@Unveiled Artist
1: People can/should control nature, their own environment and destiny. The future is not left to fate.
Look at global warning and look at how the far right views that.
2: Change is seen as positive and good. This means progress, improvement and growth.
Look at how that is measured in profit growth and how the stock markets are detached from the rest of the economy.
3: Time is valuable - achievement of goals depends on the productive use of time.
Look at how productive is tied into 1 and 2
4: People have equal opportunities; people are important as individuals, for who they are, not from which family they come.
That is a lie. Look at the effect of racial and economical differences.
5: People are seen as separate individuals (not group members) with individual needs. People need time to be alone and to be themselves.
We are not just individuals. We are social animals, who rely on the group of individuals. Try leaving a new born in a wood and get her to become Bill Gates.
6: Americans take pride in their own accomplishments.
Yeah, I did it all on my own. I am not a member of a society that allows that. Bill Gates did it all on his own. Everything.
7: Americans believe competition brings out the best in people and free enterprise leads to progress and produces success
Again with understanding success as a human based on capitalistic virtues.
8: Americans believe that, regardless of past or present, the future will be better and happier.
That can amount to a delusion if not checked against what is actually going on.
9: Americans believe that work is morally right; that it is immoral to waste time.
Again that ties in to the other points and makes economical capitalistic individual profit growth the only moral value.
10: Americans believe that formality is "un-American" and a show of arrogance and superiority.
Well, yes, I get it but sometimes you need formality in this sense that you need experts some times and taken to its current extreme all facts are not facts, they are political, social and moral constructs and "fake news".
11: One can only trust people who "look you in the eye" and "tell it like it is". Truth is a function of reality not of circumstance.
Well, if that is the only way you test truth, then con-men will have a field day and indeed they have. Just look at POTUS.
12: Practicality is usually the most important consideration when decisions are to be made. Result: Americans place less emphasis on the subjective, aesthetic, emotional or consensual decisions.
Yeah, humans become practical means to enhance your economic growth.
13: Material goods are seen as the just rewards of hard-work, the evidence of "God's favor."
And there we have it. #1 at the start is from the Bible. God gave us nature to rule over and exploit and God gifts us material goods.
So if you add them up - Here is the result -
I am an island on my own and what mattes is what is in it for me. The result is, that the world is there for me to control and rule for profit and material goods.