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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
We have to agree on what we watch so my junky TV desires are out. Her druthers are the same not while I'm watching.
Sam and I can't watch stuff together. He watches mostly car videos. I hate cars stuff.

Once and awhile he watches videos about reptiles. Those seem okay, but they're too personal, and not very informative. Its not something I can sit through for long.

If I was able, I'd watch old shows and cartoons. But I can't find what I want to watch for free, so I watch nothing.

We Never Know

No Slack
If you get really bored, there is a movie that would probably make you even more bored lol


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Sam and I can't watch stuff together. He watches mostly car videos. I hate cars stuff.

Once and awhile he watches videos about reptiles. Those seem okay, but they're too personal, and not very informative. Its not something I can sit through for long.

If I was able, I'd watch old shows and cartoons. But I can't find what I want to watch for free, so I watch nothing.
I like watching Wipe Out now and then.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Sam and I can't watch stuff together. He watches mostly car videos. I hate cars stuff.

Once and awhile he watches videos about reptiles. Those seem okay, but they're too personal, and not very informative. Its not something I can sit through for long.

If I was able, I'd watch old shows and cartoons. But I can't find what I want to watch for free, so I watch nothing.
We both can watch archeology shows, antiques shows especially the British Road Trip, "Finding Your Roots" on PBS, a number of history shows, shows by Lucy Worsley because she's so good that we enjoy all her stuff, "Mysteries of the Abandoned" (a bit of history surrounding abandoned structures and a few other things. So there's enough for us to sit in front of the TV together for an hour or so at night.

My other likes: science, cartoons, Star Trek reruns and the like will cause her to get up and leave the room.

It's too bad that there's not at least some overlap in what the two of you like.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Make it count with some Beavis and Butthead....uh..huh...huhuh huh..huhuhu.....uhuhuh uhuhu uhuhuhu.....that was cool!
I watched something I had not thought I'd like: the animated Babylon 5 movie "The Road Home" which was in fact good. The plot was well written (as I expected and some of the scenes were fun:

--- changed my mind about a spoiler --- the trailer shows a lot


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I watched something I had not thought I'd like: the animated Babylon 5 movie "The Road Home" which was in fact good. The plot was well written (as I expected and some of the scenes were fun:

destroying Babylon 5 to stop the Shadows
The Vorlons destroying the earth by pushing the moon out of its orbit
I just started watching Babylon 5 on Tubi.


Abducted Member
Premium Member
I watched something I had not thought I'd like: the animated Babylon 5 movie "The Road Home" which was in fact good. The plot was well written (as I expected and some of the scenes were fun:

destroying Babylon 5 to stop the Shadows
The Vorlons destroying the earth by pushing the moon out of its orbit
I used to enjoy 'space' shows......I think I saw too many.