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The first living thing could not have come into being by random chance, therefore, God Almighty created all things. Just 1 proof.


Well-Known Member
Classified in error as birds. One of numerous errors, strong evidence it's not the word of a God
Classified as flying creatures.

What was the first living creature?
How did it handle osmosis and diffusion?
This is more than just water. There are many other ions whose flow and concentration must be tightly controlled.
What was controlling the gating of these functions and what transport was used?
How did it replenish its chemical energy stores?
How did it replicate?
How did it prevent many copying errors?
How did it assemble all these amino acids into large sequences?
How did it do these things while protecting itself?
Where did it come into being?
When did this occur?
What was the protective layer made of?
About how many atoms was it made of?
How did it repair itself?

I read that Darwin attended a seance? Did he get some of his delusions from devils?


Well-Known Member
Mammals not birds as the bible claims. But 1 of numerous errors.
No errors at all,

What was the first living creature?
How did it handle osmosis and diffusion?
This is more than just water. There are many other ions whose flow and concentration must be tightly controlled.
What was controlling the gating of these functions and what transport was used?
How did it replenish its chemical energy stores?
How did it replicate?
How did it prevent many copying errors?
How did it assemble all these amino acids into large sequences?
Where did it get its supply of amino acids?
How did it do these things while protecting itself?
Where did it come into being?
When did this occur?
What was the protective layer made of?
About how many atoms was it made of?
How did it repair itself?

I read that Darwin attended a seance? Did he get some of his delusions from devils?
I read that Marx wanted to see the blood of 100s of millions shed and he wanted to dedicated The Communist Manifesto to Darwin.


Well-Known Member
As in 0.

What was the first living creature?
How did it handle osmosis and diffusion?
This is more than just water. There are many other ions whose flow and concentration must be tightly controlled.
What was controlling the gating of these functions and what transport was used?
How did it replenish its chemical energy stores?
How did it replicate?
How did it prevent many copying errors?
How did it assemble all these amino acids into large sequences?
Where did it get its supply of amino acids?
How did it do these things while protecting itself?
Where did it come into being?
When did this occur?
What was the protective layer made of?
About how many atoms was it made of?
How did it repair itself?
Where did it get its supply of amino acids?
How were these moved into the creature?
How did the first creature survive or do any of the above if it was just a very primitive creature?

I read that Darwin attended a seance? Did he get some of his delusions from devils?
I read that Marx wanted to see the blood of 100s of millions shed and he wanted to dedicated The Communist Manifesto to Darwin.
Now Marx promoted Communism and Socialism which lead to Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.
I read that those that changed the Greek New Testament also had seances.


Well-Known Member
Bats aren't birds
What caused the Big Bang and what existed before the Big Bang?
What was the first living creature?
How did it handle osmosis and diffusion?
This is more than just water. There are many other ions whose flow and concentration must be tightly controlled.
What was controlling the gating of these functions and what transport was used?
How did it replenish its chemical energy stores?
How did it replicate?
How did it prevent many copying errors?
How did it assemble all these amino acids into large sequences?
Where did it get its supply of amino acids?
How did it do these things while protecting itself?
Where did it come into being?
When did this occur?
What was the protective layer made of?
About how many atoms was it made of?
How did it repair itself?
Where did it get its supply of amino acids?
How were these moved into the creature?
How did the first creature survive or do any of the above if it was just a very primitive creature?

I read that Darwin attended a seance? Did he get some of his delusions from devils?
I read that Marx wanted to see the blood of 100s of millions shed and he wanted to dedicated The Communist Manifesto to Darwin.
Now Marx promoted Communism and Socialism which lead to Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.
I read that those that changed the Greek New Testament also had seances.


Well-Known Member
So you agree bats aren't birds.
What caused the Big Bang and what existed before the Big Bang?
What was the first living creature?
How did it handle osmosis and diffusion?
This is more than just water. There are many other ions whose flow and concentration must be tightly controlled.
What was controlling the gating of these functions and what transport was used?
How did it replenish its chemical energy stores?
How did it replicate?
How did it prevent many copying errors?
How did it assemble all these amino acids into large sequences?
Where did it get its supply of amino acids?
How did it do these things while protecting itself?
Where did it come into being?
When did this occur?
What was the protective layer made of?
About how many atoms was it made of?
How did it repair itself?
Where did it get its supply of amino acids?
How were these moved into the creature?
How did the first creature survive or do any of the above if it was just a very primitive creature?
How did RNA and DNA evolve from it?

