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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Except living things and the orderly universe.
Living things are the automatic, unintentional result of chemistry. That's the most likely, parsimonious conclusion; a conclusion based on experience and observation.

Ascribing an orderly universe to an invisible magician is pure, unevidenced speculation, and it's not explanatory. Just because we don't know how it came to be isn't evidence of magic or intentional design. Why do you believe it is?


Well-Known Member
If evolution is gradual, there should be millions of chains of missing links. All are missing. Why? They should be finding missing links every day. Why not?

There should also be partially developed organs, etc. in all individual creatures right now and that have ever lived. There are not why?

The odds against these 2 things are mind boggling. Just for the missing links, I estimate odds against of about 10^10 million to 1. The odds against the missing partially developed organs and functions is way vaster than that. I estimate odds against of about 10^10 billion billion billion to 1.

Of course, the odds against all the ordered sequences in all the DNA, RNA, and proteins in all creatures that ever lived is more than 10^(10^43) to 1.

There are a tremendous number of links .. links that are not missing because they have been found :) Your claim that missing links should be found every day is simple falsehood .. made up assertion based on nothing. There is no reason we should have partially developed organs in all individual creatures ... a flawed perspective leading to a flawed prediction proceeding out of a false belief .. this desperate attempt maintain young earth creation beliefs.. attempting to maintain the un-maintainable.

and last but certainly not least .. would you please identify the assumptions in your Ordered DNA sequence Odds calculation ? after which can you explain and support your claim using NO ASSUMPTIONS .. "Remember" !!! ??? ding ding ding ? This is your pre-condition .. that I told you was flawed .. long ago. Do you now understand "the Truth" The Way and the Path you must follow.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Well God has always existed as that is the very nature of God.
If something can exist uncaused, why do you dismiss the claim that life or the universe can do so? If you claim everything must have a cause, why is God an exception?
As to where God was before the universe the Bible is silent and would not speculate.
What does the Bible have to do with it? Is the Bible a theoretical physics textbook? Why not cite the I-Ching or Rig-Veda? What makes the Bible any more authoritative than these?
And God created mankind in his current form with the exception that man will now die because of sin.
So, it never made sense that God would take 14 billions of years to create man.
And this assertion is based on.....?
You're making claims based on an unevidenced mythology; one of many. The actual evidence points to an old universe.
As to the multitude of planets, that just shows the glory of God.
So all just decoration?


Well-Known Member
If something can exist uncaused, why do you dismiss the claim that life or the universe can do so? If you claim everything must have a cause, why is God an exception?

What does the Bible have to do with it? Is the Bible a theoretical physics textbook? Why not cite the I-Ching or Rig-Veda? What makes the Bible any more authoritative than these?

And this assertion is based on.....?
You're making claims based on an unevidenced mythology; one of many. The actual evidence points to an old universe.

So all just decoration?
Especially in the last days, so that "scientists" will have no excuse when they meet God


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If the universe has not always exited, where did everything come from?
And if the universe has always existed, what caused it?
You already know the answer: Unknown -- and so what? It exists whether we know of a cause or not.

Now you're back to your Kalam argument. It's non sequitur and always has been. Moreover, your claim of an uncaused God violates your own argument, doesn't it?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
There are a tremendous number of links .. links that are not missing because they have been found :) Your claim that missing links should be found every day is simple falsehood .. made up assertion based on nothing. There is no reason we should have partially developed organs in all individual creatures ... a flawed perspective leading to a flawed prediction proceeding out of a false belief .. this desperate attempt maintain young earth creation beliefs.. attempting to maintain the un-maintainable.

and last but certainly not least .. would you please identify the assumptions in your Ordered DNA sequence Odds calculation ? after which can you explain and support your claim using NO ASSUMPTIONS .. "Remember" !!! ??? ding ding ding ? This is your pre-condition .. that I told you was flawed .. long ago. Do you now understand "the Truth" The Way and the Path you must follow.
Technically he is somewhat right. Every new fossil find is technically a "missing link" that has been found. New fossil finds are old news. Even when it comes to dinosaurs. New species of dinosaurs are found on the average of almost one a week now. And dinosaurs are a rather small percentage of all fossil species. When one takes in new species of marine life, which are over 90% of all fossils found, the number is clearly more than one new fossil find a day:

After trying to find the percentage of various fossils and not doing very well creationists, as usual, shoot themselves in the foot. A huge percentage of all fossils according to them 95% are marine invertebrates, and that does sound reasonable to me. Only a very small percentage, about .00125%, and again this is from creationist sources, are vertebrates and most of those are fish.

