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The Health Care Bill Passes!


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I think you're reading waaaaay too much into the motive of the school and handing out the fake bills for good deeds. Give them some credit for trying to do a good thing. No need to be so skeptical just because you're not a Democrat.
I'm not even sure they did that. Walkntune's story smells fishy.

I don't necessarily accept that anyone got that handed to them in school, and if they did, I highly doubt that they got it from a teacher.


Veteran Member
I'm not even sure they did that. Walkntune's story smells fishy.

I don't necessarily accept that anyone got that handed to them in school, and if they did, I highly doubt that they got it from a teacher.
Well, I'm not so sure either. I'm just responding from the angle it actually happened. I don't see the problem and I put four kids through public school. :shrug:

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
No matter how you feel about the bill, least we can be happy knowing Rush Limbaugh is going to move to Costa Rica, right?

Actually, to be fair to Rush, he came on the air the very next day and walked that one back. He claimed that he said he would go to Costa Rica for his health care - not move out of the US and live in Costa Rica.

He may be a lying, stinking pile of human rubbish, but he is smart enough to know when he shot his mouth off a little too much.


Well-Known Member
I think you're reading waaaaay too much into the motive of the school and handing out the fake bills for good deeds. Give them some credit for trying to do a good thing. No need to be so skeptical just because you're not a Democrat.

Whatever happened to the days people of praying for and rallying behind our president? Does that only count if he's of the same political party as you?

Well there is no reason for his followers to pray since he has taken the name of God.
For now on instead of saying OMG you can just say OMO!


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Well there is no reason for his followers to pray since he has taken the name of God.
For now on instead of saying OMG you can just say OMO!
Heh... speaking for myself, I don't say "OMG". If I let out an exclamation in surprise, it's usually "pig****er!" :D

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Actually, to be fair to Rush, he came on the air the very next day and walked that one back. He claimed that he said he would go to Costa Rica for his health care - not move out of the US and live in Costa Rica.

He may be a lying, stinking pile of human rubbish, but he is smart enough to know when he shot his mouth off a little too much.

Ironically, personally I think Obama is far too conservative in his christianity....

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
I think it's become a given that some sort of health care reform is necessary; as Ymir stated, there is a conflict of interest when health care is a for-profit business.

I'm personally not sure how I feel about this particular way of doing it (I would prefer a more socialized version, I think), but I hope it works out. :)


Well-Known Member
Without the public option this is kind of a lackluster victory; it's more symbolic than anything else. But if the public option had passed we'd probably see the tea bagging idiots setting themselves on fire.

It's a sad day when conservatives can paint a democrat as to the right as Obama as "socialist" and "leftist" and have it stick. I'll vote for Obama again because he's slightly less evil than the puppet on the right but that's it. He's gotten more done in his year and half of office than the conservatives did in 8 years and most of that was limiting our rights and destroying the economy.

If anyone thinks any electable politician isn't a corporate *****e their drinking the flavor-aid.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Without the public option this is kind of a lackluster victory;.

I was really hoping for a public option; if there are going to be regulations to help folks who can't afford health insurance, then I think there may as well be.

But hopefully this will lead to something more positive than what we have.


Well-Known Member
For better or worse, the health care bill has passed Congress and now goes to the President to sign into law.

Do you think this is overall a good thing or a bad thing? Why?

I`m not a great fan of this Bill (Law now) but it is far better than the status quo.

How will passage of this bill affect the Republican and Democratic parties in this year's elections?
I think the Republicans are screwed and they`re delusional about their hypothetical "gains" in November.

This is a strong powerful victory by the Dems.
The strongest I`ve seen in my life.
It will change the fabric of our culture.

Their base is going to be fired up and full of bandwagon riders.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
...also, I like the idea that my tax dollars may be used for something other than the military.

And wasn't Rush one of those that disparaged the liberals for wanting to move to Canada?


Resident Lycanthrope
Well, instead of wild rantings, let's see if we can get some facts, can we? Would you please go to this site and plug in your fiance's numbers and let us know the results?

I just did it for my uninsured collaborator-in-life, the lovely V. (And lest you ask, she is a hard worker.) She usually makes around $22K. She will get health insurance at a cost to her of $1,410, and a cost to the rest of us of $4,220. So that will be $117 per month for her. Right now it would cost her around $400 a month. She can afford $117; she can't afford $400. So the bill will help her.

What about you, enchanted?
I will accept a donation from you in the sum of $117 per month toward my family's new insurance obligation. Not interested? Then stop telling me how wonderful it is that I will be forced to spend my money. It is MY money, not Obama's. If he wants to give extra money to the healthcare industry then he can give HIS money, not mine. I have no interest.