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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!


That would be crazy!

View attachment 93685

"Spearfish holds the world record for the fastest recorded temperature change. On January 22, 1943, at about 7:30 a.m. MST, the temperature in Spearfish was −4 °F (−20 °C). The Chinook wind picked up speed rapidly, and two minutes later (7:32 a.m.) the temperature was +45 °F (7 °C). The 49 °F or 27 °C rise in two minutes set a world record that still holds. By 9:00 a.m., the temperature had risen to 54 °F (12 °C). Suddenly, the Chinook died down and the temperature tumbled back to −4 °F or −20 °C. The 58 °F or 32.2 °C drop took only 27 minutes"

The larger question is why a town in a landlocked state is named after a salt water fish?


View attachment 93686
Here is a car like the first car I had, which I shared with my mom. It looked a lot like this! Lord have mercy. I remember that the vinyl seats were held together with shower decals and it had 430k miles on it.

Mine was two-tone. This green, and red primer. Same car the Blues Brothers drove.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Ares wants to know what happened to it. (He likes it very much.)
I liked it too and wish I still had it, I rebuilt the engine it that car, but as a kid I sold it and bought one of these

1975 Buick Regal

And then one of these 1974 Plymouth duster

But I didn't like the duster so I sold that and kept the Buick

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
I went out to do a bit of gardening while the temp was reasonably cool., It's getting hot fast so the weeds mostly win today.
I have a mulch bed in my front yard... I hat emuch beds.... but it had to be redone last year...so it was..... now it is ful of weeds...that deserve to die... but they are tougher than my weed killer... so on the 4th, if its not raining, or incredibly hot.... I must go out and engage them in hand to hand combat and they must all DIE!!!!!


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
I liked it too and wish I still had it, I rebuilt the engine it that car, but as a kid I sold it and bought one of these

1975 Buick Regal

And then one of these 1974 Plymouth duster

But I didn't like the duster so I sold that and kept the Buick
He is pretty enthused about that Buick Regal, too.

He once used my email(without my knowledge) to contact a car dealer in Washington State about purchasing his own Buick Regal. I think it was a 2002, though.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I have a mulch bed in my front yard... I hat emuch beds.... but it had to be redone last year...so it was..... now it is ful of weeds...that deserve to die... but they are tougher than my weed killer... so on the 4th, if its not raining, or incredibly hot.... I must go out and engage them in hand to hand combat and they must all DIE!!!!!
I suggest this:
