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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Well-Known Member
And there you go.

You are mixing the 2 very different models into one big mess.

The Big Bang models aren't the same as the Multiverse model, thereby creating another one of your wack-job conspiracy theory.

All of reality, everything in reality, all theory, all experiment, all objects and forces affect all things all the time in the here and now.

Maybe in your conspiracy laden world this doesn't appear to be true but it still is.

This might come as a shock to you but even theologians have mass and affect your reality all the time.

There is none so blind as he who will not see.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Well it is what it says and I have already proven it true.
Please explain how vision evolved. I want all the details.

No, you don't. You just want to stir things up by asking irrelevant questions. You've been expounding on evolution here for a long time, so don't play dumb. Surely, in your googling you've come across sites explaining basic steps of eye evolution, with current examples. Photoreception - Evolution, Light, Eyes

If you wanted all the details you'd have to do a lot of technical reading, which you wouldn't bother with even if it fell in your lap, and if you did read it you wouldn't understand it.

The eye, flagellum, watch and junkyard 747 are old tropes that have been explained a thousand times, yet for some reason, keep coming up. Apparently creationists don't actually follow the literature, and don't realize when they're embarrassing themselves with stupid queries.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Document how any hand evolved, Give times and descriptions of all proteins and genes involved and of course the actual species involved. Also document how this was possible given sexual reproduction.
Also include all calculations and give the location of where the fossil evidences were found and all dating information with properly documented error ranges.
Evolutionists have made the claim and so you must prove it.
I will want the same for 100s of other irreducibly complex organs and functions. For example fingers and the amount in each species.
Doing so won't further your creationist position. Just because something isn't known isn't evidence it happened intentionally, by magic.
That said, the five digit fin/lobe configuration is an ancient and primitive 'design'; a prototype existing long before the first creature crawled up on land.
I see no details, and no science.
Evolution falsifiEd by your lack of answer.
You're not interested in details, just in taking pot-shots at evolution. Bringing up what you think are complicated questions doesn't impact the well known mechanisms of evolution.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Cop outs make you look childish.
The theory of evolution and billions of years is a lie and indefensible. Obviously you cannot answer what the origin of anything is.
But only those who don't understand the basics, and have some stake in remaining ignorant, disbelieve the most extensively evidenced and defensible theory in science.
Repeating the same denials every other post doesn't strengthen your position, plus your "origin" straw man has been explained to you many times.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Evolution is religious indoctrination and it is very dangerous.
Evolution is a scientific observation. It's hardly indoctrination, and certainly not religious. Unlike religion, it draws its conclusions from the evidence. It doesn't seek and cherry-pick information to support a pre-conceived narrative.
Darwin was an extreme racist.
Marx based his evil communism and socialism on Darwin's insanity (he had seances with devils). Marx wanted to shed the blood of 100s of millions.
From his evils, sprang Hitler, Stalin and Mao and many others.
Communism and Socialism have slaughtered 100s of millions and have destroyed the lives of billions more.
Abortion is a product of evolution. More than 2 billion innocent children slaughtered in a heinous manner.
ROFL! Do you really think silly attempts to defame Darwin or Marx will undermine the ToE. :rolleyes:

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Big Bang is dead.

Redshift anomalies and other things that invalidate the Big Bang expansion

Click on see the full text.

Anomalies in the count of low red shift quasars.

Anomalies in the Counts of Low Redshift Quasars


Redshift Anomalies and the Big Bang – Anthony Beckett

Is a new anomaly affecting the entire Universe?

Galaxies and the Universe - Alternate Approaches and the Redshift Controversy

These two shows that today’s age estimate is a farce. The very exact number may be off by 100%. Of course if 100% is the error, then -100% puts it at about 6000 years.

'Tired light' might make the universe twice as old as we thought

Scientists have revisited the disproven light ageing hypothesis, which suggests the universe has been around for almost 27 billion years

More problems with the Big Bang Theory and the redshift explanation.

Plasma Cosmology .net

Exploring Cosmic Voids and Anomalies: The Mystery of the Cold Spot

Large Scale Cosmological Anomalies and Inhomogeneous Dark Energy

What if the Universe Is NOT Expanding?

The Big Bang Theory-A Scientific Critique [Part I] [Whole] - Apologetics Press

Galaxy Making Stars at the Edge of the Universe and Other “Surprises”


The Scientific Evidence Against the Big Bang - LPP Fusion

Quasar with enormous redshift found embedded in nearby spiral galaxy with far lower redshift

The Big Bang Bust-Up

The Big Bang Never Happened: A Conclusive Argument








Web telescope

Too many spiral galaxies in the early universe.

James Webb telescope spots thousands of Milky Way lookalikes that 'shouldn't exist' swarming across the early universe

You'd genuinely benefit greatly if you taught yourself some basic science, not least the principles of science that maximize objectivity and forbid "only the outcomes desired".

It seems a waste, your setting out great lists of tendentious assertions of little or no value to factual learning.

For instance, how do you define "truth"?

Does your definition provide an objective test for truth, or can "truth" be anything you want it to be?

I suggest the former, the objective test for truth, is the only one of any value.


Well-Known Member
Well it is what it says and I have already proven it true.
Please explain how vision evolved. I want all the details.

