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The bible and gays

All of this is your opinion and some is rather rude, to be honest. My relationship with my late partner was not even a little bit about lust. It was about love and caring and being there for her no matter what. I will never fear God, as I know of and understand God. You can fear God if you like but that mindset makes no sense to me at all. God is not to be feared but rather one to strive toward. And btw, God does not hate homosexuality. You can believe God does if that makes you happy but it is not true, or least IMO. God made me this way.

Dear JoStories,

You are the first person who knows and understands God that I have come across. I don’t think anyone alive knows and understands God, since an infinite God is beyond our finite understanding. This is not my opinion, but it is what God tells me in His Word.
It is obvious that you don’t know too much about the Bible. The fear of God refers to respect of God and to hold God in awe.
Psalm 36:1 (KJV)
1 The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.

The lack of fear of God is connected to rebelliousness against God. And again…
Psalm 111:10 (KJV)
10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments…..

If you have no fear of God, you are not wise.
It is my duty as a Christian to set forth the mind of Christ as He instructs me in that Word. If you don’t like it, that is not my problem. For a person to think they know better than God is foolishness. Your offence at instruction in God’s Word is indicative of someone who is not a Christian, otherwise you would be happy to be instructed in God’s Word. Christ’s prophet. Certainty for eternity.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Gospel word meaning good news
Gospel opposed

That male homosexuals deemed to have violated the natural law also
Because each member of the human has a special function
Reproductive system of men and women
For this breach of these functions is considered a violation of the natural law
That is why the Gospel here is consistent with natural law
Gospel and also puts the line between humans and animals
Animal not be able to control his lust
While the Bible calls for control of lust
Gospel calls that transcends human morals and rise to the salaries of holiness through respect for the vital functions of its organs
Invite who encourage such practices that are thinking quietly
Can you that the function of the respiratory device change
And becomes your fish such as respiratory breathing apparatus
The answer is exile
To the human respiratory system works in the air
While the respiratory system works to the fish in the water
So why encourage sex practices homeopathy ??
I invite you to think well


JoStories , quote ,She is a Christian and a full blown alcoholic and has been for years. No cannot simple fill this void with something intangible without also addressing why the void was empty in the first place.

Yes you can , God is much more powerful than any addictions , but He does need the cooperation and the trust of an individual to do this .
I also agree that there is often "repair " work required by some folks , but usually this will happen after they are trusting God in a real way.

I`m very sorry about your sister , however, there is hope.

I would speculate that there would be underlying problems in your sister ( or any alcoholic ), usually based around mum or dad disfunctional relationships( I hope you don`t mind me talking like this ). These problems in the alcoholic often stay around because of unforgiveness and associated choices.

Care and counseling , prayer and patience are required

"Chasing the dragon " a book by Jackie Pullinger is an account of her life in the walled city in Hong Kong , among , heroin addicts , prostitutes , pushers , pimps, gangs etc. Her experiences are based on them going " cold turkey " plus the prayer etc above.

Also .

Teen Challenge organisation has a lot of success in getting people who express a desire for Christ and a commitment to the programme, clean and free.

An example of this is given in a book by an ex addict from a very disfunctional broken home . He was headed downwards in a spiral of heroin abuse , gang violence, etc then found Christ and was delivered over a period of time ..
Some years later, John is a qualified full time teacher and part time pastor of a Free Church of Scotland , married with two kids . The book is called The Concrete jungle by John Caldwell.

Such is the redemption that Christ on the cross paid for us all to receive. We need to accept this offer , receive Him and trust Him from then on , let go and let God.

Expect some failures maybe , but aim for the best, He wants it for us all.


Quote from Sawresho

with a few suggestions for a possible interpretation.

Gospel means the " good news"
Gospel is opposed to homosexuality

Male homosexuals violate the law of nature and the gospel,
Because each member of the human anatomy has a special function.

Regarding the Reproductive system of men and women.

A breach of these functions is considered a violation of the natural law,
That is why the Gospel here is consistent with natural law.
Gospel puts the line between humans and animals,
Animals are not able to control their lusts.
While the Bible calls for people to control their lust.
The Bible calls human morals to rise to the state of holiness ,through respect for the functions of their bodies.

I Invite those who indulge in such practices to quietly consider the question.

