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The fear of Atheism


Well-Known Member
I will try but because God is eternal and I am not, the definition will have to be with words. Because some words refer to the eternal, it may not be impossible to provide limited understanding of what God is. In the Bible when Moses asked this question God said that "I am that I am." I agree with this definition, which may seem like an attempt to avoid the definition of God at first. But God being eternal, what else could God say to Moses that Moses' limited vocabulary could comprehend? Anyway, Moses received enough information from God that Moses could safely go ahead and believe in God. Just because Moses could not understand everything about God, he was not foolish enough to believe there was no God.

Over the centuries, man has improved the vocabulary until he better understands eternal things, like human rights, laws of science, and logic Eternal things come from God and today that is the way we know God exist and we understand God is what He is.

If you desire a shorter definition of God, I would define God as the most logical, truthful, absolute thought process there is in existence and that has always been. That is the best I can do. This definition conforms to the definition in the Bible in John, chapter one.

Thank you for the oppertunity to tell you about my God.

Actually, there's a better explanation for Moses' belief in God.

Moses was high on drugs: Israeli researcher


Wonder Woman
Too bad your thought processes could be questioned by pretty much everyone here. Go for it. That is what this forum is for, not outrage.

Well, if not for outrage, then why do you go on the way you do on people? You instigate it by the way you speak and treat people here. It is entirely uncalled for.

You sarcastically apologize for insulting or offending people when it is quite obvious that insult and offense is your whole intent anyway. Like what? Fly bites can make your imagination run wild.

You have "apologized" for many things on different threads, using that thing you do where you talk about yourself in the third person (which is usually the sign of someone with an enormous ego and/or is talking sarcastically) and then end up doing the exact thing you apologized for within your next few posts. Deny it all you want. Those of us who have read your posts know it's true.

You can't seem to understand why everyone here just doesn't bow to your own percieved intelligence. I am not speaking for myself. Don't you understand that? I am sincerely attempting to present the Christian's answer to this thread. Go back and read what the first post by MONSTER said. I am on topic and have not attacked anyone on a personal level. Don't you agree that atheist have thrown down the gauntlet to the Christian? Don't you agree we have been challenged to respond'? No matter how we respond to this thread, you call us names and question our attitude. I am not the only Christian that has been attacked on a personal level on this thread but how else can we reply to attacks of atheist except with humor, which you call sarcastic replies. All I am doing is attempting to avoid nasty swats at me by not allowing the viciousness of a few atheist to affect me. I am not guilty of being bent out of shape over an attack on my reasoning and have no motivation to reply with bitterness on a personal level. I am sorry if this offends you. Try challenging the Christian position with courtesy and respect and see if you don't receive an equal response. For example........

I have not said anything to anybody else about their responses because some people, regardless of their beliefs, can keep things civil. You say you don't insult, but shoot, you just did it to Storm in the past couple pages. Besides picking on someone personally, you generalize people all into certain groups and throw these outrageous stereotypes on them.

Not to even mention the constant references to "evidence" of god that you are so obviously unable to present. Yet you put off this air of stamping your foot and saying "yes it does yes it does yes it does...you're just to blockheaded to see it".

You speak to people as if they aren't worthy or intelligent enough to carry on a conversation with you and you come off sounding like a ******* with his nose in the air talking down to all around you. I am not the *******. I am the GadFly. I am only being successful at doing what a gadfly does. If I am going to play this role, then I must expect the typical response of the real *******. Now don't you find that humorous?

God bless

I didn't say you were a *******. I said you come off sounding like one. If you take that to mean you are one...then perhaps you should change your tone with other people. So, no, I don't find it humorous that you call me a ******* outright. I am wondering though, what "role" are you playing as "the Gadfly" anyway?

Goddess Bless


Active Member
Well, if not for outrage, then why do you go on the way you do on people? You instigate it by the way you speak and treat people here. It is entirely uncalled for.

You have "apologized" for many things on different threads, using that thing you do where you talk about yourself in the third person (which is usually the sign of someone with an enormous ego and/or is talking sarcastically) and then end up doing the exact thing you apologized for within your next few posts. Deny it all you want. Those of us who have read your posts know it's true.

I have not said anything to anybody else about their responses because some people, regardless of their beliefs, can keep things civil. You say you don't insult, but shoot, you just did it to Storm in the past couple pages. Besides picking on someone personally, you generalize people all into certain groups and throw these outrageous stereotypes on them.

Not to even mention the constant references to "evidence" of god that you are so obviously unable to present. Yet you put off this air of stamping your foot and saying "yes it does yes it does yes it does...you're just to blockheaded to see it".

I didn't say you were a *******. I said you come off sounding like one. If you take that to mean you are one...then perhaps you should change your tone with other people. So, no, I don't find it humorous that you call me a ******* outright. I am wondering though, what "role" are you playing as "the Gadfly" anyway?

