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The fear of Atheism


Wonder Woman
Science is evidence of Absolute truth and that is why we trust science.

The fact that science exist is evidence that God exist. So are many other things evidence that God exist; for example, the eternal rules of math, eternal rules of logic, eternal rules of self awareness, etc. all of these speak of God. Although some will never here nature's speech.

Science is not evidence of any god. It just is. You may feel that all the wonder that science proves had to come from somewhere else. That is your right. But it doesn't "prove" anything along those lines. What you choose to see there is up to you. But that is it.

As I have observed the atheist argue among themselves in this thread, it would be impossible to pin them down on a single premise that they would not change to prove a point. They act like a pack of wild dogs. If the believer was not present occasionally to offer them a free meal, they would bit and feed upon each other until they were all consumed. They are not united on anything nor do they have any purpose but to confuse and attack. If they must they would, when left alone, consume themselves out of existence.

And theists bite and bicker at each other constantly. A lot of time the bickering is within the same belief system. Christians bickering amongst Christians as to who really is Christian and so on and so forth. All people have different points of view. One of the great thing about the human race is the diversity of the people. Because of that, we disagree with each other. So what is your point?


Active Member
And I suppose you think your trolling is an enjoyable contribution to this forum? I think Storm adds far more than you do - some depth, substance, intelligence and insight. What do you have to offer?
Sounds like you are suffering from fly bites. Rube logic on them. They will go away.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Sounds like you are suffering from fly bites. Rube logic on them. They will go away.

"Fly bites" sums up the weight and worth of your posts pretty well. And this fly seems pretty resistant to logic. And by that I mean real logic, not goofy redefined goddidit "logic".


Done here.
And theists bite and bicker at each other constantly. A lot of time the bickering is within the same belief system. Christians bickering amongst Christians as to who really is Christian and so on and so forth.
Sometimes really bad bickering, like the Inquisition or the Thirty Years' War. :D


Active Member
Just the opposite. Agnosticism is based on a sound philosophical position that allows that our perceptions of the world describe the world, rather than define it.
Any philosophical position that describes the world is definition of the world, is it not? I am not sure what you are saying, so my response may not be what your looking for. Please restate your position on agnosticism and I'll try to give a better response.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Any philosophical position that describes the world is definition of the world, is it not? I am not sure what you are saying, so my response may not be what your looking for. Please restate your position on agnosticism and I'll try to give a better response.

A description is not a definition. That's why we have two different words.


Active Member
Please do not ever insult Storm again. She makes many great contributions to these forums. What do you think you add to this forum?
You are seriously infected with fly bites! It may be too late to use the proper medicine but try logic anyway.


Wonder Woman
You are seriously infected with fly bites! It may be too late to use the proper medicine but try logic anyway.

You know what? Why don't you try logic for once in your span of time here on this forum? Oh, that's right, you think you already do. Too bad your thought processes could be questioned by pretty much everyone here. You insult someone who DOES contribute quite honestly and well on the forum and obviously thinks through what she says, and all you do is slather on the absurd and troll-like garbage you spew with every post. You have your head so stuck where it is planted, in other words...you are stubbornly stuck in your own dang mind, that you honestly think that every word out of your mouth comes out smelling like roses. You can't seem to understand why everyone here just doesn't bow to your own percieved intelligence.

You sarcastically apologize for insulting or offending people when it is quite obvious that insult and offense is your whole intent anyway. You speak to people as if they aren't worthy or intelligent enough to carry on a conversation with you and you come off sounding like a ******* with his nose in the air talking down to all around you.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I perhaps offend? I'm so sorry. The Draka will try to work on her obsessive need to call people out on the mat and throw their own crapola right back in their faces. The Draka is so sorry that she did that. Please forgive the Draka. :sarcastic

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Oh, I'm sorry. Did I perhaps offend? I'm so sorry. The Draka will try to work on her obsessive need to call people out on the mat and throw their own crapola right back in their faces. The Draka is so sorry that she did that. Please forgive the Draka. :sarcastic