Can you change the function of the respiratory system ?
And can you become a fish with gills for underwater breathing ?
The answer is ,No !

So why practice homosexuality when nature and the Bible teach as being unnatural .
I sincerely invite you to give serious consideration to this.

I hope this is an accurate correction of the text.


quote ..Jung says that wholeness is about "integration...but not perfection."

Jung had some good ideas about some things ,but he is dead ,whereas Jesus has had zillions of good ideas about everything and he is still alive, so who should I listen to ?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
It is my duty as a Christian to set forth the mind of Christ as He instructs me in that Word. If you don’t like it, that is not my problem.
But it's patently not your Christian duty to tell everyone else that they're wrong.
Your offence at instruction in God’s Word is indicative of someone who is not a Christian, otherwise you would be happy to be instructed in God’s Word.
The problem is that the "instruction" that people give in "God's word" isn't instruction, because it generally only sets forth one perspective of one poorly-conceived interpretation of the texts in question. These texts don't provide answers, as you suppose they do, rather, they invite us to wrestle with the questions that the texts may raise. "Instruction" would invite such wrestling -- not attempt to shove some pat answer down everyone's throats.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Jung had some good ideas about some things, but he is dead, whereas Jesus has had zillions of good ideas about everything and he is still alive, so who should I listen to ?
Bach is dead too. But he is still one the best musicians of all time. And I bet lots of people still listen to his music over, say, Miley Cyrus, who has "zillions of hits," simply because she's "still alive."

Jung was one of the premier figures in psychiatric medicine, and merits listening to. Plus, I don't think he particularly contradicts Jesus.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Gospel means the " good news"
Gospel is opposed to homosexuality
The gospels never mention homosexuality. Neither do any other biblical texts.
Male homosexuals violate the law of nature and the gospel,
Because each member of the human anatomy has a special function.
What is the "law of nature," where human sexual identity is concerned? Hint: the answer isn't found in anatomical parts.
Regarding the Reproductive system of men and women.

A breach of these functions is considered a violation of the natural law,
That is why the Gospel here is consistent with natural law.
Gospel puts the line between humans and animals,
Animals are not able to control their lusts.
While the Bible calls for people to control their lust.
The Bible calls human morals to rise to the state of holiness ,through respect for the functions of their bodies.
Homosexuality isn't about "lust." It's about identity. It's not about "function." It's about identity.
I Invite those who indulge in such practices to quietly consider the question.

Can you change the function of the respiratory system ?
And can you become a fish with gills for underwater breathing ?
The answer is ,No !
Sexual identity has nothing to do lungs or any other anatomical part. It has to do with ... identity.
So why practice homosexuality when nature and the Bible teach as being unnatural .
I sincerely invite you to give serious consideration to this.
Because the bible doesn't know about homosexuality as a natural expression of sexual identity. The bible also, apparently, didn't know about the nature of the heavens.
I sincerely invite you to give serious consideration to this.


Premium Member
JoStories , quote ,She is a Christian and a full blown alcoholic and has been for years. No cannot simple fill this void with something intangible without also addressing why the void was empty in the first place.

Yes you can , God is much more powerful than any addictions , but He does need the cooperation and the trust of an individual to do this .
I also agree that there is often "repair " work required by some folks , but usually this will happen after they are trusting God in a real way.

I`m very sorry about your sister , however, there is hope.

I would speculate that there would be underlying problems in your sister ( or any alcoholic ), usually based around mum or dad disfunctional relationships( I hope you don`t mind me talking like this ). These problems in the alcoholic often stay around because of unforgiveness and associated choices.

Care and counseling , prayer and patience are required

"Chasing the dragon " a book by Jackie Pullinger is an account of her life in the walled city in Hong Kong , among , heroin addicts , prostitutes , pushers , pimps, gangs etc. Her experiences are based on them going " cold turkey " plus the prayer etc above.

Also .

Teen Challenge organisation has a lot of success in getting people who express a desire for Christ and a commitment to the programme, clean and free.

An example of this is given in a book by an ex addict from a very disfunctional broken home . He was headed downwards in a spiral of heroin abuse , gang violence, etc then found Christ and was delivered over a period of time ..
Some years later, John is a qualified full time teacher and part time pastor of a Free Church of Scotland , married with two kids . The book is called The Concrete jungle by John Caldwell.

