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The Debate of God.


Well-Known Member
best not to take everything I say 100% literally!

culling can be done in various ways - perhaps divinely inspired say by a natural disaster of some sort - think the Bible, think Revelation of John, that kind of stuff!


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying that all atheists fit into that kind of category but just pointing out that if we all genuinely believed in a Jesus type figure the World would be a better place.

some serious culling would have to be done first of course!

Oh come on. There are plenty of people who genuinely believe in Jesus and are still truly horrible people.

And what does it tell you that while atheists make up 8% of the American population, but make up less than 1% of the prison population?

St Giordano Bruno

Well-Known Member
Some theists (particularly some Catholics) believe just the simple ritual of confession will restore your innocence of whatever crime you committed, even mass a murder would be forgiven in just a five minute visit to the church where a very obliging priest will grant you absolution or sanctifying grace. All that person needs to do is just say a few Hail Mary's and Lords Prayers and all is forgiven. That is probably why atheists are so underrepresented in prisons because they do not believe a simple religious ritual would grant a pardon to their crimes. Thankfully in secular law it is not all that simple. Also what if that priest that absolved you of all your sins was just an old paedophile, as was often the case, where would you stand then in the eyes of your God then?
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Well-Known Member
the point is being missed here again - I said genuine Christians.

People who just sin and then expect forgiveness are the hypocrites and mockers more so than anyone else - ie: they are false.

The truly horrible Christians as mentioned may well have Satan in them - if they are in positions of power they may well be false prophet type figures.

as for the prison population it is likely that many inmates turn to God only out of boredom or desperation -many of them are likely to be false as well.

Mystical Christianity is the real deal if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
Well only Jesus can really judge that but I've met a fair few church going types that clearly don't believe a word of the Bible - they just go to keep up appearances etc..

A lot of the mainstream churches and denominations are fairly out of touch for sure.

for instance, I don't recall anywhere in the Bible where it says that a person can only commune with God through a priest or that they can only do the missionary position.


Premium Member
I'm not saying that all atheists fit into that kind of category but just pointing out that if we all genuinely believed in a Jesus type figure the World would be a better place.

some serious culling would have to be done first of course!
Jesus has a had a good reign for 2000 years but religion has not made the world better.


Premium Member
the point is being missed here again - I said genuine Christians.

People who just sin and then expect forgiveness are the hypocrites and mockers more so than anyone else - ie: they are false.

The truly horrible Christians as mentioned may well have Satan in them - if they are in positions of power they may well be false prophet type figures.

as for the prison population it is likely that many inmates turn to God only out of boredom or desperation -many of them are likely to be false as well.

Mystical Christianity is the real deal if you ask me.
Genuinely good people can be found in any belief or lack of. Christians certainly don't have a monopoly on goodness.


Well-Known Member
the point is being missed here again - I said genuine Christians.

People who just sin and then expect forgiveness are the hypocrites and mockers more so than anyone else - ie: they are false.

The truly horrible Christians as mentioned may well have Satan in them - if they are in positions of power they may well be false prophet type figures.

as for the prison population it is likely that many inmates turn to God only out of boredom or desperation -many of them are likely to be false as well.

Mystical Christianity is the real deal if you ask me.

No true Scotsman fallacy.

Come on, Martin, can you at least TRY to make a valid point?


Boy Genius
My God I cannot leave my own thread alone for one day before it spikes out of control onto a different subject. Still, score 1 for me for creating a good debate thread. Cheers ya'll.


Well-Known Member
No true Scotsman fallacy.

Come on, Martin, can you at least TRY to make a valid point?

When religion and God is concerned the good 'ol logical fallacy opt out clause no longer applies.

Don't you see that an atheist will never understand God therefore cannot even think outside the box of supposed logical fallacy.

It's illogical to think that the Universe just spontaneously popped up out of nowhere. Quite absurd in fact.


Well-Known Member
My God I cannot leave my own thread alone for one day before it spikes out of control onto a different subject. Still, score 1 for me for creating a good debate thread. Cheers ya'll.

What was the OP again?:rolleyes:

Please feel free to redirect the debate.


Don't you see that an atheist will never understand God therefore cannot even think outside the box of supposed logical fallacy.

that is false and pretty much a ignorant post.

ive probably been a theist longer then you have been alive.

It's illogical to think that the Universe just spontaneously popped up out of nowhere. Quite absurd in fact.

only with a lack of education on the subject.

funny how people can think a magical sky daddy who everyone describes differently based on where you were born and the education you recieve, that ancient men proabably created, has created so much as a fly.


All I wish is that before you start attributing anything to your god that you atleast understand the history of how the bible was created and when and by who.

And how the previous religions in the area that influenced the people that migrated to the place where the book was writte.

I think a short scholarship should be given to everyone who has faith.


Boy Genius
When religion and God is concerned the good 'ol logical fallacy opt out clause no longer applies.

Don't you see that an atheist will never understand God therefore cannot even think outside the box of supposed logical fallacy.

It's illogical to think that the Universe just spontaneously popped up out of nowhere. Quite absurd in fact.

Martin, we do not believe that the universe popped out of nowhere. The thing is, we don't know. We just don't. It's possible (though difficult to comprehend) that the universe had no beginning and has always been here. It's possible that a god outside the boundaries of our universe created the universe. It is also possible that during a time when there was nothing and the laws of physics (namely thermodynamics) did not exist, that the universe did come from nothing (though I do agree that is far-fetched)

But bottom line is that we do not know, and so it is irresponsible for anyone to say either way. Until we know what happened prior to the big bang, we never will.

However, that does not mean that the idea of God creating the universe is as likely as any other. With the first and third ideas I proposed, they are within the boundaries of our universe; a place we know exists because we are in it right now. But with God, he supposedly lives outside the our universe. And since we have no evidence of anything existing outside our universe, the concept of god creating the universe is less valid.


But bottom line is that we do not know, and so it is irresponsible for anyone to say either way.

im just the opposite.

I think it is irresponsible to place a god in the gaps of our knowledge. that is a mistake man has made far to long and has held back humanity