I read that Darwin attended a seance? Did he get some of his delusions from devils?
I read that Marx wanted to see the blood of 100s of millions shed and he wanted to dedicated The Communist Manifesto to Darwin.
Now Marx promoted Communism and Socialism which lead to Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.
I read that those that changed the Greek New Testament also had seances.


Well-Known Member
The odds game is quite unique for the gullible.

I myself can throw infinitesimal odds each and every single time I throw a handful of rice on the ground noting how each grain falls and is positioned and the subsequent time required to reproduce that throw in the exact same way and manner.

For something supposedly so rare and uncommon, it unquestionably happens all the time all around us. Life erupts all around negating those purported 'odds'.

Just like throwing those infinitesimal odds each and every time I throw a handful of rice.
The problem with life and dice is most of the random throws would do more harm than good. Random will impact all systems and cause life to regress more often than advance, if all was done by random. As a proof of this, take single cells and have AI make list a bunch of random changes to genes, enzymes, enzyme placement etc., without regard to logic. The cell will die long before it advances. Why put all your eggs in a random basket that is so easy to falsify with a simple experiment?

It is one thing to make flaws in an otherwise perfect diamond matrix, since a diamond does not, live of die, based on small flaws. Flaws may impact market value but that will not kill a diamond. But life is a very delicate balance that blind man's prophesy would upset and kill. It is not hard to see how humans changes due can destroy ecosystems. If you cannot see the logic, reality will appear more random, since all appears to be a mystery needing an oracle.

The DNA for example, is a very reliable template, not designed with dice in mind. It even uses proof reading enzymes to double check and correct possible mistakes. Why would randomness, evolve life, to have proof readers, designed to get rid of the pollution of random, if the the drive is random? On the other hand, if life was designed to create order, it would evolved to get rid of random, to create even more perfect order; evolve proof readers.

If you look at transport enzymes, these are very selective with a lock and key specificity. How could random do that for all the transport enzymes? How many bad keys would random make before this complete perfection appeared? There is no janitor's key. That would occur sooner if the goal of life was increasing order. Each key is filed separately to eliminate the unlawful entry of random strangers.

When I was young, back in the 1960's and 70's, I liked science, but I was reluctant to take biology. Back then biology was the most appealing science for the girls. It did not attract many boys and vice versa. Biology was less about logic and math, and more about cataloging and memorizing. It was more like learning the intricacies of another language; English or Spanish, with dogmatic rules. The girls, have good memories and were better at that. Biology was sort of between science and liberal arts, the areas most popular with the girls and their strengths. It was not like math, physics, and chemistry where you could learn a basic principle, gravity, or a chemical reaction and apply it to problem solving. Biology was more about memorize the tiniest of details. It has not evolved much. Fortune telling with oracles, is still king, instead of reasoning and application from basic principles. The oracle is a redundant procedure that would bore the crap out of me, but the girls liked it.

I have developed more of a boys's water approach, that integrates life and is simple enough to reason and solve problems at anyscale. Most of the girls did not like chemistry and physics back then, but more are now in these areas, so hopefully conceptual logic is now more appealing.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
False analogy.

what was the first living creature?
How did it handle osmosis and diffusion?
This is more than just water. There are many other ions whose flow and concentration must be tightly controlled.
what was controlling the gating of these functions and what transport was used?
How did it replenish its chemical energy stores?
How did it replicate?
How did it assemble all these amino acids into large sequences?
How did it do these things while protecting itself?

You see why this destroys the myth of abiogenesis.
Nope, it was a perfect analogy. By the way, you do not just get to say "false analogy" and then repeat your refuted questions. You need to be ready to prove that the analogy is false. You can't do that. You have demonstrated an inability to reason logically. That is why it was so easy to refute your inductive argument for God. It was hopelessly flawed from the start. I just used the most obvious flaw.

You can't refute evolution with foolish questions.


Well-Known Member
Nope, it was a perfect analogy. By the way, you do not just get to say "false analogy" and then repeat your refuted questions. You need to be ready to prove that the analogy is false. You can't do that. You have demonstrated an inability to reason logically. That is why it was so easy to refute your inductive argument for God. It was hopelessly flawed from the start. I just used the most obvious flaw.

