You're splitting hairs.
The big bang has been traced back in time to when it was smaller than a virus. It approaches zero the further back in time you go.
All the matter, all the dark energy, all the energy, and all the dark matter along with every potentiality was within this point that would have no dimensions at all (probably) if it could be traced back even further.
How many of these miracle points could fit within the known universe? Is this where all the infinite uiniverses exist? created from the human mind and our underastyanding of mathematics.
And here some people believe God created only one single universe but somehow others believe we can make an infinite number out of thin air.
And there you go.
You are mixing the 2 very different models into one big mess.
The Big Bang models aren't the same as the Multiverse model, thereby creating another one of your wack-job conspiracy theory.
You speak of science being the same as religion, your original conspiracy, with your absurd 40,000-year-old fantasy of single universal language and ancient science that never existed in this time period. And then poof, one language become many because of your absurd version of fictional Tower of Babel some 4000 years ago.
And if that's not bad enough, you play word games, where you make up your words with your wack-job meanings that no one use, but you.