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The Family - A Proclamation to the World


Pirates had a form of gay marriage back in the 1500's and 1600's.

Pirates also deliberately did anythign they could to circumvent the law and be rebels. Marriage was still pre-defined even in the BC era.

Also thier marriages were not lawful, they just said whatever they wanted because they thought they were "above" or could "circumvent" the law

Also if you want to bring up the romans, homosexuality ran rampant in thier culture... what happened to them? and the Athenians? they fell, and thier fall was hard.


Well-Known Member
It's sad that a thread about a document that is truly beautiful to those who understand it has been reduced to arguing about homosexual pirates.


Obstructor of justice
Pirates also deliberately did anythign they could to circumvent the law and be rebels. Marriage was still pre-defined even in the BC era.

Also if you want to bring up the romans, homosexuality ran rampant in thier culture... what happened to them? and the Athenians? they fell, and thier fall was hard.

I'm just trying to explain to you that your view of marriage isn't the only one, and ignores a whole lot of history.


Obstructor of justice
It's sad that a thread about a document that is truly beautiful to those who understand it has been reduced to arguing about homosexual pirates.

Maybe because not all of us feel squishy inside at being told that unless you get married and pop out children, your life is a complete waste of time. :rolleyes:

The Seeker

Once upon a time....
This governemt was founded upon the principals of religious nature. "In God we Trust." The Governemt did nto "Take it upon themselves" to define Marriage, Marriage has been defined from the beginning of time. it is YOu who take it upon yourselves to try and change it.

FYI, "In God we Trust" didn't appear on coins until the mid 1800s and wasn't printed on paper money until the 1950s. Also, the government did take it upon themselves to define marriage when the Defense of Marriage Act was signed into law.

How has marriage been defined since the beginning of time? The idea of marriage varies among people and cultures. I'm sure you are aware that polygamy was acceptable among Mormons at one time.


Done here.
Unfortunately Homosexuality has always been an "abomination" before god in almost every christian religion.
That is unfortunate, for the Christians as much as for anyone else. It's sad to see people so blinded by hatred and bigotry.

On a side note, the church does not get in politics,
That's simply not true.

The church has never accepted any government funding of any kind and will never do so.
Every religious group that accept tax exempt status is, ultimately, subsidized by the taxpayers.

I don't believe Homosexuals should have the same "Marriage" rights as traditional couples.
Of course you don't. Your church has taught you that your bigotry is righteous.

We are not Bigots and do not "Look down" on people who are homosexual.

We believe people who are "gay"are just very confused. We speak harshly against homosexual acts because it goes completely in contrary to the laws of chastity and against the sanctity of intercourse, and is a mockery of the most precious gift that god has given us, the gift to reproduce. It also goes against the sancity of the Family Unit.
You believe we are very confused, you believe we should not have equal rights, you speak out harshly against our relationships and believe that by being who we are, we mock God. But you aren't bigots, and you don't look down on us. Very convincing.

i will place it aside that you call our church leaders bigots and other such names because it does not matter to me in the slightest what you think of our church leaders.
Your church leaders are bigots, and it's dishonest to pretend otherwise. If you prefer not to hear opinions contrary to your own, it's not a good practice to ask for opinions on a public forum.


That is unfortunate, for the Christians as much as for anyone else. It's sad to see people so blinded by hatred and bigotry.

That's simply not true.

I would liek to see how the church is involved in world politics directly. i would appreciate information to back yous statement

Every religious group that accept tax exempt status is, ultimately, subsidized by the taxpayers.

Nope, Tithing and thier own direct investments are how the church makes money, look up an arttcle written in 1997 by tiem magazine with which the LDS church made the cover. Everything the church gets in excess of what they use to buy property, build temples and churches, and maintain them, is put into thier plants to produce goods that sole purpose it to be given away.

Of course you don't. Your church has taught you that your bigotry is righteous.

See my below comment.

You believe we are very confused, you believe we should not have equal rights, you speak out harshly against our relationships and believe that by being who we are, we mock God. But you aren't bigots, and you don't look down on us. Very convincing.

