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The Random, Meaningless Announcements Thread 3!


Premium Member

Cats are the best pets ever.

But it is annoying when they grow up and only care about eating and sleeping.

My brother (lives with us) took a pregnant runaway pet cat from street and had her give birth in his room. It became a mess. Had four cute white kittens.

Later he had a cat and called her Maleeha :) but he gave her to a good friend because of fear of having her hurt.

Yeah, it is nice of you to look for the goodness in Islam unlike others who search only for seriousness and twist it to look bad without looking for the real reason behind it.


RF's pet cat

Cats are the best pets ever.

But it is annoying when they grow up and only care about eating and sleeping.

My brother (lives with us) took a pregnant runaway pet cat from street and had her give birth in his room. It became a mess. Had four cute white kittens.

Later he had a cat and called her Maleeha :) but he gave her to a good friend because of fear of having her hurt.

Yeah, it is nice of you to look for the goodness in Islam unlike others who search only for seriousness and twist it to look bad without looking for the real reason behind it.

Well it depends, my cat really likes to play, but since I'm at home, I have time to take care of him and keep him active. But yes, they're the best little companions for me. They make me feel a lot less lonely.

And yeah no worries. I don't think badly of Islam at all. I'm unsure about certain topics and such but I don't listen to the media anyway.


Argumentative Curmudgeon
Premium Member
I've found a job I want to apply for that is completely outside of my experience for the last 15 years. but it's right in line with the degree I spent 6 years of night school working on.

Is it weird to be nervous about even applying for it?

Nyingjé Tso

Tänpa Yungdrung zhab pä tän gyur jig

OMG, I loooove cats.

It is unfortunate that I can't keep pets at home. Can't take the guilt in having something bad happen to them even without me noticing. Pets are like babies, need to be taken care of.

I always wanted to have vivid cats and fluffy genepigs :(

Let's create a cat lovers fan club then !

Are you living in Dubai ? A friend of mine living here told me it was very very difficult to have domestic pets there... It is very sad. Well I understand for the cats, if the society don't want cats running, peeing or scratching everywhere, ok... But guinea pigs ? XD Why you can't have ? They don't need to wander outside, they just stay in your home, in their place, and thats all. The worse thing that can happen to your carpet is a little poop accident, and they don't eat cables or anything like rabbits.

I can't have a cat too, but I have this guy since 3 years... It is a rescue, I didn't asked to have him, but now I am happy to see him in good health again.



Guinea pigs are really adorable :hearts:


Want to say what's wrong? I'm not good at advice but i can listen. Obviously if it's too personal then no pressure.
Thanks...just family problems, financial problems, accommodation problems, health problems, female problems, religious problems, social problems, not being able to eat or sleep properly...

Most of them are personal, but I don't have anybody to talk to about them anyway.

My family are emotional vampires and have enough problems of their own and don't need mine (so they all keep telling me).

I don't have any friends either, so I cannot tell my problems to them.

I haven't got any private health insurance, so I cannot tell my problems to a doctor.

I can't tell my problems to a Priest, cause he'll just tell me to 'pray more' and all the prayers under the sun isn't fixing this.

I can't tell Siva, because if He didn't want me to suffer, He wouldn't have done all this to me in the first place - no kind of 'loving God' would ever do what He is doing to me. I am starting to think He doesn't exist now, because all this is just total bulls***.

So yeah, I can't do anything else but cry myself to sleep every night, dreading waking up the next morning and facing it all again.

I hate my life.
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Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I have exactly one month and a week to go before being 19. Not sure whether I should be happy or not.

Time flies. Guess I should just make the most of it and look forward to my upcoming birthday. :beach:


RF's pet cat
Thanks...just family problems, financial problems, accommodation problems, health problems, female problems, religious problems, social problems, not being able to eat or sleep properly...

Most of them are personal, but I don't have anybody to talk to about them anyway.

My family are emotional vampires and have enough problems of their own and don't need mine (so they all keep telling me).

I don't have any friends either, so I cannot tell my problems to them.

I haven't got any private health insurance, so I cannot tell my problems to a doctor.

I can't tell my problems to a Priest, cause he'll just tell me to 'pray more' and all the prayers under the sun isn't fixing this.

I can't tell Siva, because if He didn't want me to suffer, He wouldn't have done all this to me in the first place - no kind of 'loving God' would ever do what He is doing to me. I am starting to think He doesn't exist now, because all this is just total bulls***.

So yeah, I can't do anything else but cry myself to sleep every night, dreading waking up the next morning and facing it all again.

I hate my life.

I'm sorry you're going through all this, it must be really difficult. Especially not having anyone to talk to. Is there really nothing you can talk to? There might be free services online or on the phone. I don't know if that would help at all but sometimes just unloading feelings to someone can be great. I know it's not a solution but it feels good.

When it comes to divinity, well you have to wonder and find your own conclusions. I mean did you never think of suffering and why they happen? What about millions who die of starvation everyday, as an example, or children who get raped? It's hard to think of any type of mercy from divinity when thinking of those things but it's part of free will, I suppose.

Maybe there needs to be darkness to be light. Opportunities for us to do good and better ourselves. Would humanity someday be able to eliminate these issues? We still have a lot of growing up to do. Idk, it's very hard at times to come to terms with suffering and why it happens, regardless of beliefs. Especially if the suffering occurs on a long period of time.

