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The bible and gays


Well-Known Member
Doesn't the story claim that Lot was made drunk by his daughters and they raped HIM while he was sleeping/drunk in order to carry on their name? They were under the false impression that Lot was the last man alive on earth, if I understand correctly. Thus, I fail to see how Lot could be considered a pedophile. In actuality, it seems that his daughters were pretty messed up in the head and Lot was merely a rape victim.
Yes, I have heard this view however, an adult bears the responsibility to not sleep with children, for any reason. Hence, my view is he was one. But I do agree his kids were not much better dear friend.


Well-Known Member
JoStories , quote ,She is a Christian and a full blown alcoholic and has been for years. No cannot simple fill this void with something intangible without also addressing why the void was empty in the first place.

Yes you can , God is much more powerful than any addictions , but He does need the cooperation and the trust of an individual to do this .
I also agree that there is often "repair " work required by some folks , but usually this will happen after they are trusting God in a real way.

I`m very sorry about your sister , however, there is hope.

I would speculate that there would be underlying problems in your sister ( or any alcoholic ), usually based around mum or dad disfunctional relationships( I hope you don`t mind me talking like this ). These problems in the alcoholic often stay around because of unforgiveness and associated choices.

Care and counseling , prayer and patience are required

"Chasing the dragon " a book by Jackie Pullinger is an account of her life in the walled city in Hong Kong , among , heroin addicts , prostitutes , pushers , pimps, gangs etc. Her experiences are based on them going " cold turkey " plus the prayer etc above.

Also .

Teen Challenge organisation has a lot of success in getting people who express a desire for Christ and a commitment to the programme, clean and free.

An example of this is given in a book by an ex addict from a very disfunctional broken home . He was headed downwards in a spiral of heroin abuse , gang violence, etc then found Christ and was delivered over a period of time ..
Some years later, John is a qualified full time teacher and part time pastor of a Free Church of Scotland , married with two kids . The book is called The Concrete jungle by John Caldwell.

Such is the redemption that Christ on the cross paid for us all to receive. We need to accept this offer , receive Him and trust Him from then on , let go and let God.

Expect some failures maybe , but aim for the best, He wants it for us all.
I am sorry Chess player but you will not convince me that God can do all there is. It can help, no doubt of that. But without addressing the underlying issues, one cannot hang their hats on something intangible because in the end, when that intangible appears to fail for the person, without addressing those issues, they will drink or drug again.


Well-Known Member
Dear JoStories,

You are the first person who knows and understands God that I have come across. I don’t think anyone alive knows and understands God, since an infinite God is beyond our finite understanding. This is not my opinion, but it is what God tells me in His Word.
It is obvious that you don’t know too much about the Bible. The fear of God refers to respect of God and to hold God in awe.
Psalm 36:1 (KJV)
1 The transgression of the wicked saith within my heart, that there is no fear of God before his eyes.

The lack of fear of God is connected to rebelliousness against God. And again…
Psalm 111:10 (KJV)
10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments…..

If you have no fear of God, you are not wise.
It is my duty as a Christian to set forth the mind of Christ as He instructs me in that Word. If you don’t like it, that is not my problem. For a person to think they know better than God is foolishness. Your offence at instruction in God’s Word is indicative of someone who is not a Christian, otherwise you would be happy to be instructed in God’s Word. Christ’s prophet. Certainty for eternity.
And I disagree with you. I think a person can 'know and understand' God to the best of their ability. And to know God? Is that not the basis of your faith? No one can know it all or even understand it but they can try, though reading many sacred texts and studying all faiths that one can find.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
And I disagree with you. I think a person can 'know and understand' God to the best of their ability. And to know God? Is that not the basis of your faith? No one can know it all or even understand it but they can try, though reading many sacred texts and studying all faiths that one can find.
"God and me -- we be mates." -- Mick Dundee


But, all the authors of the Bible were "created beings" according to the book itself, correct?

The Bible has survived these 2000 plus years because it is special . Kings and commoners have consistently tried over the years to eradicate this book, still it prospers. People are still today transformed by believing in it`s message. It is inspired and really ,God was the author inspiring men what to write.

Something amazing happens to most, if not all people who accept and trust in Jesus , they suddenly are tuned into the reality of the Bible, happens time and time again, some say the reason this happens is because they have met the author of the Book .

Races , creeds , sexes, sophisticated or primitive ,doesn`t matter all are transformed who will trust in God through Christ, happens all over the world.

