JoStories , I`m glad you were helped by your faith , although you say you believe in God as well , is that not a bit of a mix like oil and water.?
The Biblical POV is that the basic problem of man is separation from God and only through Christ can this be rectified. Do you think that Jesus would have come , suffered and died in such an " unnatural " and illogical way, if it was possible to reach forgiveness and reconciliation in some easier way.
The Biblical emphasis is that sin had to be dealt with . Jesus dealt with it for all who will receive Him.
John 14 vs 6.
Jesus doesn`t condemn people , God might convict them of a need for a saviour , but not condemn.
The Biblical POV is that the basic problem of man is separation from God and only through Christ can this be rectified. Do you think that Jesus would have come , suffered and died in such an " unnatural " and illogical way, if it was possible to reach forgiveness and reconciliation in some easier way.
The Biblical emphasis is that sin had to be dealt with . Jesus dealt with it for all who will receive Him.
John 14 vs 6.
Jesus doesn`t condemn people , God might convict them of a need for a saviour , but not condemn.