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The flaw in the argument that feminism is bad because it ignores men's issues


رسول الآلهة
Survivalist humor is not funny only sad, trolling is not funny only pathetic. Why make a mockery out of something that is really important to others? are you uncomfortable with the subject, feel you have nothing to add intellectually?

Sarcasm and trolling are entirely different and considering the details of my posts and previous arguments it is quite idiotic to say "I am trolling".

You are just hurt over my disliking towards feminism which calls for immediate action right? (Why am I asking questions I have answers for :facepalm:).

But be careful before labeling a person a troll. I highly recommend you stay out of such arguments as they end nasty and promote flaming. I am being serious when I say that by the way.

FYI, trolls don't leave pictures of their faces on their profiles by the way ;). You on the other hand are very secretive
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Me Myself

Back to my username
Do you honestly believe woman have the obligation toake sandwitches or something like that? (i have to ask)


رسول الآلهة
Do you honestly believe woman have the obligation toake sandwitches or something like that? (i have to ask)

I am only referencing my idea of a heterosexual romantic relationship. I am not even fond of people handling my food.

In case you do not know this. I am such a compulsive independent person I am not use to relying on others or helping them. The joke of my statement stems from years of independence from others to the greater extent.
I would not even enter a relationship simply off the grounds I find it illogical to acquire social company with no benefits.
My idea of a relationship would be just slavery minus any work. :D. I do not like talking, social events, touching others, sex, empathizing or even looking at others. I am entirely non-social with the exception being debating. Debating is the only time I find socializing useful :shrug:

I believe I have explained myself on this some time ago but it is just a little fact about myself. My statement about sandwiches is meant to be ironic of my non-romantic behavior.
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Me Myself

Back to my username
I am only referencing my idea of a heterosexual romantic relationship. I am not even fond of people handling my food.

In case you do not know this. I am such a compulsive independent person I am not use to relying on others or helping them. The joke of my statement stems from years of independence from others to the greater extent.
I would not even enter a relationship simply off the grounds I find it illogical to acquire social company with no benefits.
My idea of a relationship would be just slavery minus any work. :D. I do not like talking, social events, touching others, sex, empathizing or even looking at others. I am entirely non-social with the exception being debating. Debating is the only time I find socializing useful :shrug:

I believe I have explained myself on this some time ago but it is just a little fact about myself. My statement about sandwiches is meant to be ironic of my non-romantic behavior.

So it was only playing, you dont really have a much different view of a woman than you would of a man in general? (Again, just trying to understand your actual beliefs and perspectives :D)


رسول الآلهة
So it was only playing, you dont really have a much different view of a woman than you would of a man in general? (Again, just trying to understand your actual beliefs and perspectives :D)

Are you familiar with the lives of the Kings and emperors in ancient Turkey, China and Japan?

They have a reputation of being void of traditional love ad are just viewed as marriages based upon the concept that the wife is subjugated by the king just to sow his greatness(the wife being the most desired obviously).
The relationship emanating from fictional depictions such as 1,001 Arabian nights really just depicts a servile relationship.

So my idea of romantic unity borders a rough bridge between S&M and actual enslavement. I find no use for romantic engagements and the only plausible reason for me to engage in one is for the purpose I described above. I am really this much of a simpleton. I can assure you I have thought about the numerous variances found in relationships and this is the only possible stance I could take in regard to women.

I view women as needless baubles when it comes to relationships, other then that I treat them like men. They wish to be equal so I will punch int he nose for being idiots no differently then I would do a man :p. I find inequality between sexes on any level and it had never concerned me. Women are equally as capable as men and the day they stop desiring unequal treatment the better.
I only differ women from men in that I find that women have a greater tendency to be annoying when they speak. I am a man of little word.
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
Are you familiar with the lives of the Kings and emperors in ancient Turkey, China and Japan?

They have a reputation of being void of traditional love ad are just viewed as marriages based upon the concept that the wife is subjugated by the king just to sow his greatness(the wife being the most desired obviously).
The relationship emanating from fictional depictions such as 1,001 Arabian nights really just depicts a servile relationship.