Goddess Bless

See post 321 on this thread.


People need only fear this atheist after a large plate of beans.:cigar:


Active Member
Are you seriously suggesting what you just said is not malicious bunk?
When you read post one in this thread and consider what was said in this post, what I just said is not bunk. It is a legitimate response to the initial post. I can understand the response being bunk in your opinion but where does "malicious" enter into the picture? I am only stepping up to meet the challenge of the thread. I was invited to meet the challenge. I understand that my ideas will be considered as bunk but I am willing to take it as I think I can give as good as given without getting personal and sticking to the challenge to the thread. If that is arrogance, I plead guilty.

I agree strongly with post 321. It should have been posted long before now.

Thank you


Wonder Woman
See post 321 on this thread.

I have seen that post. As I am not the one calling names or insulting, merely stating facts of your behavior, then I can only assume that as you have referenced that post that you have seen it too. May I take that to mean that you will not call anyone else names, insinuate insults, like what you did with Storm, and now apologize and back out?
Call it Atheophobia- or the fear of atheism. It is the fear of no God, and (very possibly) reality itself.

Just as there's Islamiphobia, Atheophobia is centered around the idea that faith is everything, and without faith, you have nothing. That may be true, if you are a believer who goes to Church every day and believes that God brings you miracles through prayer. If you are a Christian, everything having to do with Christianity confirms your faith. But that's just a matter of perspective. So, what happens if something does not confirm your faith, but is, rather, opposing it?

You turn it into a scapegoat. That's right, I said it. You blame it for all of the world's problems, and if that wasn't enough, you demonize it, thus "filtering out" the opposition and bringing the "unsaved" (nice false dichotomy there, saved and unsaved) onto the bandwagon of fear, therefore making them "saved". You feel "the Holy Spirit" surging through your body as you do it, but little do you know that it is only your heightened passion for what you believe in. It is not a supernatural entity communing with yourself at all.

But you will not accept that. Why? Because you are afraid. You are afraid of the idea of there being no God, of atheism, because your Bible tells you it's true, and your Pastor tells you it's true, and your "heart" tells you it's true. You get it drilled into your mind every day at Church, thus confirming your own faith every single day. Because Church is the "House of God", right? Of course it is.


Have fun in your world of unbelief. Your world ends when you draw your last breath. All your thoughts and emotions that make you who you are die along with the meat on your bones.
Have fun in your world of unbelief. Your world ends when you draw your last breath. All your thoughts and emotions that make you who you are die along with the meat on your bones.

My word... This debate has done nothing but proven the OP's point. Atheists are demonized and scorned by theists. He wasn't attacking theism, he was only saying that theists dispise atheists. That unwarranted attack on his beliefs right there proved him right. Congradulations.

Gadfly you aren't helping either. I've read many of your posts and you are very quick to attack the opposition, rather than their arguements.


Active Member
My word... This debate has done nothing but proven the OP's point. Atheists are demonized and scorned by theists. He wasn't attacking theism, he was only saying that theists dispise atheists. That unwarranted attack on his beliefs right there proved him right. Congradulations.

Have fun in your world of unbelief. Your world ends when you draw your last breath. All your thoughts and emotions that make you who you are die along with the meat on your bones.

Gadfly you aren't helping either. I've read many of your posts and you are very quick to attack the opposition, rather than their arguements.

I think the " have fun" comment is kind of fair because atheism does not believe in afterlife.


Lucid Dreamer
Have fun in your world of unbelief. Your world ends when you draw your last breath. All your thoughts and emotions that make you who you are die along with the meat on your bones.

Of course, if atheists are correct, then that is true for everyone else too.


Just me
Premium Member
Any philosophical position that describes the world is definition of the world, is it not? I am not sure what you are saying, so my response may not be what your looking for. Please restate your position on agnosticism and I'll try to give a better response.
We describe a world that impresses us in terms of ideas, such as are expressed in phrases and gestures. We define "the world" through concretizing meaningful observations. The distinction with perception is that it falls on the side of expression of a world already interpreted and formed by comprehension by the time we are even consciously aware of it.


Active Member
One may be an atheist and still believe in an afterlife. I don't, but some do.

I know and have known atheists but was always answered with a "no" to afterlife when I asked them, so your position would be the more common of the two.
To be an atheist but to believe in an afterlife is to believe something.


Liebe ist für alle da
I know and have known atheists but was always answered with a "no" to afterlife when I asked them, so your position would be the more common of the two.
To be an atheist but to believe in an afterlife is to believe something.

To be an Atheist is to just not believe in God or Gods. There is nothing else stopping them from believing in otherworldly stuff.


Active Member
To be an Atheist is to just not believe in God or Gods. There is nothing else stopping them from believing in otherworldly stuff.

I know there are different kind of atheists because some people are just kind of their own god. I say good luck with that but I think they will hit a ceiling.