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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!


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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Apparently despite my anger, craziness, foul mouth and attitude I'm one of the few there who can actually talk things out like a civilized adult and I'm forced to treat my height as a disability.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
My dentist has a 3D printer and makes permanent crowns while I wait (for an hour).
My dentist aint my dentist anymore after he had to give me another shot both after I told him I'm not very numb and after he started drilling and I began to tense up and [tongue muffled] scream like a torture scene. And then a grown as the next two shots went in because I told him I wasn't numb.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
My dentist has a 3D printer and makes permanent crowns while I wait (for an hour).
Mine does not, currently have a temporary she made, the regulars will come in a couple weeks.... however the Novocain is wearing off and I'm starting to notice them....

My oldest works a lot with 3D printing.... mostly of things for propulsion research in water..... and none of those would fit my teeth


Abducted Member
Premium Member
Mine does not, currently have a temporary she made, the regulars will come in a couple weeks.... however the Novocain is wearing off and I'm starting to notice them....

My oldest works a lot with 3D printing.... mostly of things for propulsion research in water..... and none of those would fit my teeth
Is our bear defective?......Is Wu Wei toothless like the Bumble.?......We want Wu to be a dangerous, Pik-a-nic basket expert who can chew Chinese treats......

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Is our bear defective?......Is Wu Wei toothless like the Bumble.?......We want Wu to be a dangerous, Pik-a-nic basket expert who can chew Chinese treats......
NAH!.... just had two teeth next to each other that needed crowns, so she made 1 temp crown cover 2 teeth.... I get the new crowns in 2 weeks.... and I just ate lunch..... so I'm good