Such is the redemption that Christ on the cross paid for us all to receive. We need to accept this offer , receive Him and trust Him from then on , let go and let God.

Expect some failures maybe , but aim for the best, He wants it for us all.

Quote from Sawresho

with a few suggestions for a possible interpretation.

Gospel means the " good news"
Gospel is opposed to homosexuality

Male homosexuals violate the law of nature and the gospel,
Because each member of the human anatomy has a special function.

Regarding the Reproductive system of men and women.

A breach of these functions is considered a violation of the natural law,
That is why the Gospel here is consistent with natural law.
Gospel puts the line between humans and animals,
Animals are not able to control their lusts.
While the Bible calls for people to control their lust.
The Bible calls human morals to rise to the state of holiness ,through respect for the functions of their bodies.

I Invite those who indulge in such practices to quietly consider the question.

Can you change the function of the respiratory system ?
And can you become a fish with gills for underwater breathing ?
The answer is ,No !

So why practice homosexuality when nature and the Bible teach as being unnatural .
I sincerely invite you to give serious consideration to this.

I hope this is an accurate correction of the text.

quote ..Jung says that wholeness is about "integration...but not perfection."

Jung had some good ideas about some things ,but he is dead ,whereas Jesus has had zillions of good ideas about everything and he is still alive, so who should I listen to ?

Hello there!

Please consider using the quote feature. Quoting the way you did could confuse readers like the non-native English speakers like me. Quoting also notifies the quoted members about it so they could follow the conversation.

Thank you for your understanding.


Why is the bible homophobic

You might want to not cherry pick negative aspects.

There is plenty of sex in the bible of all types if you know the context the authors used. Most people don't and read right past things that are obvious to a scholar.


Veteran Member
Gospel word meaning good news
Gospel opposed

That male homosexuals deemed to have violated the natural law also
Because each member of the human has a special function
Reproductive system of men and women
For this breach of these functions is considered a violation of the natural law
That is why the Gospel here is consistent with natural law
Gospel and also puts the line between humans and animals
Animal not be able to control his lust
While the Bible calls for control of lust
Gospel calls that transcends human morals and rise to the salaries of holiness through respect for the vital functions of its organs
Invite who encourage such practices that are thinking quietly
Can you that the function of the respiratory device change
And becomes your fish such as respiratory breathing apparatus
The answer is exile
To the human respiratory system works in the air
While the respiratory system works to the fish in the water
So why encourage sex practices homeopathy ??
I invite you to think well
Not encourage, tolerate.


Sojourner , these are not my thoughts , just a possible interpretation of a non English speaker called Sawresho , as quoted.


Please consider using the quote feature. Quoting the way you did could confuse readers like the non-native English speakers like me. Quoting also notifies the quoted members about it so they could follow the conversation.

Sorry I hadn`t worked out the system but yes , is that better ?


Bach is dead too. But he is still one the best musicians of all time. And I bet lots of people still listen to his music over, say, Miley Cyrus, who has "zillions of hits," simply because she's "still alive."

Jung was one of the premier figures in psychiatric medicine, and merits listening to. Plus, I don't think he particularly contradicts Jesus.

Jung`s theories were suggested by someone as a better answer than the Bible , however he is still only a created being .


Defender of Truth
When Christ states that John the Baptist is Elijah, for one. "For all the prophets and the law have prophesied until John. And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who was to come." (Matthew 11:13-14)

Norman: OK, thanks. By the way Jo, I think I have kept my fonts large enough for you to read because I know you have trouble seeing.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Jung`s theories were suggested by someone as a better answer than the Bible , however he is still only a created being .
The bible was created by created beings who are now dead, same as Jung. Only difference is, Other People Decided that these biblical writers were, somehow more authoritative than other people, for whatever reason, even though they weren't experts in their fields.


Veteran Member
Norman: OK, thanks
Doesn't the story claim that Lot was made drunk by his daughters and they raped HIM while he was sleeping/drunk in order to carry on their name? They were under the false impression that Lot was the last man alive on earth, if I understand correctly. Thus, I fail to see how Lot could be considered a pedophile. In actuality, it seems that his daughters were pretty messed up in the head and Lot was merely a rape victim.