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The Longest Thread Ever!


Cosmic Vagabond
Of course you may be an officer. Your first duty as officer is to read this entire thread (again) and compile a list of participants.

This is a very important duty, and one that demonstrates your dedication to the cause, because nothing will be done with the list, and we need to know that you are willing to cheerfully do a job for which you will get no reward, and with full knowledge that nothing will be done with information you compile.

I have compiled a list, ma'am. For security reasons, this being a public forum and all, the document must be censored. If any of the names of our thread operatives were to get out it would compromise their mission and endanger their lives.

List of Thread Operatives said:
Having completed this task, I feel it may be beneficial to elect me Head of Intelligence Operations. Proposal submitted for your approval.

LCDR Fish.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
The pig knows his role, & is proud of it.
Greatness requires sacrifice.
Oh great one, I bow to your sacrificing your love for food to eat rice and sawdust, to your sacrifice for beauty by going naked and your sacrifice for peace by planning to go to the middle east and telling everyone to shoot at your instead of at each other.


Premium Member
I have compiled a list, ma'am. For security reasons, this being a public forum and all, the document must be censored. If any of the names of our thread operatives were to get out it would compromise their mission and endanger their lives.
Good job. That's thinking on your feet. I like that.

Having completed this task, I feel it may be beneficial to elect me Head of Intelligence Operations. Proposal submitted for your approval.

LCDR Fish.
I'll have a look at that proposal. There are some very specific qualifications needed for Head of Intelligence Operations. I hope you have them. These matters should only be decided upon after intense scrutiny and careful consideration.

Among the qualifications needed is Mind-Reading. Mind-Reading is a very important part of this job, because at times you will need to know without my telling you whether or not you should think on your feet, and when I expect you to simply obey an order.

Since mind-reading is a requirement for the job, failure to read my mind when you are expected to (but only when I want you to, you'd better not be a busy-body about it, and no laughing out loud when you do it) may be considered failure to follow a direct order.

If I expect you to do something I have not actually told you, and you respond with, "I'm not a mind-reader" that could be grounds for court-martial, for fraudulently acquiring the position. Another qualification for this job is knowing about the Mind-Reading requirement and including it in the proposal. I'm flipping through it now, and I haven't seen any reference to it yet.

Oh, what the heck...the job's yours.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
The interview....


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Good job! Conserve those. Don't waste them.
Too late!
I just bought:
- Some magic beans
- An engine that runs on water
- Ocean front property in Revoltingestan
- Snowboard lift tickets for New Orleans Mountain
- A box of wooden nickels
- Wirey's virginity


Premium Member
How come I can't view the last four pages of this thread?

I don't know. I can see them all.

I'm guessing that if you have some people on ignore (I haven't ever used that feature, so I'm not sure) it might affect the way the pages show for you.

In long threads, when there are lots of deleted posts, it will affect the way the pages and page numbers show up.


Premium Member
Too late!
I just bought:
- Some magic beans
- An engine that runs on water
- Ocean front property in Revoltingestan
- Snowboard lift tickets for New Orleans Mountain
- A box of wooden nickels
- Wirey's virginity

Wow! Out-of-the-box investment. Nice!

Care to do a little moonlighting and help me with my personal investment portfolio?