Tomorrow i take the children to the UK to visit family and friends. I am not bothered about getting there but returning may be a problem. Airport chaos reigns across Britain.
Who'd 'a' thought it. The consciquences of brexit are biting hard.
The story goes. Britain kicked out all the European workers unless they were on £36k+ per year.
First consequence, food is rotting at farms because of the lousy pay there is no one to harvest it. Where prior to brexit eastern europeans would take the work at whatever low pay was going, it was batter than no work at home. Brits won't work for that money.
Then along came COVID. Airlines and airports laid staff off because no one was traveling. The government refused to pay the laid off workers so they found alternative work.
Now travel is back and people want the holidays they have missed for a couple of years and guess what, airports and airlines are short staffed.
Traditionally the call would go out to eastern Europe and willing workers flooded the ferries in a rush to take the jobs.
Now though they need to be earning £36000 a year to work in the UK. Baggage handlers, cleaners, cabin crew etc are paid nothing like that amount so the Europeans can't fill the vacancies. And again, low pay, Brits don't want the work.
Results missed flights, cancelled flights and overcrowded
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I would normally be all too eager to return home after a few days but i am dreading this while trying to handle 3 frustrated children...