Christianity is currently assisting Israel committing
genocide. It's also the driving force behind Trump.
How so?
And opposing bodily autonomy. And opposing
gay marriage.
Bodily autonomy? Give me a break. Rarely if ever has anyone had total body autonomy in a civil society. If we did civil society would rapidly decay into chaos.
Opposition to gay marriage within Christianity is a reflection of the original meaning behind the institution of marriage as it was established by the church eons ago. That is, a union between a biological male and a biological female for the purposes of creating a complementary familiar union between the sexes. Gays don't fit that bill. Gays can't physically or psychologically complement each other in the way that a union between individuals of the opposite sex can. That's the simple truth. It may be offensive but it doesn't make it any less of a fact.
A person might get offended that they can't turn invisible or see through walls too but it won't change the facts.
Its a simple fact that by definition the Churches institution of marriage cannot include gays.
There are any number of other institutions whose symbolic rituals can include marrying gays. Why should gays have the right to change an eons old symbolic ritual to suit their desires? Why should they think that their marriage won't be meaningful unless Christianity gets on board?
While its true Christianity has had substantial influence upon our legal institutions it is no longer true that that legal institution hasn't accommodated gays immensely. Why should we expect the Christian church to have to bow to the ways of the world however?
Just as well have you bow to my will because I'm offended at your behavior. I'm sure your completely on board with that.
Christian Nationalism is a great danger amd threat to America.
First off, if you think Christian Nationalism is synonymous with Christianity then you don't know Christianity.
Second, what or who do you think is Christian Nationalism and how is it a great danger to America?
Yes, my list wasn't exhaustive.
Add to it the belief that the President
can have the military kill political foes.
I'm sure it wasn't. That list usually consists of parroted innuendo, anecdotal evidence or misrepresented truth to suit ones needs.
What does Christianity have to do with the president having the military kill political foes? And when has that happened?
That's not Christian, just good ole fashioned wicked tyranny.
Um....between you and revoltingest who's the monkey and whose the organ grinder here? You both seem to be feeding off each others negative auras.
While political assassination isn't fundamental
to the faith, they've embraced approval of it
because of Trump, whom they (many) believe
to have been chosen by God.
Who is they? What does this "they" have to do with Christianity? Your conflating two very different things so you can go on some political rant apparently.
I'm beginning to see your not very familiar with the religion itself. Only the behaviors of some of its claimed adherents.
This is typical. Cherry pick some fallen fruit and use that to condemn the whole tree.
And that one makes no sense. He literally said he's done nothing to seek Jehovah or Christ forgiveness.
Not much in this world does make sense except the fact that scripture says that things will continue to worsen with a quickening towards the end of days. History sure seems to be following right along that path.
Many will fall away, and the love for one another shall decay. White will be proven black and black white.
Many Christians will believe the path they are on will lead to eternal life but it will only end in death.
I personally believe there are very few true Christians in this world. Wide is the path to destruction but narrow the path to salvation.
That means he isn't a Christian and is as directly opposed to Christianity as those like me, someone who left the Church and became Luciferian and proclaimed myself sinless as you have to be a Christian in order to sin.
Whoever told you you had to be a Christian in order to sin? Perhaps I don't know how you mean "sin"? How are you using the term?
To be a Christian he need only believe
that Jesus is his Savior.
Only believe? That simple phrase carries quite a bit of connotation. One doesn't "only" believe. Ones true belief expresses itself in ones active path through this life. Belief dictates action. That action expresses ones belief.
This allows for any
morality, without him losing his religion.
You've completely misunderstood or misrepresented Christian belief here.
First of all....any morality would still be moral. Christianity embraces morality. So any morality Trump, if that's still who your talking about, practices would be a good thing. Why should the loss of his religion, if he is Christian, be in question because of that? Perhaps you meant it allows for any immorality without him losing his religion?
Gaining or losing ones Christianity is not a matter of signing or tearing up a contract. Its not a matter of being good or failing to be good. Its a matter of spiritual struggle and intent. We all fall short of perfection and consequently fail in our moral or ethical action from time to time. How we react to these failures is what's important.