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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
It is completely possible.
Though if it happened it was not written down

At least, not in any version I have seen
Wait, now I remember: "but of the cheeseburger in the midst of the garden the shalt not eat, for in that day surely thy arteries shall be clogged".

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I thought that was the one about not falling in love with your neighbors donkey.
If you remember Moses broke the first set of tablets because he got so angry. So he was pretty much ad libbing it when he said what was on them. It appears that he got quite a bit wrong. Exodus 34 explains how he went back up into the mountains and God carved him a new set. This is the set that would have been in the Ark of the Covenant, if one reads the Bible literally. God tells him the Commandments to MOses:

The last, and Tenth Commandment is:

' “Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk.” '


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Cheeseburger in paradise
Heaven on earth with an onion slice
Not too particular not too precise
I'm just a cheeseburger in paradise
I've always wanted to open up a chain of drive-thru restaurants with a religious theme and call it The Fast Supper.

You would drive up to the window which would look like a confessional, "That'll be 15 Hail Marys and $12.98 please".


Veteran Member
If you remember Moses broke the first set of tablets because he got so angry. So he was pretty much ad libbing it when he said what was on them. It appears that he got quite a bit wrong. Exodus 34 explains how he went back up into the mountains and God carved him a new set. This is the set that would have been in the Ark of the Covenant, if one reads the Bible literally. God tells him the Commandments to MOses:

The last, and Tenth Commandment is:

' “Do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk.” '
You have to admit this is one we all live by every day. Good thing God commanded it.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
You have to admit this is one we all live by every day. Good thing God commanded it.
That one's kind of a gimme. I suspect God threw an easy one in there to make up for some of the other stuff.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
The original Big Bang died in the 1960s.
Um, no. It was strongly supported by the cosmic background radiation that was discovered in the 1960's.
Had to be rescued with the Big Hoax of the Big Fudge Factors of Inflation.
Um, no. The basic Big Bang model still fits all the evidence we have. Inflation was proposed as an *extension*, with a short period of *very* fast expansion before the stage of nucleosynthesis used to explain the flatness and the uniformity issues.

Inflation is still regarded as mostly speculation. No evidence directly contradicts it, but it also has not yielded any good predictions.
They are working like crazy to find a replacement since that too has been proven false.

It has NOT been proven false. There is some tension because of the lack of observation of 'baryonic oscillations' and the lack of an inflaton coming up in our accelerators (although the Higg's particle is still a candidate for the inflaton).

But, even if inflation (that short period of very rapid expansion very early on) is disproved, it would NOT be a disproof of the overall Biog Bang model (just a proposed extension of it). And, yes, of course theorists are exploring all possible alternatives. That's what they do. It is what science does.
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