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The Big Bang Theory is dead.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
But your theory makes no sense as there are no writings older than 6000 years .
Nor any civilization at all.
That is wrong. The first cities arose about 10000 years ago. For example, Jericho is about that old.
Nor any calendars.
So how was there such a leap of intelligence about 6000 years ago?
There wasn’t. There was a development of technology. The intelligence was the same.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Actually, the amount of water compared to other things is quite small.
Oh there we go....lol...accordingly to science there is water locked down deep. Frankly my dear as said toward the end of a movie, I am not too keen on every scientific decree anyway. The earth was conceived from water and out of water. Have a good one.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Not quite. The other primates haven’t gone through the stages of developing language ( which humans have probably had for over 100000 years.) they have also not gone through the stages of using tools (which the human lineage did before there were modern humans).

So, no, my position is that the other apes are basically where we were about 5 million years ago. But they stayed in the jungle and we went into the savannas. We developed tools and language. They didn’t.

But 5 million years is a very short period of time. If the jungles get smaller and the other primates needed to start using tools ( and don’t go extinct), then I see no reason why they would not be able to develop tools and language over the next few million years.
Yeah well that's not what someone else here said about reading, writing and arithmetic. Only humans have developed reading, writing, and rithmetic. Have you asked a chimpanzee why they have not developed writing to pass on their experiences??


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Please learn what proof is. Technically proofs only exist in mathematics. Colloquially proof is synonymous with evidence, and all you are doing is presenting claim after claim after unsubstantiated claim. It's like you are trying to grind us down
Whenever I see this type of reply I see aversion to answer but go into a soliloquy diatribe of scientific jargon evasive meandering possibilities.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Humans didn't write their history down until around 5000 years ago. For the vast majority of time our species has existed, we had no writing.

It wasn't until we started living in larger groups (small cities) that writing became necessary to keep records. Other great apes don't live in large enough groups that do agriculture so writing isn't needed by them.
Maybe these groups of humans were different genetically with different characteristics mentally from chimpanzees. Maybe you think. Need not to have genetically evolve but when the need arose the human genetics were there. No need from what I hear for chimpanzees to write experiences or warnings or dreams down, right? No need for chimps to build hospitals, invent planes, etc. they can get where they're going from tree to tree, so no need for air transport. They figure, ah who needs all that? We'll just stick with what we have...


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Oh there we go....lol...accordingly to science there is water locked down deep. Frankly my dear as said toward the end of a movie, I am not too keen on every scientific decree anyway. The earth was conceived from water and out of water. Have a good one.
Water, but as part of rocks. Nothing liquid. And, again, that does not support the earth being compacted from water. The Bible is just wrong about that.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Maybe these groups of humans were different genetically with different characteristics mentally from chimpanzees. Maybe you think. Need not to have genetically evolve but when the need arose the human genetics were there. No need from what I hear for chimpanzees to write experiences or warnings or dreams down, right? No need for chimps to build hospitals, invent planes, etc. they can get where they're going from tree to tree, so no need for air transport. They figure, ah who needs all that? We'll just stick with what we have...
It was a cultural change, not a genetic one.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Yeah well that's not what someone else here said about reading, writing and arithmetic. Only humans have developed reading, writing, and rithmetic. Have you asked a chimpanzee why they have not developed writing to pass on their experiences??
I already answered that. Humans developed writing to keep track of things when larger cities started being built. Other spores don’t build cities.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
But your theory makes no sense as there are no writings older than 6000 years .
Nor any civilization at all.
Nor any calendars.
So how was there such a leap of intelligence about 6000 years ago?
Once civilization started people began to stay at Holiday Inn Express and the rest was easy.



Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
I already answered that. Humans developed writing to keep track of things when larger cities started being built. Other spores don’t build cities.
Lol again. Sorry I laugh easily sometimes and get in trouble for that. These other guys don't need to live in large groups that's why you say they haven't invented writing, reading and percentage possibilities.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
It was a cultural change, not a genetic one.
Chimps just don't need that...lol...ok
Plus no hospitals, no newspapers, no cellphones, let me see...no airplanes, no books to see what physicists say. No clothing...no hairdressers, no jewelry. No musical instruments. No stores. Lol...they didn't need to develop genetically or culturally. Lol. Thanks. Later...


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
That is wrong. The first cities arose about 10000 years ago. For example, Jericho is about that old.

There wasn’t. There was a development of technology. The intelligence was the same.
Sorry I'm laughing again. Good for the soul, thanks.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Water, but as part of rocks. Nothing liquid. And, again, that does not support the earth being compacted from water. The Bible is just wrong about that.
Yeah the liquid is enclosed in the rocky stuff down below. There is lots of water on the earth. And in the sky. Sometimes.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Humans didn't write their history down until around 5000 years ago. For the vast majority of time our species has existed, we had no writing.

It wasn't until we started living in larger groups (small cities) that writing became necessary to keep records. Other great apes don't live in large enough groups that do agriculture so writing isn't needed by them.
Just about the Bible's timetable for humans on the earth. Quite a coincidence.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Yeah the liquid is enclosed in the rocky stuff down below. There is lots of water on the earth. And in the sky. Sometimes.
No, there really is not. You do not understand the articles that you have read. There is a small amount of water in the mantle. Yes, there could be "oceans" of it. But the mantle is enormous compared to the ocean. Putting a few oceans into the mantle does not make a huge difference.


Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
No, the water is literally part of the rock. The molecules of water are surrounded by other atoms. There is no liquid water there.
No big deal. Please do me a favor. Don't bother with postulations about how it got there, thanks. Of course I can't stop you but I surely hope you won't tell me you KNOW or they know. Thanks.