You should not have "marriage" rights. you can have all your Civil union, whatever you want to call it,i could care less what you want to call it. but, it should be a completely separate entity from the term "Marriage." I never said you should nto have equal rights. I only stated that Marriage has been pre-defined and that youa re the one who wants to change it now. i believe that in order to be married you should complete the requirements to actually be "Married" (Marriage being the lawful union of a Man and a Woman).

I said the ACTS are what mock's god, not you, you forgot to quote where i said that we have members of the church who believe they are "gay" but refuse to act on those urges because they know it's wrong.

If we were truely bigots we wouldn't allow anyone who has declared themselves as "gay" to even join the church. we only disallow them to enter temples if they act on thier urges.

Your church leaders are bigots, and it's dishonest to pretend otherwise. If you prefer not to hear opinions contrary to your own, it's not a good practice to ask for opinions on a public forum.

You are the one who doesn't like to hear opinions contrary to your own. I appreciate comments contray to my own because they help me to understand other people and to see a broader picture than i did before. you are the one who doesn't have self control over your mind. you are the one who can't wait to finish reading this to reply with yet another vague and un-informative post. Youa re the one posting blatant derogatory comments towards my church and it's leaders.

i posted where homosexualy conflicts with modern christianity,i never called you names, i stated facts.

you have yet to actually provide any real evidence to support your opinions.


Sweet n Spicy
Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.

...and other teachings relevant to the particular faith one belongs to.


MidnightBlue - it says in ur profile that you are an atheist, so why should it matter what we think since we believe in a god and you dont? or do you actually believe in a god but want to be on the "Athiest" bandwagon so you can be accepted by your friends?? or do you feel like you want to not believe in a god because then you can feel free to do what you want without concequence? what is it really like for you i woudl like to truely know.


Citizen Mod
I do not think that a family life is for everyone. It is an undesirable way of life even for the people who lived through a marriage with children. I actually believe that a family unit does not have any bearing on the kind of individual a child has purposed to be when they grow older. Parents just seem to be caretakers for a child and young adult’s formative years before they are ready to go out on their own.


Well-Known Member
MidnightBlue - it says in ur profile that you are an atheist, so why should it matter what we think since we believe in a god and you dont? or do you actually believe in a god but want to be on the "Athiest" bandwagon so you can be accepted by your friends?? or do you feel like you want to not believe in a god because then you can feel free to do what you want without concequence? what is it really like for you i woudl like to truely know.
Way to highlight only the shallowest and most idiotic reasons an individual would profess atheist rather than theistic beliefs. Are those really the only reasons you could think of? Are you being intellectually dishonest by deliberately ignoring other possibilities? Are you being a jerk and trying to attack MidnightBlue's beliefs in the shallowest and most idiotic way possible? A and C? B and C? Other?


Obstructor of justice
MidnightBlue - it says in ur profile that you are an atheist, so why should it matter what we think since we believe in a god and you dont? or do you actually believe in a god but want to be on the "Athiest" bandwagon so you can be accepted by your friends?? or do you feel like you want to not believe in a god because then you can feel free to do what you want without concequence? what is it really like for you i woudl like to truely know.

So, what, you believe that nobody who doesn't have children is happy, and you believe everyone who isn't a Christian isn't happy?


Way to highlight only the shallowest and most idiotic reasons an individual would profess atheist rather than theistic beliefs. Are those really the only reasons you could think of? Are you being intellectually dishonest by deliberately ignoring other possibilities? Are you being a jerk and trying to attack MidnightBlue's beliefs in the shallowest and most idiotic way possible? A and C? B and C? Other?
not attacking anyone, i'm honestly curious to know why? i just mentioned a few reasons that sound more probable than some others i thought of. not trying to be rude. just observing thier behavior and beng so defensive to the point of calling people names. sounds like to me they really do believe in a greater power, or they wouldn't care at all whatsoever


So, what, you believe that nobody who doesn't have children is happy, and you believe everyone who isn't a Christian isn't happy?

Never said that was the only way to be happy. you shouldn't put words into other people's mouths it's kinda unsanitary,,,


Well-Known Member
Maybe because not all of us feel squishy inside at being told that unless you get married and pop out children, your life is a complete waste of time. :rolleyes:

That's not what the document says and its unfortunate if it's interpreted that way.