Oh, I just realized I can openly air the crap about all the **** jobs I've had, and yes they have been very terrible jobs where I have been treated poorly, without Revoltingest being here to point out the obvious that that does actually seem suspicious. But like a bad beat it's just luck of the draw (and downright terrible interview skills).
I had one good manager at Arbys, the rest of them sucked. Especially the lying GM, the abusive shift manager, the stinky and dumb shift manager who almost set the store on fire. And then not getting the 90 days raise. Ever. At all. Despite all I did (like train everyone and put away truck). Forever stuck in the worst spots in a warehouse just because I could manage to actually do them by myself, even when I am having carpal tunnel problems and legally entitled to accommodation (and they knew it, I just didn't at the time). The gas station being managed by thieving, lying Fat *** who cheated me out of money, denied me promotions despite having the support of the crew behind me, so incredibly bad that not only did I often get blamed whenever something broke I still got blamed when his fat *** broke a chair long after I was gone from plopping down on it. And then the inventory job. The sad thing about that story is despite having it so bad it's the best I've ever had it. A Rally's manager who was so crap and embarrassing to work for that once I fantasized about putting on the frier gloves and dunking her head in the hot grease one day. A job driving people around, another one I was entitled to accommodations yet was given none, not even the one day a week I was supposed to have off, and the job made me sick with low blood sugar (didn't help this was also around the time I developed IBS). And then the mental health facility that needs bombed off the face of the Earth for being so terrible to the mentally ill.
I just need something where I can left alone to do my work with no nagging, pukey, constantly pissing me off boss. I don't like teams, I don't like bosses. Just leave me alone to do my work.