You can't refute evolution with foolish questions.
Evolution died already

What caused the Big Bang?
What was there before the Big Bang?
Where did all the orderly laws of nature come from?
What was the first living creature?
How did it handle osmosis and diffusion?
This is more than just water. There are many other ions whose flow and concentration must be tightly controlled.
What was controlling the gating of these functions and what transport was used?
How did it replenish its chemical energy stores?
How did it replicate?
How did it prevent many copying errors?
How did it assemble all these amino acids into large sequences?
Where did it get its supply of amino acids?
How did it do these things while protecting itself?
Where did it come into being?
When did this occur?
What was the protective layer made of?
About how many atoms was it made of?
How did it repair itself?
Where did it get its supply of amino acids?
How were these moved into the creature?
Could it move around?
How did RNA and DNA evolve from it?
I read that Darwin attended a seance? Did he get some of his delusions from devils?
I read that Marx wanted to see the blood of 100s of millions shed and he wanted to dedicated The Communist Manifesto to Darwin.
Now Marx promoted Communism and Socialism which lead to Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.
Did you know that God warned about seances with lying spirits?

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I do not know what they knew. I only know what they wrote.
You know what the Bible writers DIDN'T know, or should. I do: "the actual history of the universe, earth, and life."
You know what they wrote but how do you know what they thought?
It doesn't matter to me what they thought, although I have a pretty good idea of what that was. Did they believe the flood story literally? Jesus did: Flood of Noah: New Testament References Did they believe the Garden story literally? The Christians that accept the doctrine of original sin and the need for salvation do, so why wouldn't the same have been the case two millennia ago? Did they believe the six days of creation and one of rest literally? Yes. In fact, they memorialized the literal day of rest in a Commandment, which is also observed for 24 hours out of every 168 hours (a week).
How do you know that the words describing God in the Old Testament are wrong?
Because I can read the words, many of which have been falsified.
The problem with life and dice is most of the random throws would do more harm than good.
That's not a problem for life, just for the unlucky individual that suffers such a mutation. Everybody else is fine, and many will survive to reproduce variations of themselves, a small fraction of which will be selected for, with those favorable mutations accumulating while the unfavorable ones are selected against.
The DNA for example, is a very reliable template, not designed with dice in mind.
DNA wasn't designed before modernity. Now, we design DNA.
the Bible says that God created Satan. See Ezekiel 28.
Thanks, God! And thanks for setting him loose on mankind. That fiery cage was said to be created for devils and demons, throwing humans in there being an afterthought once "God" realized they were sinners, too, holding himself blameless for committing the greatest of all sins - creating evil and malice at every turn. Why isn't the source of demons and hell in perdition? Because nobody can trap it? If it existed and we could do that, shouldn't we? After all, THAT god would be a sinner by its own standards.
Proven to be the true word of God.
Proven to be filled with error and contradiction.
What was the first living creature?
How did it handle osmosis and diffusion?
This is more than just water. There are many other ions whose flow and concentration must be tightly controlled.
What was controlling the gating of these functions and what transport was used?
How did it replenish its chemical energy stores?
How did it replicate?
How did it prevent many copying errors?
How did it assemble all these amino acids into large sequences?
Where did it get its supply of amino acids?
How did it do these things while protecting itself?
Where did it come into being?
When did this occur?
What was the protective layer made of?
About how many atoms was it made of?
How did it repair itself?
Are you all right, amigo? You've posted this same block of meaningless text a dozen or so times today. That has a name in psychiatry:

"Perseveration is when someone “gets stuck” on a topic or an idea. You may have heard the term in regard to autism, but it can affect others, too. People who perseverate often say the same thing or behave in the same way over and over again. But they can get stuck on their emotions, actions, and thoughts, too."

Maybe this isn't the healthiest way for you to be spending your time.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The problem with life and dice is most of the random throws would do more harm than good. Random will impact all systems and cause life to regress more often than advance, if all was done by random. As a proof of this, take single cells and have AI make list a bunch of random changes to genes, enzymes, enzyme placement etc., without regard to logic. The cell will die long before it advances. Why put all your eggs in a random basket that is so easy to falsify with a simple experiment?

It is one thing to make flaws in an otherwise perfect diamond matrix, since a diamond does not, live of die, based on small flaws. Flaws may impact market value but that will not kill a diamond. But life is a very delicate balance that blind man's prophesy would upset and kill. It is not hard to see how humans changes due can destroy ecosystems. If you cannot see the logic, reality will appear more random, since all appears to be a mystery needing an oracle.

The DNA for example, is a very reliable template, not designed with dice in mind. It even uses proof reading enzymes to double check and correct possible mistakes. Why would randomness, evolve life, to have proof readers, designed to get rid of the pollution of random, if the the drive is random? On the other hand, if life was designed to create order, it would evolved to get rid of random, to create even more perfect order; evolve proof readers.

If you look at transport enzymes, these are very selective with a lock and key specificity. How could random do that for all the transport enzymes? How many bad keys would random make before this complete perfection appeared? There is no janitor's key. That would occur sooner if the goal of life was increasing order. Each key is filed separately to eliminate the unlawful entry of random strangers.

