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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Interesting...... Dell update failure..... "Thunderbolt firmware update failed".... Dells error message...... "Something went wrong during the install and we couldn't complete it"

That error is rather helpful.... what is more interesting is that they don't seem to know.... but I do..... there are no Thunderbolt ports on the laptop...... but since it was scanned with their software... and it said I needed the update..... I thought...what the heck, let's run it and see what happens.......


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NO NO NO!!!! That states Whenever one Leprechaun exerts a force on a marshmallow, the second Leprechaun exerts an equal and opposite force on the hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers, blue moons, unicorns, rainbows.



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Social media users are talking online about a large-scale plan to defecate in the river after France's President Emmanuel Macron and Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo claimed it was safe enough to swim in.

Noon in Paris is just hours away ... and, we'll have to wait and see how many people take the number 2 option!!!

Pooping in Paris in June.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner

What I didn't know was that the government uses the acronym "OMG" to refer to Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.

Yup. OMGs are probably the coolest of the coolest of those who are both fascinating but scary, people who are capable of deeply caring but also being very dangerous (particularly and especially in a group).
I still think fondly of the Wizard who scared off abusive customers when I worked at the gas station. One day he asked why we don't stand up for ourselves, and we told him we aren't allowed to do anything. So he decides to start parking his bike in front of the door (not in the way, just making it very visible) and if anyone still thought of even looking at us wrong he probably shaved off a few years from their life from severely overstressing their hearts when he'd step up to them.
I liked him so much I bought a shirt from him and gained a favor.
I've also know some others. Definitely enough to one or two can be ok but anymore than that and peer pressure can wreck even the gentle giants among them.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I find them both meaningless and uselss. In Indiana, the county I lived in and the county my address was of, they're median incomes are about $20,000 less than the state average amd below the lowest of the lowest state average. DC has a lot of poor people it's, with a wealthy few skewing it. The same here. Before I moved here I had.never seen such staggering wealth and abysmal poverty.
Another posted by someone else, the .most common language in each state behind English. It had the Mexican flag in Indiana. Ok. That matters how? The state is so homogenous you won't hear Spanish outside of agriculture and a few pockets in the state, and those with Mexican roots aren't the only Hispanic groups there.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Interesting...... Dell update failure..... "Thunderbolt firmware update failed".... Dells error message...... "Something went wrong during the install and we couldn't complete it"

That error is rather helpful.... what is more interesting is that they don't seem to know.... but I do..... there are no Thunderbolt ports on the laptop...... but since it was scanned with their software... and it said I needed the update..... I thought...what the heck, let's run it and see what happens.......
I wonder if Zeus stole the Thunderbolt because He needed a part

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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Order and due to the hairs wash I was about to at least give you the benefit of the doubt and call you a CLEAN Pervert...BUT NOT NOW!!!!! Pervert
I gotta agree with @Kathryn. For all we know she's gotta jungle under her arm pits. Maybe she's doing it more European? She lives in concentrated cornfumes now. Maybe she thinks she grew a wooly wart? Maybe her scalps it?
This is definitely one of the times you were sliding around in the gutter.