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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Last night, after I got past the anger of having to treat my height as a disability, it occured to me a few things said the managers have not noticed all I get done. They're so blind and deaf they think my strong point is what kills my back, nit where I'm able to make the greatest and most contributions to the entire effort and help everyone get wait times down.


Abducted Member
Premium Member
NAH!.... just had two teeth next to each other that needed crowns, so she made 1 temp crown cover 2 teeth.... I get the new crowns in 2 weeks.... and I just ate lunch..... so I'm good
So you are still the number one candidate to continue being in the race for the top RF bear..?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Wolverines have a bad attitude because they aren't as deadly or as hard to kill or as foul tempered as an African Honeybadger.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Not a good choice to give a child for Xmas, a wolverine, I mean.
Neither is, but the honeybadger can fight off multiple lions. They're so mean and they're biological weapons of mass destruction, so much so thatbwith lions it's just younger, inexperienced hunters who bother with them. And think of that. Lions are cats. Even domestic housecats have claws that get respect among wild animals amd those little things can have an attitude and confidently take on bigger animals in the neighborhood. One the biggest versions their wild cousins come won't mess with the tiny honeybadger.
Wolverines occasionally get eaten by @Wu Wei and his kinfolk.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I wonder what the general, collective reaction would be if all these silly people realized their precious pink salt is just salt that happens to be something you can use to add an aesthetic appeal to certain dishes?

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Neither is, but the honeybadger can fight off multiple lions. They're so mean and they're biological weapons of mass destruction, so much so thatbwith lions it's just younger, inexperienced hunters who bother with them. And think of that. Lions are cats. Even domestic housecats have claws that get respect among wild animals amd those little things can have an attitude and confidently take on bigger animals in the neighborhood. One the biggest versions their wild cousins come won't mess with the tiny honeybadger.
Wolverines occasionally get eaten by @Wu Wei and his kinfolk.
Honey? Hunt? Eat?

Yes, lunch time is here.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Here's an example that highlights the difference between Indiana and California. Here I don't know if anyone has noticed my feet point, I know definitely some haven't. In Indiana lots of people did and lots of those people where ******** about it.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Neither is, but the honeybadger can fight off multiple lions. They're so mean and they're biological weapons of mass destruction, so much so thatbwith lions it's just younger, inexperienced hunters who bother with them. And think of that. Lions are cats. Even domestic housecats have claws that get respect among wild animals amd those little things can have an attitude and confidently take on bigger animals in the neighborhood. One the biggest versions their wild cousins come won't mess with the tiny honeybadger.
Wolverines occasionally get eaten by @Wu Wei and his kinfolk.
Honey badgers, particularly young ones, can be predated by larger predators such as lions, leopards and hyenas


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
Apparently despite my anger, craziness, foul mouth and attitude I'm one of the few there who can actually talk things out like a civilized adult and I'm forced to treat my height as a disability.
I kinda lost a tooth today, but have no spaces where a tooth was...and it was not a wisdom tooth.... figure that one out :)
Sam lost a tooth a few days ago. Bottom front. He was really, really upset.

It fell out when he was eating pizza. It'd been wiggling for awhile.

He didn't see a dentist until his mid 20s, when my dad sent him. His mouth is a mess.