The reason that that is shooting themselves in the foot is that we have more than enough vertebrate fossils to demonstrate evolution and that is with a very very rare process. Most terrestrial species did not leave any fossil evidence behind. His claim that we should find all of these fossils is refuted by his fellow creationists.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If evolution is gradual, there should be millions of chains of missing links. All are missing. Why? They should be finding missing links every day. Why not?
What are you talking about? Isn't every fossil a previously "missing link" in a long chain of countless generations? Isn't fossilization a very rare thing? Isn't just finding one a very rare thing?

The fact is, we do find fossils every day. Most are familiar species. Some show the gradual changes predicted by evolution.
There should also be partially developed organs, etc. in all individual creatures right now and that have ever lived. There are not why?
Why? How could such an organism exist?
All steps in evolutionary development are functional changes to working systems. If they weren't, the defective individual would not survive. Lethal birth defects and mutations aren't incorporated into populations.

Hasn't this been explained to you several times? So why do you keep bring up a corrected error?
The odds against these 2 things are mind boggling. Just for the missing links, I estimate odds against of about 10^10 million to 1. The odds against the missing partially developed organs and functions is way vaster than that. I estimate odds against of about 10^10 billion billion billion to 1.

Of course, the odds against all the ordered sequences in all the DNA, RNA, and proteins in all creatures that ever lived is more than 10^(10^43) to 1.
This makes no sense at all.
You really have no idea how evolution works, do you? Yet you endlessly make sweeping statements about it.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Especially in the last days, so that "scientists" will have no excuse when they meet God
Preaching again?
Please show some actual evidence that your mythology is factual.
Assertions and Biblical references are not evidence.
I have never claimed God is a liar, but all evolutionists and those that believe in billions of years are deceived.
Which claim is actually evidenced?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I have never claimed God is a liar, but all evolutionists and those that believe in billions of years are deceived.
Yes, you have. You only lack the education to understand how you do that. And though many have offered to help you to understand you reject all attempts to help you to learn.


Well-Known Member
Technically he is somewhat right. Every new fossil find is technically a "missing link" that has been found. New fossil finds are old news. Even when it comes to dinosaurs. New species of dinosaurs are found on the average of almost one a week now. And dinosaurs are a rather small percentage of all fossil species. When one takes in new species of marine life, which are over 90% of all fossils found, the number is clearly more than one new fossil find a day:

After trying to find the percentage of various fossils and not doing very well creationists, as usual, shoot themselves in the foot. A huge percentage of all fossils according to them 95% are marine invertebrates, and that does sound reasonable to me. Only a very small percentage, about .00125%, and again this is from creationist sources, are vertebrates and most of those are fish.

The reason that that is shooting themselves in the foot is that we have more than enough vertebrate fossils to demonstrate evolution and that is with a very very rare process. Most terrestrial species did not leave any fossil evidence behind. His claim that we should find all of these fossils is refuted by his fellow creationists.

Technically he is thus completely wrong .. as he claimed that these missing links are not being found .. What I was referring to is the different categories of missing links .. not counting the same missing link found over and over (because as soon as it is found once it is no longer missing) .. as separate links in the chain .. talking more the big missing gaps.. where lack of understanding exists ... but either way .. SBTL is claiming that we should be finding these links but are not .. going as far as saying none of these links have been found ..

Regardless -- the main take away here .. is that Genetic mutations happen .. and "Technically" you could claim that every time his happens is a new link.. so during your lifetime ... it is likely that you have been responsible for a number of links in the evolutionary chain.

On a side note.. Was recently disovered that this fellow who went into space .. a fellow who was a twin .. when came back to earth .. was no longer a twin ! meaning our Genetics is much less rigid than previously believed - least not in space.
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Technically he is thus completely wrong .. as he claimed that these missing links are not being found .. What I was referring to is the different categories of missing links .. not counting the same missing link found over and over (because as soon as it is found once it is no longer missing) .. as separate links in the chain .. talking more the big missing gaps.. where lack of understanding exists ... but either way .. SBTL is claiming that we should be finding these links but are not .. going as far as saying none of these links have been found ..

Regardless -- the main take away here .. is that Genetic mutations happen .. and "Technically" you could claim that every time his happens is a new link.. so during your lifetime ... it is likely that you have been responsible for a number of links in the evolutionary chain.