So my idea of romantic unity borders a rough bridge between S&M and actual enslavement. I find no use for romantic engagements and the only plausible reason for me to engage in one is for the purpose I described above. I am really this much of a simpleton. I can assure you I have thought about the numerous variances found in relationships and this is the only possible stance I could take in regard to women.

I view women as needless baubles when it comes to relationships, other then that I treat them like men. They wish to be equal so I will punch int he nose for being idiots no differently then I would do a man :p. I find inequality between sexes on any level and it had never concerned me. Women are equally as capable as men and the day they stop desiring unequal treatment the better.
I only differ women from men in that I find that women have a greater tendency to be annoying when they speak. I am a man of little word.

That sounds like attempting to rationalize sexist thoughts by someone who realizes they're having sexist thoughts. I also chose sexist rather than misogynistic to be generous. :D

That or you're mixing jokes with serious statements in a way that can't be properly distinguished.


رسول الآلهة
That sounds like attempting to rationalize sexist thoughts by someone who realizes they're having sexist thoughts. I also chose sexist rather than misogynistic to be generous. :D

Why thank you. I prefer sexist as my issue is with radical opinions about the other sex and is not based from hatred(miso/misia).

I actually do realize I am sexist but do not forget what you call sexist was once called normal in the olden days of mankind's duration. I view myself as "Romantically Traditional".

That or you're mixing jokes with serious statements in a way that can't be properly distinguished.

I do this on a daily basis. If you have just realized it then I pity you....I am serious. Or am I being sarcastic? Hmmmmmm we will never find out it seems :D

Me Myself

Back to my username
He does that too much. i will just assume he truly believes them to be equal, but have found many that tend to be more talkative which appears to annoy him.

Nothing really relevant to rights anyways.

Curious George

Veteran Member
Sarcasm and trolling are entirely different and considering the details of my posts and previous arguments it is quite idiotic to say "I am trolling".

You are just hurt over my disliking towards feminism which calls for immediate action right? (Why am I asking questions I have answers for :facepalm:).

But be careful before labeling a person a troll. I highly recommend you stay out of such arguments as they end nasty and promote flaming. I am being serious when I say that by the way.

FYI, trolls don't leave pictures of their faces on their profiles by the way ;). You on the other hand are very secretive

Sorry friend, I did not say that you were trolling, I implied you were either employing survivalist humor or trolling.

But no Sterling, I am not hurt. It actually takes a lot to get under my skin. But I am Slightly saddened that the character Sterling would resort to either survivalist humor (or trolling), either way the result is the same though. And no, there have been other comments by people who dislike feminism, the response comes because when you put forth intellectual posts (with or without humor) I anticipate consistency. When something is off the mark, I try to understand why.

I do not know if you see or even understand the differences between your post prior to my comment and other posts you have made throughout the forum. I suppose that doesn't really matter, though. My post was not meant to be nasty, the most I could hope for would be for you to enter into this conversation and convey your beliefs not silly little demeaning comments which not only fail to romanticize a hetero perspective, but fail also to contribute.


رسول الآلهة
Sorry friend, I did not say that you were trolling, I implied you were either employing survivalist humor or trolling.

I have not even the slightest concept as to what survivalist humor is. Enlighten me because I have never heard of this form of humor and I hope I enjoy it so I can use it for further debauchery :D.
Hopefully lets not try to derail this thread.
the response comes because when you put forth intellectual posts (with or without humor) I anticipate consistency. When something is off the mark, I try to understand why.

I shall give you a good piece of wisdom......all intellectual people are utterly insane. Benjamin Franklin......totally crazy. Thomas Edison.......wackadoodle. ;) common fact

Curious George

Veteran Member
I have not even the slightest concept as to what survivalist humor is. Enlighten me because I have never heard of this form of humor and I hope I enjoy it so I can use it for further debauchery :D.
Hopefully lets not try to derail this thread.

I shall give you a good piece of wisdom......all intellectual people are utterly insane. Benjamin Franklin......totally crazy. Thomas Edison.......wackadoodle. ;) common fact

Well I thank you for your pearls.

