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The latest from the Religion of Peace- Muslim College Students

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish



Let the pictures speak for themselves :areyoucra


Taking a hiatus
To Yosef the HERETIC: -

Just because certain people behave in this way it doesn't mean that all Muslims are like that.

I have to say the filth you are trying to peddle against Islam is disgusting. No doubt you would be up in arms against someone for pushing this kind of thing against whichever religion you are professing at the moment.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
A religion is not only what it's sacred book says.
It is what its adherents practice.....& allow their fellows to practice.


Taking a hiatus
Given that you have the website 'Religion of Peace' as a footer in all your posts, which obviously is meant in a derogatory fashion, I would have to say that the evidence suggests otherwise in relation to your quote re not saying that all Muslims are like that.

The name of this thread also suggests otherwise!

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Tanuki why is it wrong to point out when people in Islam do attrocious things?


President of Chindia
Yosef, stop being such a dick. You're clearly proposing this as an attack on Islam, demonstrated by your ironic 'Religion of Peace' title. This is in no way representative of Islam as a whole.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
People on this forum point out other religions doing attrocious things all the time.


President of Chindia
Yes, I know, but in context and clearly pointing out that this is a minority view. Why aren't you attacking Christianity and Judaism and Hinduism as well? I don't know, you seem kinda fixated on Islam.


Taking a hiatus
You are making a very dangerous sweeping remark - it is not Islam that does anything atrocious but a small number of adherents! There is a difference.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I do point out when Christians and Jews do attrocious things as well deity slayer. I made a thread awhile back against Zionism, and I've made plenty of threads about Christianity, but then I usually get accused of the same thing as with this thread.

Eliot Wild

Irreverent Agnostic Jerk
Granted, I know there are many peaceful Muslims who find the violent behavior of Islamic extremists to be sickening. And this should be pointed out up front so that no one suggests that I am unduly generalizing.

I realize that the violent and extreme behavior exhibited in the OP's photos is not reflective of ALL Muslims.

However, to the uneducated such as myself, there does seem to be some quality of Islam that makes it more easily exploited by radicals. Why is that?

I am sincerely asking a question and not trying to make a point. I am not trying to paint Islam as a violent religion.

However, perhaps I am wrong, but I know of no other major religion at this time whose more radical elements are so active. Do the dogmatic principles of Islam lend themselves more easily than other religions to the exploitation of violent radicals?

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Exactly Elliot, there is no other religion at this time that is this radical, and it's a problem that deserves to be addressed, but it seems many want to sweep it under the rug. That's what the Pagans of Europe did with Christianity, swept it under the rug, until the church hitmen showed up at the front door.


Plodding Along
It is not good that the people in the photo are acting so violently. But I do not think that we should round them up in ghettoes and exterminate them in death camps.

It is hard to let go of hate when someone is yelling in your face or trying to attack you. But ceasing-anger ceases anger. Anger, on the other hand... just begets anger. :slap: Understand?


Agnostic Theist
The way you presented the information, in my opinion, was wrong. The reason is that the Title first is an insult because of the sarcastic comment. Then you did not qualify the pictures. It's the same thing that the United States has done as well. When only the negative is shown time and time again, without mentioning anything good that they have done, or even suggesting that what you are showing is just a minority of the religion, a sweeping generalization has been made. It's not that you attacked Islam, it's how you did it.

Lets take this in another way. If I should some pictures of homosexuals robbing banks, and put the title as Peaceful homosexuals, I'm sure you would take offense, as you should. It is derogatory and would be out of line.

Eliot: I believe the reason that Islam has so many extreme members simply is because it is a relatively young religion. If you look at it's history though, it has calmed down to a point. Now, comparing it to Judaism or Christianity, both of those religions were also quite radical at one point. There was a lot of violence and hatred spewed forth from both religions in their early years. It is only recently that even Christianity has become more peaceful. So I believe that as the religion matures, it becomes more clam as well. Simply because the teachings become more accepted, and are made to fit the society in which they are living in.

Also, another large influence is simply the cultures that many Muslims come from. Culture has a lot to do with the radicalness that is presented in Islam. Many of the most Islamic countries are struggling. They are, for a lack of a better terminology, somewhat backwards still. Their education systems are not the best, and many are living in poverty and are simply ignorant. This leads to a higher susceptibility to be manipulated, especially if a charismatic leader can apparently prove that what they are saying is true.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I agree with you falling blood about Islam may become more peaceful later, and I hope it does.