On a side note.. Was recently disovered that this fellow who went into space .. a fellow who was a twin .. when came back to earth .. was no longer a twin ! meaning our Genetics is much less rigid than previously believed.
I have not heard that twin claim. I think I know of the astronaut that you are speaking of. They wanted to observe both so that they could identify changes caused by space. Now how did they get that claim? I have doubts that genetic changes would have been that great. I could be wrong.

And yes, as to our favorite poster, he was very very very wrong. I was being generous to a fault.


Well-Known Member
I have not heard that twin claim. I think I know of the astronaut that you are speaking of. They wanted to observe both so that they could identify changes caused by space. Now how did they get that claim? I have doubts that genetic changes would have been that great. I could be wrong.

And yes, as to our favorite poster, he was very very very wrong. I was being generous to a fault.

After 1 year in space, NASA astronaut’s DNA no longer matches his twin​

What? My DNA changed by 7%! Who knew? I just learned about it in this article. This could be good news! I no longer have to call @ShuttleCDRKelly my identical twin brother anymore.

Doubt no more :) 7% change. Evolution is built into the system .. part of the design of the universe .. which you can even call God if you like .. blowing away claim that evolution doesn't exist in the interest of somehow defending God..

Created or uncreated .. call it created by God if you wish .. doesn't matter .. Evolution is Real either way.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member

After 1 year in space, NASA astronaut’s DNA no longer matches his twin​

What? My DNA changed by 7%! Who knew? I just learned about it in this article. This could be good news! I no longer have to call @ShuttleCDRKelly my identical twin brother anymore.

Doubt no more :) 7% change. Evolution is built into the system .. part of the design of the universe .. which you can even call God if you like .. blowing away claim that evolution doesn't exist in the interest of somehow defending God..

Created or uncreated .. call it created by God if you wish .. doesn't matter .. Evolution is Real either way.
If you read that it tells you that it is an epigenetic change:

"Dr. Richard Wintle, assistant director of the Centre for Applied Genomics at SickKids hospital in Toronto, says it’s not so much Kelly’s DNA has changed, but rather how a person’s genetics are switched on and off during a period of time."

So he is still his twin. If he had children it would be almost impossible to tell which one was the father by genetics. Epigenetics is a temporary change that does not affect reproduction. It is a change cause by "turning off or on" genes.


Well-Known Member
There are a tremendous number of links .. links that are not missing because they have been found :) Your claim that missing links should be found every day is simple falsehood .. made up assertion based on nothing. There is no reason we should have partially developed organs in all individual creatures ... a flawed perspective leading to a flawed prediction proceeding out of a false belief .. this desperate attempt maintain young earth creation beliefs.. attempting to maintain the un-maintainable.

I think what he is saying is that every fossil should show a missing link. There should be a gradual evolving fossil record to match Darwin's beliefs but this does not exist anywhere. Instead we see a series of abrupt changes in species.

This pretty much sinks the idea of gradual change caused by survival of the fittest.

But fear not believers because there are numerous newer and better scientific theories and hypotheses about the nature of life and species. It's not necessary to set down your text books and sign up for Sunday School. But just don't believe anything you read in books any more.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I think what he is saying is that every fossil should show a missing link. There should be a gradual evolving fossil record to match Darwin's beliefs but this does not exist anywhere. Instead we see a series of abrupt changes in species.

Why do you believe this? It is not what the theory predicts. Not when one takes geology into consideration.
This pretty much sinks the idea of gradual change caused by survival of the fittest.

No, it only sinks your strawman. And "survival of the fittest" is a term that is not used. It is nice to see that you are still striving to be fractally wrong.
But fear not believers because there are numerous newer and better scientific theories and hypotheses about the nature of life and species. It's not necessary to set down your text books and sign up for Sunday School. But just don't believe anything you read in books any more.

Really? No one has yet to offer a theory or hypothesis that comes close to replacing the theory of evolution.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I have never claimed God is a liar, but all evolutionists and those that believe in billions of years are deceived.
Which claim is actually evidenced?
Regardless -- the main take away here .. is that Genetic mutations happen .. and "Technically" you could claim that every time his happens is a new link.. so during your lifetime ... it is likely that you have been responsible for a number of links in the evolutionary chain.
No. It's only a link if it's incorporated into the chain; if it becomes an established feature of a population.
On a side note.. Was recently disovered that this fellow who went into space .. a fellow who was a twin .. when came back to earth .. was no longer a twin ! meaning our Genetics is much less rigid than previously believed - least not in space.
Define "twin."
Twins may be formed with identical genomes, but with every cellular generation the identity deteriorates. Genetic changes occur throughout one's lifetime. Environmental variations -- like space travel -- can increase mutation rates.