Now that made me laugh out loud. :D


Active Member
Define God.
I will try but because God is eternal and I am not, the definition will have to be with words. Because some words refer to the eternal, it may not be impossible to provide limited understanding of what God is. In the Bible when Moses asked this question God said that "I am that I am." I agree with this definition, which may seem like an attempt to avoid the definition of God at first. But God being eternal, what else could God say to Moses that Moses' limited vocabulary could comprehend? Anyway, Moses received enough information from God that Moses could safely go ahead and believe in God. Just because Moses could not understand everything about God, he was not foolish enough to believe there was no God.

Over the centuries, man has improved the vocabulary until he better understands eternal things, like human rights, laws of science, and logic Eternal things come from God and today that is the way we know God exist and we understand God is what He is.

If you desire a shorter definition of God, I would define God as the most logical, truthful, absolute thought process there is in existence and that has always been. That is the best I can do. This definition conforms to the definition in the Bible in John, chapter one.

Thank you for the oppertunity to tell you about my God.


Done here.
The Draka will try to work on her obsessive need to call people out on the mat and throw their own crapola right back in their faces. The Draka is so sorry that she did that. Please forgive the Draka. :sarcastic
The Draka is fine the way she is, thank you. :foryou:


Active Member
You know what? Why don't you try logic for once in your span of time here on this forum? Oh, that's right, you think you already do. Too bad your thought processes could be questioned by pretty much everyone here. You insult someone who DOES contribute quite honestly and well on the forum and obviously thinks through what she says, and all you do is slather on the absurd and troll-like garbage you spew with every post. You have your head so stuck where it is planted, in other words...you are stubbornly stuck in your own dang mind, that you honestly think that every word out of your mouth comes out smelling like roses. You can't seem to understand why everyone here just doesn't bow to your own percieved intelligence.

You sarcastically apologize for insulting or offending people when it is quite obvious that insult and offense is your whole intent anyway. You speak to people as if they aren't worthy or intelligent enough to carry on a conversation with you and you come off sounding like a ******* with his nose in the air talking down to all around you.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I perhaps offend? I'm so sorry. The Draka will try to work on her obsessive need to call people out on the mat and throw their own crapola right back in their faces. The Draka is so sorry that she did that. Please forgive the Draka. :sarcastic
Too bad your thought processes could be questioned by pretty much everyone here. Go for it. That is what this forum is for, not outrage.

You sarcastically apologize for insulting or offending people when it is quite obvious that insult and offense is your whole intent anyway. Like what? Fly bites can make your imagination run wild.

You can't seem to understand why everyone here just doesn't bow to your own percieved intelligence.
I am not speaking for myself. Don't you understand that? I am sincerely attempting to present the Christian's answer to this thread. Go back and read what the first post by MONSTER said. I am on topic and have not attacked anyone on a personal level. Don't you agree that atheist have thrown down the gauntlet to the Christian? Don't you agree we have been challenged to respond'? No matter how we respond to this thread, you call us names and question our attitude. I am not the only Christian that has been attacked on a personal level on this thread but how else can we reply to attacks of atheist except with humor, which you call sarcastic replies. All I am doing is attempting to avoid nasty swats at me by not allowing the viciousness of a few atheist to affect me. I am not guilty of being bent out of shape over an attack on my reasoning and have no motivation to reply with bitterness on a personal level. I am sorry if this offends you. Try challenging the Christian position with courtesy and respect and see if you don't receive an equal response. For example........

You speak to people as if they aren't worthy or intelligent enough to carry on a conversation with you and you come off sounding like a ******* with his nose in the air talking down to all around you. I am not the *******. I am the GadFly. I am only being successful at doing what a gadfly does. If I am going to play this role, then I must expect the typical response of the real *******. Now don't you find that humorous?

God bless