You have proven nothing true .. other than a keen ability for deflection .. and perhaps a little deception .. when the need arises aye friend :)

You ask "How vision evolved - I want all the details" .. kind of a ridiculous question to be sure .. as not having all the details is not going to disprove evolution .. thus we are already living in a land of fallacy

But, that said .. I already told you how vision evolved ? I explained to you what Evolution was - step by step ....one mutation after the other .. responding to stimuli .. to light .. and thus responding to the creator .. who's light shines upon us .. Amen .. Amen Ra


Well-Known Member
You have proven nothing true .. other than a keen ability for deflection .. and perhaps a little deception .. when the need arises aye friend :)

You ask "How vision evolved - I want all the details" .. kind of a ridiculous question to be sure .. as not having all the details is not going to disprove evolution .. thus we are already living in a land of fallacy

But, that said .. I already told you how vision evolved ? I explained to you what Evolution was - step by step ....one mutation after the other .. responding to stimuli .. to light .. and thus responding to the creator .. who's light shines upon us .. Amen .. Amen Ra
But without any specifics and that just shows that you have accepted the religious dogma of evolution.

The atheist has no almighty so he must deny the real Almighty God and try and make a god for himself to worship, aka, the devil. Just as the old pagans worshipped a statue or the sun in their delusion, so the atheist must worship a thing, in this case the universe so he does not look so stupid as worshipping a statue.
So the atheist says the universe always was, and that with time all things are possible, What an hypocrisy. With God all things are possible but with time not all things are possible,
That is why I have concentrated on some of the biggest delusions of evolution and billions of years like the first living creature.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
But without any specifics and that just shows that you have accepted the religious dogma of evolution.

The atheist has no almighty so he must deny the real Almighty God and try and make a god for himself to worship, aka, the devil. Just as the old pagans worshipped a statue or the sun in their delusion, so the atheist must worship a thing, in this case the universe so he does not look so stupid as worshipping a statue.
So the atheist says the universe always was, and that with time all things are possible, What an hypocrisy. With God all things are possible but with time not all things are possible,
That is why I have concentrated on some of the biggest delusions of evolution and billions of years like the first living creature.
No, you only demonstrated a total lack of understanding of each and every science that you deny. Nor are you interested in learning. When a question of yours is answered refuting your nonsensical claims you just ignore it.

That is not a proper way to debate.

And of course you had no answer for the nonsensical questions give to you about your God. That appears to be because you know that others were using your technique on you. That is actually the proper thing to do usually. Ignore those questions, just as we ignored yours.


Well-Known Member
No, you only demonstrated a total lack of understanding of each and every science that you deny. Nor are you interested in learning. When a question of yours is answered refuting your nonsensical claims you just ignore it.

That is not a proper way to debate.

And of course you had no answer for the nonsensical questions give to you about your God. That appears to be because you know that others were using your technique on you. That is actually the proper thing to do usually. Ignore those questions, just as we ignored yours.
What was the first living thing?
Where did the orderly universe come from?
Without an answer to this required question, all of evolution and billions of years is falsified for ever.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
What was the first living thing?
Where did the orderly universe come from?
Without an answer to this required question, all of evolution and billions of years is falsified for ever.
What is God's favorite brand of underwear?

Does he get them from Amazon?

Seriously, do my question harm anyone's belief in God? I hope not. Then you should see that you poorly asked questions do not harm accepting reality.

I know, reality is harsh. It is uncomfortable. But unlike concepts shown to be wrong well over a hundred years ago it still appears to be real.

I also almost forgot to point out that by your standards I just refuted God.


Well-Known Member
What is God's favorite brand of underwear?

Does he get them from Amazon?

Seriously, do my question harm anyone's belief in God? I hope not. Then you should see that you poorly asked questions do not harm accepting reality.

I know, reality is harsh. It is uncomfortable. But unlike concepts shown to be wrong well over a hundred years ago it still appears to be real.

I also almost forgot to point out that by your standards I just refuted God.
Bad analogy shows that you indeed have no defense for the false theory of evolution and billions of years.
What was the first living creature? Give all the details from the handy dandy evolution answers to everything book, the 150th addition

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Bad analogy shows that you indeed have no defense for the false theory of evolution and billions of years.
What was the first living creature? Give all the details from the handy dandy evolution answers to everything book, the 150th addition
No, your bad analogy only shows that you make poor assumptions. Once again, the King James Version was never the official version of the Bible. It was never the "Mona Lisa".

And you just disproved your God again. Nice shooting.


Well-Known Member
No, your bad analogy only shows that you make poor assumptions. Once again, the King James Version was never the official version of the Bible. It was never the "Mona Lisa".

And you just disproved your God again. Nice shooting.
You are again assuming that you know something and discounting the Almighty power of God Almighty.
BTW, you have again fulfilled prophecy from the Bible thus proving it to be true,
And the Bible predicted the muliple versions of the Bible with exact detail and timing thus proving the Bible true.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You are again assuming that you know something and discounting the Almighty power of God Almighty.
BTW, you have again fulfilled prophecy from the Bible thus proving it to be true,
And the Bible predicted the muliple versions of the Bible with exact detail and timing thus proving the Bible true.
No, that would be you again. No one is impressed when you keep accusing others of your sins.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
What was the first living thing and what features did it have?
Be very specific in your answer.
What is God's waist size. Be very specific in your answer. How did you measure that? Imperial or metric?

Once again stupid and ignorant questions do not refute anything.

Why don't you answer my questions? If you won't answer those you can't expect others to answer yours.


Well-Known Member
What is God's waist size. Be very specific in your answer. How did you measure that? Imperial or metric?

Once again stupid and ignorant questions do not refute anything.

Why don't you answer my questions? If you won't answer those you can't expect others to answer yours.
Bad analogy proves evolution is a lie.
And you just keep on fulfilling Biblical prophecy and proving the Bible true.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
The atheist has no almighty so he must deny the real Almighty God and try and make a god for himself to worship, aka, the devil.
Before we get onto the subject of devils, what real entity do you intend to denote when you say "God"?

At least the pagans you criticize could sort-of answer that questions by pointing to their stone image.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you can't show me a real god, only talk about (but never demonstrate in reality) a god who exists solely in the imagination of the individual, no?