I mean even when I was an agnostic atheist, I always wondered why bad things happened to me and never found any comfort or answer. It's quite a hard subject. Maybe you could ask in the Hindu DIR why suffering occurs if divinity is loving?

Nyingjé Tso

Tänpa Yungdrung zhab pä tän gyur jig

Shiva is not a loving God, Shiva is a loving God.
Shiva is not love, Shiva is love.
Shiva is pleasure, Shiva is pain.
Shiva is light, Shiva is darkness.
Shiva give life, Shiva take life.
Shiva is merciful, Shiva is tyrannic.
Shiva is never with you, yet always with you.
Shiva is the problems you face, he is the pain you feel, he is your prayers for the pain to stop, he is the the relief.

He is the cancer that kills and the medecine that keeps alive. No other than Him put the souls in the world and take them back to Him, in whatever time He wishes.

People love Shiva, people hate Him, people do both. But He doesn't move or care. Love, hate, pain and joys, what are these on His level of existence ? Both love and pain are meaningless, just like the whole world is reduced to a single nothingness at the end of all, to just return to the non form.

There is no question of "loving" or "not loving" God like in the Abrahamic understanding. This is not how Shiva can be understood, I think. Because He is beyond that. And it's frustrating to try to keep hold on something that you can never touch, that is beyond every concept, far beyond your reach of tiny encaged soul. You just feel discouraged, abandonned, and you can only yell why. Why is this happening and why are you doing nothing.

But I'm sure you've felt that at last once in your life: Shivoham. You are not out of reach for Shiva. In fact, if He wasn't supporting you, you wouldn't be here. Just like the whole world would collapse if a single step of His mad neverending dance stopped. Imagine for a single second the course of every atom stopping, everything would dissapear. Even you. He is holding on you, it's a fact. You embrace Him out of love for that, then you hate Him when you loose sight of His arms. But He is unmovable, unchangable, yet madly dancing while shifting into the whole world at the same time.

What is it being happy ? Being happy or sad or in pain is meaningless. You are dancing with Shiva or you are not. Only when you are dancing to the tune of the universe you are at peace. Otherwise this is the whole flood of the material existence that traps you, but even when that happen, Shiva never stop dancing. Why ? Why would He stop dancing ? To pick you up ? The universe never stop for an individual, should Shiva stop, all collapse. How will you be able to experience without the world ? How will you be able to escape it without pain ? All these is not a question or love or not love. People hate Shiva because He never stop His dance to look at you, people love Shiva because He never stop His dance and thus, maintain the whole cycle of the universe to allow souls to continue their experiences.

Shiva is beyond everything. But He is here, at your very side at the same time. And there is not a single second where He is not beyond everything, and not a single second where He is not at your side.

It's easy to say hang on and those kind of stuff, I know it mean little to you. But never forget all these. All this pain you're feeling, it's here for a reason, it HAVE to happen. To burn karmic debt, or to makes you change, whatever reason it is happening, be sure it will yeld positive results later (in this life or in another).

None of what you're facing is eternal, it is a grain of sand in a gigantic universe, it's not even a brief filckering light comparing to the greatness and vastness of what you truly are.

Yes, praying is meaningless. All your pain, joy and hope, your actions and whole life are all prayers. You don't need to do anything else than living and experiencing.

If you need any support, don't hesitate. If I can do anything, even meaningless, then I will, really.

Aum Namah Shivaya
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Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Oh hooray...and now I am getting a headache and my eyes feel funny

That will teach me to not go to work when it is -5 outside...


Went to a fon due place last night for my friend, Nairi. Last night was the last night the youth group will see her. She's moving up to Los Angeles. Meh. :/
ANYWHO! The waiter at the place was like, "How are you enjoying your last meal?" to Nairi, and when he walked away, we burst out laughing! xD IT WAS AMAZING. xD
Also, my youth director, Paul, showed me a dubbed version of One Direction's "Story of my Life." I almost died. I like One Direction; is it bad that I enjoyed the dubbed version? xDDD


Premium Member

Let's create a cat lovers fan club then !

Are you living in Dubai ? A friend of mine living here told me it was very very difficult to have domestic pets there... It is very sad. Well I understand for the cats, if the society don't want cats running, peeing or scratching everywhere, ok... But guinea pigs ? XD Why you can't have ? They don't need to wander outside, they just stay in your home, in their place, and thats all. The worse thing that can happen to your carpet is a little poop accident, and they don't eat cables or anything like rabbits.

I can't have a cat too, but I have this guy since 3 years... It is a rescue, I didn't asked to have him, but now I am happy to see him in good health again.


Guinea pigs are really adorable :hearts:

I'd love to start a cat club, but the problem is I don't have a cat to brag about and post pics of. This will make my membership so inactive.

Actually I live in Makkah - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, which is a different country than United Arab Emirates in which Dubai is located. Having pets here is completely okay. The only problem is not having enough vets so they are really expensive. But it is difficult to have dogs, yes. Here is it is not pleasant outside as it is hot most of the year and it is always crowded and loud.

You know what? That Guinea pig you have is really really cute OMG! That hair do can at least be called way cool. We actually had many pets but for a short time each just because of our consideration I mentioned before. We did have one Guinea pig before :(

That Guinea pig is just awesome :facepalm:

I eat more chocolate than anyone else here!

This is why you're so hyperactive.

(Some times I wonder if I'm really Saudi when I say such terminologies)
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