Survivalist humor is that which attacks groups in order to cope with life. Examples of survivalist humor are racist jokes, sexist jokes, jokes that exploit and perpetuate stereotypes. Mind though, jokes of this nature are not always survivalist humor, sometimes they.are satirical or used for self deprecating humor, they are also commonly used for shock value and to inflame i.e. trolling.


رسول الآلهة
Well I thank you for your pearls.

Survivalist humor is that which attacks groups in order to cope with life. Examples of survivalist humor are racist jokes, sexist jokes, jokes that exploit and perpetuate stereotypes. Mind though, jokes of this nature are not always survivalist humor, sometimes they.are satirical or used for self deprecating humor, they are also commonly used for shock value and to inflame i.e. trolling.

Haha! I do not need humor to cope with life, that is what whiskey is for! :D


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Why thank you. I prefer sexist as my issue is with radical opinions about the other sex and is not based from hatred(miso/misia).

Hey, no problem. I'm happy to extend some benefit of the doubt.

I actually do realize I am sexist but do not forget what you call sexist was once called normal in the olden days of mankind's duration. I view myself as "Romantically Traditional".

Sure, it's traditional to be sexist.

The view in question being traditional doesn't at all work as an argument for it. It only points out that it's traditional to view women in this silly manner.

I do this on a daily basis. If you have just realized it then I pity you....I am serious. Or am I being sarcastic? Hmmmmmm we will never find out it seems :D

Ah, i see. :D

One downside to keep in mind is that, eventually, and most likely, these questions will not be left unanswered. People will start deciding for you.

If that's alright with you, then have fun in the mean time.


Just me
Premium Member
In that case you can't say that feminism is not gender biased,or make the claim that a man is also a feminist if he stands for equality and against gender discrimination.

If it's every man for himself, and women aren't too fussed about what happens to their husbands, sons and brothers, then lets not maintain a charade.

Feminists have long said that it is men's responsibility to address women's issues. Now I am hearing that in their opinion it is not women's responsibility to address men's issues.

Gender bias much ? Doublespeak much ?

" It's just a little obnoxious to expect feminists to do that work for you." Really ? I thought it was 'us'. Now you are affirming that in your mind it is 'us and them'.

One giant leap backwards.

And this should encourage me to give a damn about women's issues ? Knowing that this is your attitude ? Sweet. Given that the women on RF are among the most thoughtful, that is virtually a statememt that if men are interested in equality, they should be equally disinterested in the plight of women as women are of the plight of men.

I hope the men reading this realise that this means that any time they spend on women's issues will not be reciprocated. We have now been informed that feminists only want equality for women - which is efffectively a nonsensical statement worthy of inclusion in 'Animal Farm'

edit : I should add that I still do give a damn about women's issues.

I give a damn about my partner, my daughter, my granddaughter. I give a damn about beings in general. That is the inevitable result of not being ignorant.

I find this rejection of responsibility toward 'the other gender' repugnant.

Feminism is dead.

Long live enlightened equality.

It's gender based. Gender bias is a different kettle.


Well-Known Member
It's gender based. Gender bias is a different kettle.

And what people fail to realise is that there is feminist literature about transcending gender, so there is no longer meaning behind being male or female, man or woman and expressing a desire for a world in which gender is fluid. Progressive ideas about gender restrictions came from and is very central to the feminist movement. It was the feminists who said men are not born violent, domineering, control freaks who just can't help themselves.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
And what people fail to realise is that there is feminist literature about transcending gender, so there is no longer meaning behind being male or female, man or woman and expressing a desire for a world in which gender is fluid. Progressive ideas about gender restrictions came from and is very central to the feminist movement. It was the feminists who said men are not born violent, domineering, control freaks who just can't help themselves.

I agree. The sad part is when feminists support the "humanization" of males by saying they're not naturally violent, not naturally controlling, that masculinity is NOT defined by aggression and rape....that there is the accusation that there is the "feminization" of males.

The argument against that is men are not women. They don't want to be weak, flighty, flaky, hormonal, emotional, irrational, bleeding-heart sad sacks. They're manly men who are strong protectors of their territory. Stop trying to make men into the smaller weaker sex. Simple as that. Now where's my sammich?

Yeah. It's really lame, isn't it?