Albania used to call itself " the only true atheist country, now it is freely open to all faiths and the anti Christ president is dead.

Nothing to do with indoctrination or upbringing , China and India have huge Christian growth.

God`s Spirit reaches and calls to all hearts to come voluntarily to Him, even in materialistic UK church growth among non -conformist churches , Pentecostal Baptist, independent, is very .healthy . All because of God speaking to people through Hid Word.


And I disagree with you. I think a person can 'know and understand' God to the best of their ability. And to know God? Is that not the basis of your faith? No one can know it all or even understand it but they can try, though reading many sacred texts and studying all faiths that one can find.

Jesus Himself said " I am the Way , the Truth and the Life , no one comes to the Father except by me. !"

Christianity is unique because it is God reaching down to man through Christ. All other faiths consist of Man reaching up to God.

"God so loved the world that He gave His only Son !"

We only have to accept that gift and trust Him for eternity, that`s why we were created, to freely follow His ways.


Veteran Member
Yes, I have heard this view however, an adult bears the responsibility to not sleep with children, for any reason. Hence, my view is he was one. But I do agree his kids were not much better dear friend.
But, come on Jo, if they intentionally inebreated him or did it while he was half-asleep, you can't still think that he would be responsible. I mean, assuming he didn't want to in the first place (don't see any evidence to the contrary), how could he be responsible for being taken advantage of without control? Plus, keep in mind that this story probably never happened. And, if it did, it probably didn't happen like this. So, couldn't it be said that we must, as readers, take this into consideration. That it shouldn't be construed as a legal or moral dilemma, but something deeper? Just like Jesus' parables, imho?


Veteran Member
The Bible has survived these 2000 plus years because it is special . Kings and commoners have consistently tried over the years to eradicate this book, still it prospers. People are still today transformed by believing in it`s message. It is inspired and really ,God was the author inspiring men what to write.

Something amazing happens to most, if not all people who accept and trust in Jesus , they suddenly are tuned into the reality of the Bible, happens time and time again, some say the reason this happens is because they have met the author of the Book .

Races , creeds , sexes, sophisticated or primitive ,doesn`t matter all are transformed who will trust in God through Christ, happens all over the world.

Albania used to call itself " the only true atheist country, now it is freely open to all faiths and the anti Christ president is dead.

Nothing to do with indoctrination or upbringing , China and India have huge Christian growth.

God`s Spirit reaches and calls to all hearts to come voluntarily to Him, even in materialistic UK church growth among non -conformist churches , Pentecostal Baptist, independent, is very .healthy . All because of God speaking to people through Hid Word.
Do you understand how the Bible was put together, when the Gospels were written, who wrote the Gospels, and the fact that the 4 gospels were chosen out of nearly 30 possibilities, many painting vastly different pictures of Jesus? Because it hasn't been around for 2000 years yet. Just want to get a reading, because your first few sentences scream of a lack of this understanding. But, I also don't want to make any undue assumptions.


Veteran Member
Jesus Himself said " I am the Way , the Truth and the Life , no one comes to the Father except by me. !"

Christianity is unique because it is God reaching down to man through Christ. All other faiths consist of Man reaching up to God.

"God so loved the world that He gave His only Son !"

We only have to accept that gift and trust Him for eternity, that`s why we were created, to freely follow His ways.
This is circular reasoning though. Anyone can expect a religion to speak this way about itself, more or less. So, what is your reasoning for accepting these claims, made by men who never met Jesus and were writing 3rd hand accounts many years later, as truth?


Well-Known Member
And I suppose you know how to read it ?.

Sure I do.
Join any Church and they will repeat what I said, and they'll add that you are a SINNER. They never ever say that about the Bible writers.

Bible writers GOOOOD. Bible readers BAAAAAD.

Now you learned something.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Sure I do.
Join any Church and they will repeat what I said, and they'll add that you are a SINNER. They never ever say that about the Bible writers.

Bible writers GOOOOD. Bible readers BAAAAAD.

Now you learned something.
That won't happen in my church.


Veteran Member
Sure I do.
Join any Church and they will repeat what I said, and they'll add that you are a SINNER. They never ever say that about the Bible writers.

Bible writers GOOOOD. Bible readers BAAAAAD.

Now you learned something.
Well my church believed that all were sinners, except for JC, but yea, of course I didn't believe that, I don't even believe in sin, so I think we are agreeing with each other ?.