Zindagee Rahmaan
Believing in unity
Must the challenge be written in Ancient Arabic exactly as found in the original Quran?
Yes or no, please write a brief explanation as to why.
Who want to refute this challenge at all?
So, challenge is not specifically about Arabic language or Arabic essence. This Challenge is about Quran is reveled from ALLAH Almighty not handy work of Muhammad pbuh, as Stated in these verses:
4: 82. Do they not consider the Qur'án (with care)? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy.
If you want to get information about the challenge in depth, you first need to know that Quran was revealed unto Muhamamd pbuh who was an uneducated person. Now from there is start of challenge.
So your first concern should not be that:
Must the challenge be written in Arabic or not?
You first most concern should be:
Should the competitor is uneducated like Muhammad pbu so is to work out for this challenge?
And we know that today not a single uneducated person is able to present such a holy verse or chapter which could satisfy these conditions:
1) Quran is preserved without discrepancies and incongruity (while keep in mind that Quran is revealed on an uneducated person.)
2) Gather followers who are still increasing after Muhammad pbuh has left this world. Islam is rapidly growing in west.
3) Quran claims for no prophet after Muhammad pbuh so no book will be revealed after it, so we see this none has been brought as singular verse yet to claim it from Devine.
Therefore ALLAH says:
2: 24 And if ye do it not - and ye can never do it - then guard yourselves against the Fire prepared for disbelievers, whose fuel is of men and stones.