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The Health Care Bill Passes!

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
There is nothing wild about it. I do not have the extra money. If it costs a hundred bucks it might as well cost ten-thousand. I do not have extra money for this scam at this time, nor should I be forced to participate in the support of this even if I did have the money. How would you like it if the law required you to buy the daily newspaper, whether you wished to read it or not? You might some day need to see the weather report and then you would have it. So what if it gets discarded, unread, the rest of the year. The money you spend will help others afford their daily paper.

That's quite a crappy analogy.

First, it won't cost you $100. If you're really as bad off as you say, it won't cost you much, if anything. That's the whole point we're trying to get through to you. If you can't afford it, you'll get as much help as you need.

Second, no one needs the newspaper. Almost everyone needs medical attention at some point. It's not a question of whether you'll need it, it's a question of when.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I was injured at my job, which happened to be the military. The VA acts like workman's comp, but for military members. The military could have opted to pay into a workman's comp insurance policy to cover such incidents, but they chose not to. They understand that it is more cost effective to save the money they would have spent on premiums and use it to pay a direct benefit. This is just like someone choosing not to purchase health insurance and paying for their own medical bills instead.

In other words, you're on government health insurance right now, and it's at my expense. Oh, the hypocrisy.


Resident Lycanthrope
That's quite a crappy analogy.

First, it won't cost you $100. If you're really as bad off as you say, it won't cost you much, if anything. That's the whole point we're trying to get through to you. If you can't afford it, you'll get as much help as you need.

Second, no one needs the newspaper. Almost everyone needs medical attention at some point. It's not a question of whether you'll need it, it's a question of when.
Thank you for proving my point. Almost everyone needs...

What about the people that do not need it at some point? Will the government print more fiat currency to reimburse them for the service that they were forced to purchase? I think not. Insurance may make you feel comfy. To me it is a form of gambling.


Resident Lycanthrope
In other words, you're on government health insurance right now, and it's at my expense. Oh, the hypocrisy.
How is that hypocrisy? If you were injured at work you would be compensated. A government job is no different. They are to be held liable for their actions. If you wish you can go ahead and serve your country like I did, but that would require you to take an active role. You don't appear to be the type to actually go out and do something like that.


Wonder Woman
I suppose you don't have auto insurance then right? Because if you do, you're a hypocrit through and through. Homeowner's insurance? Life insurance?

Auto-insurance is required, not everyone gets into auto accidents. There's no difference in your argument right? Do you have auto insurance? If you do, then why aren't you ******** a fit about that?


Veteran Member
Hey I know things happen. However, if we decide that we need to purchase a policy then it should be our choice. If they wish to socialize medicine then fine. You cannot properly do so while forcing people to spend money through a private entity though. It will not work as long as there is a middleman making a huge profit.
Sorry, I don't think it should be "choice" where kids and insurance are concerned. Kids need to be protected. And, if you can afford even $25 a month to provide that....you should have to do it.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Actually if we paid no taxes then we could all afford to pay for even the most expensive surgeries out of pocket.

Let's pretend that's true for a moment. How would you get around with no roads (or roads so horrible your car gets destroyed driving two miles) and no public transportation? How would we protect ourselves from those nasty terrorists? How would we get by with no law enforcement to protect us? How would we get running water? How would you know that the brand new house you buy isn't going to fall down within a year? What would you do if your house caught on fire? What would you do if you got hit by a car and your wife had cancer?

I could go on, but I hope you get the idea.

Still, nobody here has been able to tell me how letting my house get foreclosed on in favor of my family getting health insurance will help them get healthcare. Can anyone please explain?

Actually, it's been explained to you several times. It would be nice if you'd at least pay attention. You won't have to let your house get foreclosed on. You will get the financial help you need from the government. Is it really that hard of a concept? If you just can't afford it, you will qualify for a subsidy that will pay as much as you need it to pay.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Thank you for proving my point. Almost everyone needs...

What about the people that do not need it at some point?

You say you think health insurance is gambling. Fine, but you're betting the wrong way. Not having health insurance, especially when you have kids is like betting that tails will come up 500 times in a row when flipping a coin. Yes, it could happen, but it's highly, highly unlikely. I don't know about you, but I'd say it's better to take the better bet.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
How is that hypocrisy? If you were injured at work you would be compensated. A government job is no different. They are to be held liable for their actions. If you wish you can go ahead and serve your country like I did, but that would require you to take an active role. You don't appear to be the type to actually go out and do something like that.

You did say you're on the VA, right?


Resident Lycanthrope
I suppose you don't have auto insurance then right? Because if you do, you're a hypocrit through and through. Homeowner's insurance? Life insurance?

