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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!


Who says the media is useless. Where else would I read a story like this one? It is, sadly, behind the WaPo paywall

My brother poops four times a day. Is this normal? Your poop questions, answered.

One question:

Every now and then a small turd slips out of my sphincter without my permission. It’s not diarrhea, but a formed dry turd. Why is this happening?

Part of the answer:

I’m really sorry this is happening. I wish poop always asked permission. Though it can make you feel so isolated, this is a far more common problem than you think. According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, about 8 percent of us experience fecal incontinence, the fancy medical term for pooping our pants. And for nearly 3 percent of Americans, fecal incontinence happens weekly.
I, my good man, can poop anywhere, anytime, and at any volume, as I am full of..... let's say, vigour.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I, my good man, can poop anywhere, anytime, and at any volume, as I am full of..... let's say, vigour.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Beats me. It hurts my back to repeatedly do disconnects, I'm the tallest one there, but instead of ok we'll just make sure to shuffle you around, for whatever reason I have to go to my doctor and go the ADA route.
But I got to stab people today the comments from donors helped to balance weeks of boss bull****.


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Looks like Alec Baldwin is heading back to court:

At trial, attorneys plan to call on witnesses from a court-approved list of more than 60 people. They include film director Joel Souza, who was wounded in the shooting as well as assistant director Dave Halls, who earlier pleaded no contest to negligent use of a deadly weapon, and an array of first responders, investigators, firearms experts and close-range witnesses to the shooting.