When I was young, back in the 1960's and 70's, I liked science, but I was reluctant to take biology. Back then biology was the most appealing science for the girls. It did not attract many boys and vice versa. Biology was less about logic and math, and more about cataloging and memorizing. It was more like learning the intricacies of another language; English or Spanish, with dogmatic rules. The girls, have good memories and were better at that. Biology was sort of between science and liberal arts, the areas most popular with the girls and their strengths. It was not like math, physics, and chemistry where you could learn a basic principle, gravity, or a chemical reaction and apply it to problem solving. Biology was more about memorize the tiniest of details. It has not evolved much. Fortune telling with oracles, is still king, instead of reasoning and application from basic principles. The oracle is a redundant procedure that would bore the crap out of me, but the girls liked it.

I have developed more of a boys's water approach, that integrates life and is simple enough to reason and solve problems at anyscale. Most of the girls did not like chemistry and physics back then, but more are now in these areas, so hopefully conceptual logic is now more appealing.
This does not apply to genetics. The genome is not one single perfect recipe for an organism. It is a highly flawed recipe, with many steps written down more than once. Have you heard of noncoding DNA? That is DNA that apparently does nothing and is over 95% of our DNA. Changes in that DNA almost never causes harm, and occasionally does good.

For example the way that key genes evolve is that the first mutation is gene duplication. Whole genes are copied and put back in the genome. Quite a bit of the DNA in
Evolution died already

What caused the Big Bang?
What was there before the Big Bang?
Where did all the orderly laws of nature come from?
What was the first living creature?
How did it handle osmosis and diffusion?
This is more than just water. There are many other ions whose flow and concentration must be tightly controlled.
What was controlling the gating of these functions and what transport was used?
How did it replenish its chemical energy stores?
How did it replicate?
How did it prevent many copying errors?
How did it assemble all these amino acids into large sequences?
Where did it get its supply of amino acids?
How did it do these things while protecting itself?
Where did it come into being?
When did this occur?
What was the protective layer made of?
About how many atoms was it made of?
How did it repair itself?
Where did it get its supply of amino acids?
How were these moved into the creature?
Could it move around?
How did RNA and DNA evolve from it?
I read that Darwin attended a seance? Did he get some of his delusions from devils?
I read that Marx wanted to see the blood of 100s of millions shed and he wanted to dedicated The Communist Manifesto to Darwin.
Now Marx promoted Communism and Socialism which lead to Hitler, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.
Did you know that God warned about seances with lying spirits?
None of these questions harm the fact of evolution even if we do not know the answer. You keep conflating the concepts of "I do not know yet" and "It is impossible".

But thank you for admitting that you are wrong again by repeatedly posting foolish and refuted arguments.


Well-Known Member
This does not apply to genetics. The genome is not one single perfect recipe for an organism. It is a highly flawed recipe, with many steps written down more than once. Have you heard of noncoding DNA? That is DNA that apparently does nothing and is over 95% of our DNA. Changes in that DNA almost never causes harm, and occasionally does good.

For example the way that key genes evolve is that the first mutation is gene duplication. Whole genes are copied and put back in the genome. Quite a bit of the DNA in

None of these questions harm the fact of evolution even if we do not know the answer. You keep conflating the concepts of "I do not know yet" and "It is impossible".

But thank you for admitting that you are wrong again by repeatedly posting foolish and refuted arguments.
You cannot duplicate that which does nit exist. There are no genes to duplicate since there was no first living creature. You are using circular reasoning yet again.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
You cannot duplicate that which does nit exist. There are no genes to duplicate since there was no first living creature. You are using circular reasoning yet again.
Nope, I was talking about modern evolution. Way back when there were far far far fewer genes and in fact they are likely an emergent process as well. The first life may not have had what we call "genes" today. It may have only been a self replicating strand of RNA in a protective envelope.

It has already been explained to you that vesicles, or small naturally forming cell membranes, still form today. You can observe that yourself if you wish. That is your "protective envelope". That was one of the easier problems of abiogenesis.


Well-Known Member
Nope, I was talking about modern evolution. Way back when there were far far far fewer genes and in fact they are likely an emergent process as well. The first life may not have had what we call "genes" today. It may have only been a self replicating strand of RNA in a protective envelope.

It has already been explained to you that vesicles, or small naturally forming cell membranes, still form today. You can observe that yourself if you wish. That is your "protective envelope". That was one of the easier problems of abiogenesis.
No first living creature, no genes to duplicate. You again show you have circular reasoning.