Auto-insurance is required, not everyone gets into auto accidents. There's no difference in your argument right? Do you have auto insurance? If you do, then why aren't you ******** a fit about that?
I choose to drive, therefore I must comply. One does not need to drive. My insurance runs 3% of what healthcare would cost me. I have homeowner's insurance as it is required by my mortgage holder. I could just rent but it makes more financial sense to buy and pay for that policy. Again, I chose to buy instead of rent. I do not have a life insurance policy. I do not believe in it. Why should I have to buy insurance just because I am alive? If you wish to argue that I can kill myself so that I do not have to buy health insurance that is going to sound pretty silly.

Still, nobody can tell me how my family being forced to buy insurance will somehow give you free healthcare. Come on, all you experts. I am dying to see how this works.


The Feisty Penguin
I suppose you don't have auto insurance then right? Because if you do, you're a hypocrit through and through. Homeowner's insurance? Life insurance?

Auto-insurance is required, not everyone gets into auto accidents. There's no difference in your argument right? Do you have auto insurance? If you do, then why aren't you ******** a fit about that?

Remember Draka, it's not personal. :rolleyes:

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I hope it has a sobering effect on you, Rick.
Hey, if I am wrong, I will admit it. Remember I changed my mind on same sex marriage. It will just be one more check I write out of a big pile of obligations. Most likely I may have to go out of the country for medical care I need. No big deal for me personally.
Now as I recall your prediction is that it will trigger a shortage of doctors and hospital beds, is that right?
Yes, you are correct. I stand behind my predictions.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Most likely I may have to go out of the country for medical care I need.

Why would you have to go out of the country for it and where would you go?

I assume you mean because you'll have to wait in line now because of the rationing. Where will you go? Canada? Mexico? Europe? Why would their wait times be shorter there?

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Why would you have to go out of the country for it and where would you go?

I assume you mean because you'll have to wait in line now because of the rationing. Where will you go? Canada? Mexico? Europe? Why would their wait times be shorter there?

I already have an operation scheduled for later this year in India. I already sent the check.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Last year a Harvard medical study found that approximately 45,000 people died as a direct result of lack of health coverage.
Here's looking forward to a change in the future.


Intentionally Blank
There is nothing wild about it. I do not have the extra money. If it costs a hundred bucks it might as well cost ten-thousand. I do not have extra money for this scam at this time, nor should I be forced to participate in the support of this even if I did have the money. How would you like it if the law required you to buy the daily newspaper, whether you wished to read it or not? You might some day need to see the weather report and then you would have it. So what if it gets discarded, unread, the rest of the year. The money you spend will help others afford their daily paper.

Well, apparently you have enough money for incense, but not enough for health insurance, so I doubt that.

As I said, don't you have government health insurance?

but for your family, if one of them has a serious illness or injury, who will be paying for their care?

to support Rick's statement. Can you prove otherwise?
What statement? That people will be sobered?


Wonder Woman
I choose to drive, therefore I must comply. One does not need to drive. My insurance runs 3% of what healthcare would cost me. I have homeowner's insurance as it is required by my mortgage holder. I could just rent but it makes more financial sense to buy and pay for that policy. Again, I chose to buy instead of rent. I do not have a life insurance policy. I do not believe in it. Why should I have to buy insurance just because I am alive? If you wish to argue that I can kill myself so that I do not have to buy health insurance that is going to sound pretty silly.
You already sound silly. You may choose to drive, but you don't choose to get into a horrible accident do you? Driving doesn't call for insurance, the possibility of an accident does. Same goes for health insurance. You don't choose to get sick or injured, but you can, and so can your family. That's why you have health insurance. Oh, and you don't buy life insurance just because you are alive, again...silly, you buy life insurance to take care of your family and not burden them with not only the finances that your death will bring, but the financial hardship the loss of your income will bring before they are able to recoup and stand on their own. Having life insurance is an act of love and protection for your family.

Still, nobody can tell me how my family being forced to buy insurance will somehow give you free healthcare. Come on, all you experts. I am dying to see how this works.
that's not what you have been asking. what you asked was:

How does forcing me to buy an insurance policy that I do not want or need help your personal situation?
No one has said anything about you paying for insurance so other could have free healthcare. however, by everyone having some form of health coverage it does benefit all. And that HAS been answered. You just didn't read it obviously. Either that or you chose to ignore it.

If you end up having some issue where you need medical assistance you can't afford, and the hospital doesn't get paid for its services, then, to make up for the money they lost in treating you they raise their prices for everyone in order to recoup. Didn't you ever learn about how shoplifting affects everyone? If you don't have some plan in place to compensate for the medial attention you need that you cannot pay for out of your own pocket then everyone pays for you by paying higher and higher rates for healthcare. This also causes more and more doctors to deny people without healthcare insurance because they want to make sure they get paid for their services. Thus cutting down the options for those who cannot afford high insurance rates in the first place.
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Intentionally Blank
So, enchanted, are you willing to try to figure out whether the bill will help or hurt your family, or not?