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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!


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sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Waiting room waiting to see doc
My BP meds lowered my BP too much overall. Maybe it's age or maybe exercise or maybe both (but unlikely for age) but one of the three has been reduced to 1 per day instead of 1 AM and 1 PM. And I'll measure BP to see if that's an overshoot or not.

But so far ChatGPT had no relevant info, Gemini had a result that said going from 50 to 100 (old dosage) might not matter but would not provide a link. Perplexity.ai won this round by providing a lot more information.

Basically I expect very little change from dropping from 100mg to 50mg/day - but it might just be enough to make the cardiologist happy.

Taking 1/2 a dose makes me happy because the less is better.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Who says the media is useless. Where else would I read a story like this one? It is, sadly, behind the WaPo paywall

My brother poops four times a day. Is this normal? Your poop questions, answered.

One question:

Every now and then a small turd slips out of my sphincter without my permission. It’s not diarrhea, but a formed dry turd. Why is this happening?

Part of the answer:

I’m really sorry this is happening. I wish poop always asked permission. Though it can make you feel so isolated, this is a far more common problem than you think. According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, about 8 percent of us experience fecal incontinence, the fancy medical term for pooping our pants. And for nearly 3 percent of Americans, fecal incontinence happens weekly.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Who says the media is useless. Where else would I read a story like this one? It is, sadly, behind the WaPo paywall

My brother poops four times a day. Is this normal? Your poop questions, answered.

One question:

Every now and then a small turd slips out of my sphincter without my permission. It’s not diarrhea, but a formed dry turd. Why is this happening?

Part of the answer:

I’m really sorry this is happening. I wish poop always asked permission. Though it can make you feel so isolated, this is a far more common problem than you think. According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, about 8 percent of us experience fecal incontinence, the fancy medical term for pooping our pants. And for nearly 3 percent of Americans, fecal incontinence happens weekly.


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
My BP meds lowered my BP too much overall. Maybe it's age or maybe exercise or maybe both (but unlikely for age) but one of the three has been reduced to 1 per day instead of 1 AM and 1 PM. And I'll measure BP to see if that's an overshoot or not.

But so far ChatGPT had no relevant info, Gemini had a result that said going from 50 to 100 (old dosage) might not matter but would not provide a link. Perplexity.ai won this round by providing a lot more information.

Basically I expect very little change from dropping from 100mg to 50mg/day - but it might just be enough to make the cardiologist happy.

Taking 1/2 a dose makes me happy because the less is better.
Good luck with your meds.