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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I'd happily trade. VVe're going years of drought and I'm vvatching all my beloved svvimming spots dry up...
We had a pretty severe drought until last year. This year looks wet enough to prevent a dry summer.

And now, against my typical behavior, I'm going to bed a bit early and will do a bit of reading.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
We're finally supposed to get real rain for a week and a half starting Wednesday.

Real rain? Well, we should be safe for now. Thank goodness we're in a bowling alley.


sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Be careful what you ask:

"A kid in my kindergarten class shared, 'My peepee fell off at Disneyland!' I didn't ask any follow-up questions."

"One of my middle-schoolers' fun facts was that his mom and dad have the same parents. When I asked him to clarify, he said, 'I only have one set of grandparents because my parents have the same parents.'"
"I felt so much better when the mom called me to explain that her elderly stepfather had married her husband's elderly mother."

"I work with preschoolers, and I asked the kids to go around and tell us one thing that made them special. Most were pretty typical, until one little girl looked me dead in the eyes and said, 'I have been around forever. I have seen the whole world and I know everything.' She was dead serious."
"When I pressed her, she mentioned that she 'came from the sand,' and that she was frustrated she couldn't 'say it better.' I didn't use to believe in past lives, but now I'm not so sure."

"One of my elementary school kids said that he was born a dragon and became a human as he got older."


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Real rain? Well, we should be safe for now. Thank goodness we're in a bowling alley.

Now that there will again be mobile transportation I plan on getting back to bowling. I still have to get a perfect game. I've done more than the needed consecutive strikes for it, they just stretched from one game to the next.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I'm surprised he fits, that he doesn't Flintstone it down the road, and that he can get out without a can opener. He also needs a purple ape suit.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson

It appears the non-government side of IT is writing me out of the script.... and things are failing left and right.... oh well


Staff member
Premium Member
"I work with preschoolers, and I asked the kids to go around and tell us one thing that made them special. Most were pretty typical, until one little girl looked me dead in the eyes and said, 'I have been around forever. I have seen the whole world and I know everything.' She was dead serious."
"When I pressed her, she mentioned that she 'came from the sand,' and that she was frustrated she couldn't 'say it better.' I didn't use to believe in past lives, but now I'm not so sure."
One day, I vvas vvatching my sister's kids. I vvas talking vvith my oldest son about skunks, and getting sprayed. My normally hyperactive and flighty nephevv(he vvas 5 then) overheard. He all the sudden gave a big belly laugh. His voice changed, and he stood differently. "If that happens, you'll have to take a bath in tomato juice!" It vvas unexpected speech from a kid vvho mostly made obnoxious noises and rude comments, and I asked him hovv he knevv that. "VVell, I got sprayed by a skunk once! That's vvhat I had to do!" I vvas pretty sure I hadn't heard about that, and I asked him vvhen. "Oh, a long time ago. Back before I vvas a baby." He vvas very casual about it, and then vvent back into normal 'hypernoiserun' mode, like it hadn't happened.

I called my sister immediately, vvho confirmed he'd never been sprayed(in this life). It vvas the strangest thing...


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member