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The Kindness Box


Resident megalomaniac
“I hope you will have a wonderful year, that you'll dream dangerously and outrageously, that you'll make something that didn't exist before you made it, that you will be loved and that you will be liked, and that you will have people to love and to like in return. And, most importantly (because I think there should be more kindness and more wisdom in the world right now), that you will, when you need to be, be wise, and that you will always be kind.”

~ Neil Gaiman

Quotes About Kindness (2418 quotes)


Resident megalomaniac
“How would your life be different if you stopped making negative judgmental assumptions about people you encounter? Let today be the day you look for the good in everyone you meet and respect their journey.”

Steve Maraboli


Resident megalomaniac
Small acts of kindness are sometimes powerful enough to make major headlines. In fact, you've probably read about or watched a few of these stories unfold in the past month. Here's how it usually plays out: One person will do a good deed—such as placing a cup of coffee on reserve for a homeless person, or paying off a stranger's layaway balance at Kmart—then a trend will start, with more and more people getting in on the act. The result is a feel-good story for all. The benefactors are happy to have done a good deed and the recipients are pleased to have been given a small but meaningful helping hand.



Resident megalomaniac
The world isn’t filled with ‘haters’ and ‘toxic people.’ It’s filled with people who are hurting and trying, ineffectively, to give themselves some relief. So distance yourself if you must, but try to do it with empathy, not judgment. The only cure for ‘haters’ is love, so try to show them more kindness than they showed you. This is how we can slowly make the world a more loving place.

Tiny Buddha


Resident megalomaniac
For most of us mere mortals, trying to love absolutely everyone can feel daunting. So most days I focus on just trying to be kind. Kindness is human sized and so doable. Kindness is the country cousin to love. It does small things at unexpected moments, opening up doors in windowless rooms. If I start with simply being kind - love is usually following along, nodding its head saying, "yes, that's the way it done."

~ Anon


Resident megalomaniac
"If you try to subdue your selfish motives - anger and so forth - and develop more kindness and compassion for others, ultimately you yourself will benefit more than you would otherwise. So sometimes I say that the wise selfish person should practice this way. Foolish selfish people are always thinking of themselves, and the result is negative. Wise selfish people think of others, help others as much as they can, and the result is that they too receive benefit."

~ Eliyahu Eliezer Dessler

kindness | Great Thoughts Treasury


Resident megalomaniac
"A happy life is made up of little things in which smiles and small favors are given habitually. A gift sent, a letter written, a call made, a recommendation given, transportation provided, a cake made, a book lent, a check sent - things which are done without hesitation. Kindness isn't sacrifice so much as it is being considerate for the feelings of others, sharing happiness, the unselfish thought, the spontaneous and friendly act, forgetfulness of our own present interests."

~ Anon


Resident megalomaniac
As I turn the front doorknob to leave my house, I consciously resolve to maintain an attitude of friendliness toward all the strangers I see…If I’m waiting in line, I look at each person around me (unobtrusively, of course) and silently say to each one: “May you enjoy this day”; or “I hope you have fun today.” I say whatever feels natural to me at the moment. Sometimes a negative judgment starts to arise when I first look at someone (isn’t it amazing how easily we can judge people we don’t even know?). When this happens, I silently say something friendly to that person anyway, and the judgment usually vanishes.

All About Kindness: Quotations, Reflections, and Photos


Resident megalomaniac
In my experience, as much as 90 percent of any real practice of kindfulness is about understanding the fault-finding mind. This includes understanding where it comes from, how to avoid it, and how to develop the positive mind – how to see the nine hundred and ninety-eight good bricks, not just the two bad ones, in a wall you've constructed. Instead of fault-finding, try to understand human beings, yourself included, and have forgiveness and loving-kindness.

Book Reviews | Books | Spirituality & Practice

You may also like 2 try a google search for Ajahn Brahm kindfulness.



Resident megalomaniac
Kindness says: “I want you to be happy.” To be kind means to be friendly, caring, generous, benevolent, considerate, respectful, fair and affectionate. We all know in our hearts when we have received or offered kindness because of the warm feeling it brings. Is there anyone who does not want to experience kindness from another person?
