Society, at least the one I live in, is supposed to be built on the foundations of what is most beneficial and fair for all people.
So, I see the rules and laws as a point to express to a child. I wont force my child to obey the law either, but that's for a separate reason.
And, by breaking a law, you do not always pay a price. Not every murderer or molester is in prison, or will be in prison.
I have broken many laws myself, I've been smoking since I was 15, for instance. I was never caught or punished.
I will show my kids what could happen in philosophical and law/rule based situations.
The question that most parents seem to hate is "why?". I love that question.
If a child were to ask me why something works the way it does, I'll tell them.
And if they don't understand, I'll express it to them so that they have the potential to understand.
If I don't have the correct answer, I'll say so.
Direct reply to laws/rules
It all comes down to them being people made things.
At their base they are like any other building, even though they go as high as a skyscraper.
The laws of nature is a good reference, they are the ground which humans have built on, per se.
They will always exist even if all our other structures crash down, or we die completely.
It seems they are a requirement, if you will. But what is not a requirement is living in that skyscraper.